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⭐️ Social ⭐️ How High Are You? V. How Much Wood Does a Woodchuck Chuck?

6mg eszopiclone (2 x 3mg) and a 2mg as well.

Also 20mg noopept which I’ve never tried before.

Relaxing 😌
16mg Suboxone
30mg Vyvanse
5mg Aripiprazole
150mg Hydroxyzine
40mg Baclofen
1.2g Gabapentin

Had class and been playing civ again all day. About to go in to work, eating some munchies
Took some kratom + methadone this afternoon. I'm feeling very good right now, the combination even made me nod out earlier.
50mg Hydroxyzine
600mg Gabapentin
1.5g Phenibut

Playing civ on the switch. Got my phenibut in today, day earlier than expected. Took some for the first time about an hour ago. No effect really yet but I understand it takes a while to fully come on. About to go to work for a few hours so hopefully should kick in and keep things interesting
2 milligrams of Mexazolam (Japanese Benzo) each day for the past few days. Reasonably Strong. Takes it's time coming on, really goes to the head and lasts a long time. Have experienced slight amnesia (can't remember falling asleep last night or the night before) and the 'blurring together of days' I used to get from Xanax

Metabolises into lorazepam and delorazepam. It's surprisingly heavy in contrast to the reviews I've read. Apparently it loses effectiveness quicker with regular use than diazepam.

A bit darker and significantly more potent than my personal favourite; Temazepam, but there are certainly some parallels.

I like this.
@Kaden_Nite sound's like an rarely encountered Benzo.

Intriguing as i liked Lorazepam and Temazepam is ime the best one.

20 mg o-DSMT after my Mango smoothie, atm eating a Dahl Curry. And then some herb. Tuda Boedha Haze to be precise.

To bad i am out of high CBD weed, so that's on my shopping list for today. After my visit to the 'piece-o-shit' Neurologist that treat's, or should be treating, my Epilepsy.

"Obstacle's they come and go ..."
I'm pretty toasted as i fell of the wagon again.

Keep myself clean for a week or so and then the boredom sets in and the roller coasters starts again plus being ghosted also made me feel shitty aswell

Anyhow had so far

2 bags H
400ml vodka
30mg valium
1mg alzam
and a ton of weed

When will this stop..
someone i got very close to on here and no i can't reach her on any platforms that we were communicating on and now she is gone, Don't know what to think. Did i get ghosted or did something really bad happen to her, i am worried.
Took my last methadone pill today. I'm not a regular smoker but I went and bought a pack anyway, unfortunately menthol cigs were banned in the EU... But I actually had exactly 1 menthol cig in my stash, and it was much more enjoyable than the regular ones. I'm very opiated at the moment.
Took my last methadone pill today. I'm not a regular smoker but I went and bought a pack anyway, unfortunately menthol cigs were banned in the EU... But I actually had exactly 1 menthol cig in my stash, and it was much more enjoyable than the regular ones. I'm very opiated at the moment.
They banned menthols? Yeesh, what a load of bullshit.
They've been talking about doing it in the US lately too.
Yeah it's probably a matter of time, though big tobacco seems to be much more powerful in the US (more efficient at lobbying). Here every pack looks the same, basically something like this:

Menthols are superior :devil stoner:
Just got back from going to see Rocky Horror. It was amazing.

Cigarettes 17
Sertraline 150mg
Dihydrocodeine 600mg
Gabapentin 3300mg
Cyclizine 250mg
Naproxen 250mg
Omeprazole 20mg