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⭐️ Social ⭐️ How High Are You? V. How Much Wood Does a Woodchuck Chuck?

I’m not high (anymore) but I really fell like I have concussion from getting as high as I possibly could mixing IM ketamine with insufflated bumps of cocaine for several hours until finally calling the whole thing quits with a handful of benzos.

To be honest, I suspect it’s actually the addition of the benzos that is mostly responsible for the final feeling of being somewhat brain-damaged. I’ve taken 30 mg dexamfetamine and had two strong coffees to try and snap back to functionality but it has not really taken effect yet. I’ve got some family shit to do in a few hours and don’t want to be tempted to snort a bit of coke or speed or MDMA in order to be able to leave the house.
Put it this way:
Have you ever been so high you had to turn the volume down on the TV to taste your food?
I'm right about there.
Bouta have this pretty little Spanish jawn run a half gram of ice into my arm and made the switch to subs today. The tranq just isn't worth it. And Philly is all about the tranq right now.
Bouta have this pretty little Spanish jawn run a half gram of ice into my arm and made the switch to subs today. The tranq just isn't worth it. And Philly is all about the tranq right now.
finally feel a legit post from me here.

some good shit dont have name just thank stars and shit. yall need cpula puff for hr ppurposes ro make sue i dont od on flower? full spectrum.... is this what this means?
Fuck must be in the suckie assed place in PA mysel 15022. what a shhitshow but having to produce the whole of the production...not doing terribly... imo...hahaha
Oh, and welcome to our humbleness abode.
If I dont bounce around imma pass out coffeee or not - maybe see ya inna a few,
One love

sp always look for edits in myposts i dont knwo if they like more posts or keeping shit :together: ay knbow?
That sounds fun, what’s the difference between gbl and ghb by the way? Is it like comparing clonazepam and Valium?
They're essentially the same drug but gbl kicks in faster so it has more of a "rush", and it's also stronger by weight.
GBL is a prodrug of GHB.
Had a half egg of heroin got it yesterday after not having any for over a week it's a one off my grandmas worried I'm going back on it but I'm not I'm just being honest
Been dying with the flu past week and 2 days off work so I deserve a bit of good high 😊