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I have been really good with eating healthy and working out. I can't believe myself sometimes of how intense I can be when it comes to working out in the gym and going to hot yoga. I have lost weight and I am quite happy with the results. I am aiming to lose another 10 lbs so I will keep up the hard work.
Hi im JR.I smoke crush's and have a 3 mo.beard growing to Taliban status.
Aha, aren't you supposed to slowly wear in new shoes?

Yes, you are. Normally I wear running shoes for a week or so during the day before taking them for an actual run. My new shoes felt so comfy I figured I'd skip that. Bad call!
Speakin of shoes I think I need a new pair! ! My gym shoes are gettin worn off LOL
Took a shitload of leftover bananas, some mangos, apples and oranges home from work yesterday but I can't find some essential parts of my juicer. Guess I'll just turn them into a good ol' fruit salad
^yum! Sounds good right now. Its only 5 am and I know I should go back to sleep but I need to be refreshed so im grabbing an orange right now.
Fruit salad is so delicious!!! I eat fruit ALL the time but I haven't actually made a fruit salad in some time. Maybe in the summer, when we have more fruit! :)

I'm bringing my parents to a vegan restaurant tonight. It's my favourite restaurant, it's so delicious and I obviously don't have to check if anything is "okay" for me to eat!! (I'm not completely vegan but I don't eat meat and I can't have much dairy and I just avoid animal products in general.) My dad is a super picky eater though LOL he only eats potatoes and chicken and hamburgers. I told him they have veggie burgers there. Anyway, I am excited for it :)
^I wish I can be like that but I love meat!! Specially chicken and fish!!!

How did your parents like the restaurants? What did they order?
^I wish I can be like that but I love meat!! Specially chicken and fish!!!

How did your parents like the restaurants? What did they order?

My dad was grouchy. Seriously dad, I just wanted you to eat ONE dinner without meat. That's hardly asking for a lot. And at a restaurant where I have more than one thing (usually a salad) to order from? Come on! My mom enjoyed it though (she's isn't closed minded like my dad though, and she loves meat as well). I just don't get why some people can't handle one meal without meat. It's not like you HAVE to have it or anything. I wasn't asking them to change their lives. Oh well. It is my fave restaurant and it has sooo many delicious things. My dad had a garden stir fry, my mom had a chow mein, and I had a veg burger. All were delicious (in my opinion).

Juice fast, Day 5

I have yet to understand juice fasts. What's so great about them? I feel like you don't get all the nutrients you need, as well as a lot of calories from the natural sugars.
Agree with llama, juice fasting imo is terribly unhealthy. What's the reason behind it?
I'm on a diet now where I've cut out glutenous grains and sugars, I still get some non-gluten carbs at breakfast but for the rest of my meals I've replaced carbs with fatty foods and that seems to work out even better. Typical lunch for me now:

I have yet to understand juice fasts. What's so great about them? I feel like you don't get all the nutrients you need, as well as a lot of calories from the natural sugars.

Agree with llama, juice fasting imo is terribly unhealthy. What's the reason behind it?

Lol, you two have clearly never seen Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

How would you not get the vast majority of the nutrients you need? It's recommended that you get five servings of fruits and veggies a day. Yet I can put in carrots, beets, apples, lemons, cilantro, kale, cucumbers, kiwi, and so on and get literally four times that amount every day.

I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with calories. I ignore calories completely. They hardly matter. I focus on nutrient density first and foremost. I have learned through experience that getting a complete profile of nutrients helps more than anything else. When I have a complete profile of nutrients -- extremely difficult, by the way; I'm still learning -- cravings virtually cease, and it matters naught the amount of calories. And this is despite the fact that I burn a ton of calories every day because I am extremely active.

While I don't know how many calories are in 40 ounces of fresh fruit and veggie juice, experientially it's nothing too significant.

As far as sugar goes, that's a legitimate concern. Read that list of fruits and vegetables again. Not much sugar. I like to actually enjoy my juice, so I use a small handful of fruits and veggies for sugar: beets and carrots for vegetables, and one or two sweet fruits, almost always apples and oranges.

