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HL Social Thread

I was so pissed yesterday because the Dental office called me to remind me of the payment I have to pay for the last root canal I had, and it's because my benefits were maxed out from the appointment I had before my root canal which was to clean the abscess on two of my gums. He told me that the previous dentist did not do a good job on performing the root canal and even made a mistake on which tooth he had to do the root canal on ugh!

That's soooo crazy!!! So are your teeth okay now??
I'm just about out of my dental benefits for the year too! I had eleven fillings earlier in the year and then, last week, my tooth chipped while eating an almond! It was next to an old filling so I had to get that taken out and then a bigger filling put in. I officially have enough money for one cleaning and like half a filling if I need another one. And I have 3K of benefits (and they only pay 80% :'( I spend way too much money on my teeth).
A root canal freaks me out though so I don't care any more, I'm going for a cleaning twice a year and getting fillings done ASAP. My dentist said that, if you leave them too long, that's how you get root canals. Usually if you don't have benefits for a while. Soooo scary!!!!

I just got a pet snake, love it.

How big is it? My sister had a small pet snake once and it was fine but I'd be a bit scared if it was a big snake!

Non HL related but social related, can I put it here? My boyfriend and I got engaged a few days ago :) Hehe I'm excited!
^wonderful news llama!

It was around 50cm/20inches long. I found her dead on the 1st of august :/
Congrats illama! Yes my teeth are okay now. I think what really caused the abcess was because i wasnt flossing properly. I was suggested again to get my two of my upper wisdom teeth to be taken out but I'm not going to do it because i have not encountered any problems yet.
^wonderful news llama!

Thank you <3

It was around 50cm/20inches long. I found her dead on the 1st of august :/

Oh no! Do you know what happened?
I always recommend hamsters as pets. They are seriously awesome. You can ignore them for days and they don't even care LOL and you don't have to pay attention to them much, just make sure they are okay. But you can also snuggle with them :p

Congrats illama! Yes my teeth are okay now. I think what really caused the abcess was because i wasnt flossing properly. I was suggested again to get my two of my upper wisdom teeth to be taken out but I'm not going to do it because i have not encountered any problems yet.

Thanks Maya!
Floss daily!!!!! Seriously!!!!! I've been flossing daily (well, okay, I do miss a day or two, probably a couple times each month :p ) And do get dentist cleaning done twice a month.
Also get your wisdom teeth taken out as soon as possible. Mine didn't have problems but they said they would in a few years so I just got all four out at once. Easy enough. They put you to sleep so you don't even know what's happening! :)
^I don't know if I am up for that for now lol plus they told me my dental benefits is maxed out for this year waaah!!! So next year for sure I will get them taken out.
Apparently I posted in this thread a year and 4 days ago. How about a bump to get this thread to page 41?
your mom.

actually the weather was quite nice today.
