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My lower wisdom teeth are fucking killing me. Need to get them removed asap but I can't be scheduled till somewhere next week probably. Just lots of painkillers till then I suppose
My lower wisdom teeth are fucking killing me. Need to get them removed asap but I can't be scheduled till somewhere next week probably. Just lots of painkillers till then I suppose

Talk about tooth I have to go to a specialist for two of my molars and one of them get extracted yikes! They haven't called me but I am dying to go!!!!
Talk about tooth I have to go to a specialist for two of my molars and one of them get extracted yikes! They haven't called me but I am dying to go!!!!

Don't worry, extractions suck but really don't hurt that much. I've had plenty of surgery on my teeth (including a 12mm screw for a dental implant for one of my upper front tooth) so it's not that I fear the actual procedure, it just sucks waiting for it so long :)
^I've seen many dentist in my life, some good ones and some bad ones that don't give a fuck about hurting you, because when I was younger I had my two front teeth knocked out with a hockey stick.
Last 2011 I had two of my wisdom teeth extracted and then had to come back for a root canal on this tooth im having problems with right now but the dentist made a mistake, he did a root canal on another tooth. I was annoyed, like im not paying for that! So I got the next procedures free and free whitening too.

The specialist still hasn't called me ughhh I really wanna get this extraction done.
^ Woah, he done the wrong one! It's amazing to me that a professional could get the wrong one, I mean the mouth is not a very big place! lol
I would hope the next ones free.

Did it cause any extra pain??
My dad's a dentist

I wish he was closer so I can just make an appointment with your dad!

^ Woah, he done the wrong one! It's amazing to me that a professional could get the wrong one, I mean the mouth is not a very big place! lol
I would hope the next ones free.

Did it cause any extra pain??

I have a different dentist now, damn I am not going to the same dentist for sure! Anddd the specialist still hasn't called me. I think I should get a different specialist then since they are not interested for a new patient :\
Maya, that sounds like the worst thing ever.

I get sooo much anxiety from the dentist. I didn't go for three years because I was so scared to go. I finally went back in March and ended up having ten cavities!! I got them all filled within a month but it was terrible. The night before, I wouldn't be able to sleep and the, when I did, I'd have nightmares. They even gave me laughing gas but I don't think it really worked. I'm so glad I haven't had to had a root canal. It sounds so scary.
Oh hell yeah! I was definitely terrified they did the root canal on the wrong tooth!! I was shocked and super annoyed with the dental assistant who noted the teeth numbers but the dentist should have double checked too before proceeding with the root canal.

Im going to stop by at the dental office to see if I can get another specialist since up to now I haven't recieved a call back for an appointment. Grrrr..
Sometimes I think that I completely black out parts of my memory where I act like someone entirely different, and fill those moments when i'm someone else with the memories of something else i would have been doing as my regular self. So I live a seamless life in a current person, but only through astute observations and theoretical speculations does the possibility of me being someone else ever come into mind.
I swear, every couple of weeks I go on a "I'm determined to be 100% healthy" spree and I do it for a couple weeks and then stop for a couple weeks. Not that I'm terribly unhealthy but I am just much more motivated at times. I wish I could keep this motivation all the time because I've been great all week.

My coworker is doing some sort of cleanse and I wonder if that would be good for me. I'm not sure though considering I already eat mostly fruits and veggies.

Maya, any luck with the dentist yet?
^have another appt with the dentist on thurs to settle the final score. The dentist will open the gum that has the swelling/abcess and try to drain and redo the root canal then also try to fix the very last tooth on my right gum. Cant wait for thursday to get all of these done.
I swear, every couple of weeks I go on a "I'm determined to be 100% healthy" spree and I do it for a couple weeks and then stop for a couple weeks. Not that I'm terribly unhealthy but I am just much more motivated at times. I wish I could keep this motivation all the time because I've been great all week.

My coworker is doing some sort of cleanse and I wonder if that would be good for me. I'm not sure though considering I already eat mostly fruits and veggies.

Maya, any luck with the dentist yet?

Sounds familiar. I read this article a few days back on how the moon interacts with the way in which the brain releases several neurotransmitters (like it apparently also affects women's periods), pretty interesting stuff which may explain why in some weeks you're more motivated/ capable of doing things than others. I'll try to find the article and post it here later
^ Yes please, I'd like to find out more about that. Seems interesting
My knee hurts and the pain seems to get a little worse every day.

I had a hot bath a couple days ago with my legs up resting against the wall. I must've been in this position for over half an hour and when I got up I couldn't stand up from the pain.

idk if I should go doctor. I've had a habit of sitting on my right foot for years now I've probably ruined my knee and my posture and everything.
If it really bothers you and it's been going on for a while there's no harm in gettin it checked up. I usually go to the doctors just for peace if mind as well
So just an update on my teeth issues, the dentist didn't perform root canal yet, he had to put medication on booth teeth that have infection, I have another appointment on june 19 for the root canal. He mentioned that I might or might not feeling sore but if the teeth ever gets sore I have to take tylenol or advil. He also cleaned both teeth and the abscess will heal in about a week and then he can drain the abscess completely. Ughh sucks that I have to go back again but it needs to get done!!
Well, getting it done sooner rather than later is best!
So he's saying that your tooth may just hurt randomly? That would really suck. :(

I tried ice cream the other day (I think it's been about a year since I've had actual ice cream). I took lactose pills so I was fine but oh gosh... sugar overload. I seriously don't think my body can handle that much sugar. I suppose when I was younger and ate whatever, it wouldn't matter. But now that I'm looking after myself and trying to just eat healthy, it's not used to so much sugar and it made me just feel lethargic!