Other than that I pay no mind to what potential sugars I'm ingesting. Why? Because I'm already healthy and active. I exercise every day and did not stop just because I was fasting (or "cleansing," if you're pedantic).

It is important not to deprive oneself if you ever want to stick to a healthful lifestyle for more than just a handful of weeks or months at a time. If I'm getting a few too much sugar in one burst, so what? I posit -- both theoretically and experentially -- that rewarding myself with a slightly more sugary fruit & veggie juice, or a slightly sugary granola, is helping me stay committed, because when you break down, guess what you're going to eat? Ice cream, chocolate, and all other kinds of crap that is 0% healthful. Don't allow the perfect to be the enemy of the better.

As with anything in life, the benefits of a juice fast must be experienced. It's so far from the realm of experience of most people's lives that it's natural that people are threatened by it. The way I feel mentally and physically on them does not lie.

I've been experimenting with fasting for the past three or four years. It's completely awesome! Spiritually and holistically inspiring every single time, without fail. Every single time my experience gets lighter and better.

How do I even begin to note the positives? My energy levels skyrocket. Focus and patience improves. Motivation. Stubborn belly fat dissipates. Skin and hair quality improve. Taste buds normalize. Psychological cravings disappear. Resolve and discipline strengthen. Food is incredibly overrated; one is shocked at the attachments one has to food that have absolutely nothing to do with sustenance itself! It's one thing to intellectually pontificate on these things and quite another to live it through mind, body and soul.

I wrote much more about my juice fasting experience on my blog back in January, when I fasted for nine days to help break a stubborn (but far from debilitating) addiction to meth and marijuana. To anyone reading this who is interested, just PM me and I'll send you the link. (I don't like advertisements of any kind.)

My goal is 30 fasted days for the year. I broke the fast yesterday evening; I'm at 14 for the year. Sweet!
How do you get enough protein and fat from fruits and vegetables?
I supplemented very minimally (two heaping teaspoons a day, 4g/protein per teaspoon) with spirulina to minimize, and hopefully eliminate, any loss of hard-earned muscle. (I'm pretty skinny, so yeah.)

Other than that I'm not supposed to get protein and fat. That's the point of the fast/cleanse!

Here are some resources. As always, do your own research and trust your own intuition, experience and knowledge:



How to

I'm on a diet now where I've cut out glutenous grains and sugars, I still get some non-gluten carbs at breakfast but for the rest of my meals I've replaced carbs with fatty foods and that seems to work out even better. Typical lunch for me now:


Yum! That's delish Thujone mouthwatering :D
Ooohhh so you get the rest of your nutrients from vitamins basically. Honestly, I didn't realize you weren't supposed to get protein and stuff in a juice cleanse. Interesting. I don't think I'd be able to do that. You'd get much more than your recommended servings of fruits and veggies. I get more than my recommended fruits and veggies every day lol. I also do think calories are relatively important. If it is recommended that you eat 1200 calories a day and you're eating 2400 (twice the amount), you're going to get huge quickly - especially if it's on mostly fruits (lots of natural sugar). I mean, it's not the most important thing in the world but still something that I personally keep in mind. Maybe it's just because I'm smaller and can't afford to have a gazillion calories. Anyway, the juice fast seems interesting. Not for me, but interesting! :)

On a side note, I haven't had issues with iron since I became vegetarian 2-3 years ago. But the past few weeks, I've just been soooooo tired. I figure it's a lack of iron. Had some iron supplements yesterday and I feel better today. I'm impressed that I have been eating well enough that long to not have any iron issues. I've gotta keep looking after myself though.

Also, I got a vegetable spiralizer!!! It was recommended to me by some friends, I'm really looking forward to trying it out. Veggie pasta - yum!!! And it'll make my daily veggie slicing much easier (I hope!)
Ilikestimes, you will definitely lose muscle if you only get 8g of protein per day. Anyway, are you still fasting?