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How do you feel right this moment? ~ V.Healthy Living

today i've felt like pure shit. stuck in 2nd gear all day. all because i overslept my alarm by an hour and had only enough time to shower and leave. ate brekkie at my desk, a mcmuffin and hash brown.

this is so crap. to think i used to do this every day, and most people still do.

getting up that hour extra early every day and eating a good breakfast at home over an episode of something or other is REALLY fucking important.

Neither + both L2.

Doing it for my kidneys.
I've got a major problem
(symptom-wise) that just
isn't science,
but I reckon undealt with,
'll kill me before I'm 45.

I've always been afraid of needles, Cap,
mainly 'caus I get a madcrazy reaction
when they are stuck in me.

I pretty much faint, regardless of whether
I'm lying down or not, same thing happened
when he put the needles in my feet,
I broke out in a major cold sweat all over,
proceeded to feel waves of grief pass over me,
followed by crying for about 10 minutes,
energetic 'conversations' occurring between
my right shoulder, heart, kidney/lower back
+ solar plexus front.

I felt unsteady for the rest of the day,
but SERIOUSLY purged,
looking forward to another treatment.

dude, there's a dude at the hyde park medical centre who reckons he can treat needle fears and reactions. might be an idea to have a chat. they're on liverpool street.
seriously, i feel great.

healthy, not sick. smashing a estimate 500 calories a day. eating good food.
mentally, seen the light outa this anxiety shit. feel A1
work, hate it but pays the bills.
friends/family, love em got no shame telling anyone of them either.
relationship, great couldnt be better im in love :)

life truely is such a delicate beautiful

Bluelight, i love you
^well aren't you just shittin rainbows up there :D

Honestly I am completely out of balance, mentally and physically. I am sick of the cycle of being tired, eating some junk food cuz I'm too tired to cook, drinking some alcohol then cuz I'm sad/tired, then waking up tired so I drink caffeine to stay up. I feel worn down. I know what I need to do to stop this, but sometimes its just much easier said than done. I need to kick my ass. I hate to say it but exercising isn't even fun to me anymore. It used to be my favorite thing that I looked forward to every day. Now I'm just so tired I have to drag myself into my running shoes, and not as often as I should be.
Anxiety-ridden...yet somewhat optimistic that it is going to change. Sometimes there's nothing to do but feel like shit, eh? :\
good, found a big jar of bulgarian yogurt with the fats i can have. some yogi stomach soothing tea, just had my first sip and its delic, lots of good ingredients(but im still weary of it), a peligrino, and a lentil and shitake salad.
plus half a mmj cookie.

Edit: n/m the tea, feels like i got kicked in the stomach.
so good night.
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Made a black tea / rhodiola quadrifola drink, ate quark.
I miss my marijuana, and today i'm gonna play a gig with christian rock group, why on the earth they do not have marijauna, i like to smoke and play base.
I found that it is very beneficial to have a slow morning - when you don't have to hurry up, it makes your mind peaceful.
relieved to have my house back and grateful to have spent quality time with my mom
2 weeks to host guests is too long with the wrong people involved
ohhh buddy, finally did some eating.

bay scallops
honey and euro yogurt
thyme some dill
enough wheat flour to thicken some
splash of water
some quinua(sp) angel hair broken into smaller pieces
and a couple splashes of some vanilla chai protein drink
a little spaced out and tired. at least i'm not hung over any more. now i'm drinking some coffee and contemplating the fact that i have to work all night. at least it pays pretty well.

happy, for sure :)
Anxious.. I want to go home already.. sitting in an airport for a couple hours sucks.. lucky they have free WiFi so I can post this.
Well changed my username to euphoria today... been in the process of doing that for awhile, oddly enough it happened the day that I feel completely disphoric :|

I've posted about my sertraline side effects in this forum before... but shit's kind of taken a turn for the worse and now i'm just trying to taper off it completely

I mean zoloft literally saved my life. I've been taking a high dose of it for about seven months now, and after about the six month mark, it started affecting me way differently. Instead of the constant state of euphoria, feeling like my 'old' self again, I started to experience periods of extreme irritation, both mentally and physically. At times I think about suicide, not actually doing it, I would never actually kill myself, but the words 'i want to shoot myself in the face' and 'please kill me' go through my head almost all day long. It's a really weird feeling. Not to mention weight gain, lack of energy, and nightmares. The food that I eat is extremely healthy. I get all the nutrients I need and I've cut down on alcohol, since combining zoloft with it made me horribly depressed. I just eat too much in general. I'm always starving. I'm trying to taper off this shit but the rebound anxiety is worse than the original anxiety I felt.

So, to sum up, I feel unhealthy! I need to get my shit together!! Going through a breakup and having a cold doesn't help matters. I need like a jump start or an attitude shift or something. I mostly just want to lose weight as I feel heavy and sluggish.
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Worst day ever.
5 hour sleep, to leave an hour earlier for work to accomodate my boss.... to just be stuck in traffic for an extra fuckin hour.
Got bitched at for being late, sleep deprived... drove my ass home to find my house completely trashed from my beloved ex SO.
Found out my exam is next week? WTF. And still too stressed out about everything to actually be productive... distractions.
Oh, and I split my finger open at work(gross).
orangepopsicle (cool user name btw), deeeeeeep breaths...

god i know how those days feel, and they suck!! at least you're home now. take an hour or so to unwind! you deserve it after that day.
Feeling much better.. the past few days have been hell for me.