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⭐️ Social ⭐️ How High Are You? V. How Much Wood Does a Woodchuck Chuck?

Dropped 0.2 of high quality MDMA crystal and hour ago. Fuck what I said about losing magic. Coming up now, hard. Slight nystagmus.
Boosting with 10mg of 2C-B soon. Spliffs rolled.

Might bump some K at the tail-end of it.

Soma , Xanax and hash ready for the come down.


EDIT: I obvioslt can't spell soon. I'll lurk.
I ate a few trips, more than was plotted. Which was 25 mics originally.

Seemed like a good idea? It always starts out innocent.

However x that by 26. Just took some more vapor hits of some strong Sativa.

Gets me each time.

A minute ago I thought something else was a good idea but this weed is doing me in suddenly.

Maybe it's an illusion that any more than 650 ug is needed, 24 tabs in 2 days must be enough.

This weed just helped me realise that phew lol cos not joking, I suddenly felt super okay a bit, undecided after a topsy turvy day, I was thinking a big drop like 700 mics maybe.

Not tonight. I'm just winding down today, now and realise I am wasted enough.
Slept in for work so running late
Still time to rail up 160mg oxy and have a fucking glorious cup of Scottish breakfast blend tea 🍵
Will rail another 80 just before I get into work and have been staggering gaba p will stop those around lunchtime
5x5mg yellow diazepam for good measure too
And lots an lots of vapes of stardog as the day progresses
Stay safe people
Nightraver out
I start in an intensive outpatient program soon. I deleted and blocked all of my dealer's numbers. But, naturally, I bought more dope before I deleted the numbers. Quite a bit of good quality ice and some really fucking powerful black tar with some decent legs on it. I bought enough of each kind so that it should last me a week (probably longer because I'll take breaks to sleep and eat and rehydrate after every 48 hours or so) from the time I got it.

Mixed about .4 of each to get a nice level "goofball" high going. Start by hitting the ice out of my pipe then the black tar on foil after that, the high balances better that way for whatever reason. I find myself nodding momentarily only to be overtaken by stimulant effects that keep me from falling deep into a full on nod. My head feels like it is floating in the clouds. Thoughts are very well organized however, and so I'm writing in my journal while I'm not posting here or nearly nodding. I'm totally fucked up right now in the best kind of way.

I've gotta say though, I am not going to miss doing this shit. It used to be fun and feel good. But now I feel like I've ruined my life and hurt so many of the people around me that it isn't fun at all anymore, even if it feels good.
DAAAMN. Bought a blister of ksalols and lemme tell you, those things smack! I reckon double dosed or something. But whatever.

1mg ksalol earlier + 1mg bupre just injected. :reggae:
When you say bupe, you mean bupenorphine? I had no idea you could even inject that and get high. About to rip the bong myself ❄️💨
Just finished the second of the 2 stones I bought to go with my heroin (as you all can see, I am a classy act), the last couple of pipes being just slight eye openers as I have been quaffing the proceeds of my first proper shop in a couple of weeks (I am on MMT and have kept it clean for screening purposes) most of the afternoon. This includes 2mg of clonazepam once I got down to my last pipe or so of coke as both an anxiolytic and to potentiate the poppy powder - its pretty strong but my tolerance is high from my regular treatment, which has seen me engage in obviously unadvisable behaviour like this for an embarrassingly long time.

With another appt. in a month mind, this will probably be it junky drug wise until after that as the most valuable item in honesty was the weed - my first smoke in 2 weeks as well leaving me in that perfect lean. While the ganja's nothing too exotic (2 grams K2, 2 grams of some Diesel type strain) it was cheap as chips and will be perfect to check out Dune at the flix over the next couple of days.

Peace and Happy Bonfire Night to all x I just want to plead that blowing up the seat of a government really will not help anything at the moment, especially those reading in a certain Constitutional Republic who's parliamentary equivalent has already seen enough strife this year.....
8mg Suboxone
50mg Vyvanse
50mg Hydroxyzine
2g Phenibut
500mg F-phenibut
10mg N-methyl-cyclazodone
70mg DMT (in two doses, 20 + 50)

All I can say is, WOW. Felt like I've been reborn. I definitely felt some panic and near death experience vibes at points, but once I settled into it, it was majestic. Was good and high for maybe 30 whole minutes before I totally came down.

About to go to a concert. Brought a 30mg DMT dose, to take in addition to the k that my friends have. Excited!!
Weed tincture 60 mg. 10 mg methadone after 3 days without any. 20 mg diazepam.

Need more drugs but just nothing seems to get me off how I need to be. Tried nitrous but it's ultra addictive but I feel so shitty after it's poison. I can't and don't drink. I meed another drug tho

It's not enough. I need to get back into strong oxy 30s or dilauded. "I am never going to financially recover from this."
Feeling happy and finally calm

happy to be here another day (ain’t been doing too good with that) but hey I’m still here 🙂

chillin good on

Whole pack of cigs
1 cup of strong black coffee
250mg diphenhydramine
8.5mg mg lorazepam with no tolerance on a completely fasted stomach

feels good to feel good I suppose lol

I hope all y’all are being as safe as possible 🙂 and I hope everyone has at least one genuine happy moment in their day
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While the ganja's nothing too exotic (2 grams K2, 2 grams of some Diesel type strain) it was cheap as chips and will be perfect to check out Dune at the flix over the next couple of days.
In your area, does K2 refer to a synthetic cannabinoid powder (sprinkled on inert leaf) or is just the name for a certain strain of cannabis?
A big bump of MXIPR, a bowl and a beer.
This disso is so lush. Perfect for melting into the couch and listening to music.
Happy Saturday Blue fuckers
Just woke up to a text saying have Saturday off
Time to start doubling up the meds
Only hit 160mg ox just now but pick up at nine so will be a good day with some more good luck threw in
Hello mate. Hearing that just brightened my own day. I am a screw up you know. I already fractured at least a knuckle in my right hand last week. Almost 4 weeks into Flu, 2 to go.

Another, uneven-dissolution rooted unintended, ungaugable Etiz overdose (or two?) two days ago, I fell while undressing for a shower, pretty cained all round tbf, and actually broke some ribs in my back.

Blacked out soon after. Did a whole load of shit, just few memory snippets! Messy. Almost catastrophic, a little even.

My mum, was FUMING. Mess round house.

I'm lucky to stand man. Twice in under a fortnight, this time a back break by definition but could be a lifetime's worse. Just hurts, invalided but should repair.

Haven't slept since 7.30 pm Friday- 7.15 am Saturday now.

Kind of in a pickle generally. Lots of kava overnight soothed my pains well. Lots weed. I just took about 30 mics of Acid. Most I will consider atm.

I need to mini dose, if at all, that would possibly help me get back on track.

But anyway @Nightraver awsome man glad you got a nice break today.

Enjoy that Stardog, and Scottish tea it pipes my tea appetite hearing you tale it.

I will vape some more Sativa now. Trying to wake up a bit. Need food but flu had my guts in a twist for a month now damnit lol.

Roll on! 🙂
I'm having my first experience with a new (to me) drug this morning. The full backstory is long and probably boring but the tl;dr version is I'm currently in a rehab place (the physical therapy kind not the getting clean kind lol) and waiting for arrangements to be made to see a dentist. Since a few of the teeth I didn't have pulled last time are messed up and painful now.

So until I can see the dentist I'm getting Tramadol. Which I've heard is a joke, doesn't even really count as an opioid. But other people say they have gotten a good high from it so I will see. The only thing is since I'm in this facility it's not like I just have the bottle of pills in my hands, the nurse comes around with pills in a little cup and watches me take them. So I'm going to have to get tricky if I want to have more than 1 pill at time.

But for now I just took the first pill I've ever had of Tramadol as the nurse gave it to me. That was about an hour ago and so far can't say I feel much but I've been reading trip reports on erowid and a lot of folks there said Tramadol can take a long time to kick in.

Somebody there also said that the pills hit stronger if you chew them up, my tongue revolts at the idea but it might be a way to make the most of 1 measly little pill. I'll update here if I start feeling anything but I'm not expecting much. :(