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Has weed fucked you/anyone you know up?

B1T0, whether weed's a catalyst or a cause doesn't really make a difference in my mind. It's hard to deny that people that let their habit get out of control experience negative side-effects, with more vulnerable people possibly and more likely experiencing more major consequences to their psyche... to deny that would be ignorant in my opinion.
Moderation. Cannabis has been well studied and has proven to be one of the safest drugs you can use. I can make a thread about chocolate chip cookies fucking you up, and if it were on a chocolate chip cookie forum I bet someone would reply about how they made them fat.

At the same time the negative effects of cannabis are pretty well known as well. If you are smoking all day everyday and complain about it fucking you up, well duh!

Is it worth it? For some people yeah. Especially those who really use it medicinally, any of the mild side effects don't compare to the benefits they receive from using it. It's the same with every drug. Every single one has side effects.
At the same time the negative effects of cannabis are pretty well known as well. If you are smoking all day everyday and complain about it fucking you up, well duh!

I feel the same way, but when people start spewing off that weed absolutely will not have any negative effects on their life in a place where young and impressionable minds are likely to read and ask questions... well, I just feel like the record needs to be set straight, that's all.
B1T0, whether weed's a catalyst or a cause doesn't really make a difference in my mind. It's hard to deny that people that let their habit get out of control experience negative side-effects, with more vulnerable people possibly and more likely experiencing more major consequences to their psyche... to deny that would be ignorant in my opinion.
without a doubt.
I think the record is set straight. This isn't some big mystery. The effects of this drug, positive and negative, have been very well studied, and are very well understood. Among those who care enough to consider all the information available to them, I don't think there is any confusion about these things.

Something i have been thinking a lot about lately is what are the effects of all the additives growers use today? The array of products, be it fertilizers, insecticides or whatever, that are marketed towards those growing cannabis is crazy.

We know cannabis the plant is pretty harmless when used occasionally, but what about all of these products used to grow it these days. Sort of scary stuff.

I think the record is set straight. This isn't some big mystery. The effects of this drug, positive and negative, have been very well studied, and are very well understood. Among those who care enough to consider all the information available to them, I don't think there is any confusion about these things.

Do you remember being 12-13 years old? That's when I first started looking up info about drugs before I took them. It took me a hell of a long time to stumble across BL and Erowid (the two best sites for harm reduction and unbiased info, respectively). Before getting to those two sites, I had to sift through a whole lot of garbage that I didn't know it was misinformation at the time.

I was a persistent little fucker, though. Not many kids these days are. For young people in middle school and just entering into high school they tend to know fuckall about substance use and abuse and will take the word of the first person to speak on the subject to them (I mean, does D.A.R.E. ring a bell?), so no, I don't think the record is set all that straight.

/respectful disagreeance
^that's not true. People should be able to disconnect mind and body, but know how to come back together.

These drugs people get prescribed are not something good, dude...they just drugs that are pushed onto the desperate and ignorant.

Okay maybe the anti-depressant example wasn't that great, but I firmly believe that body = mind. Healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Try exercise, yoga in particular and see how it affects your mind.
i feel like when i do it too much. it makes me emotionally complacent. i think complacency is a problem in general that needs to be examined.
when i do it periodically its more fun and interactive. but its so easy to rely on and get in an everyday type situation.

it also makes me fat. i eat like a machine stoned. spoonfuls of jam/peanut butter. cereal and milk configurations which include entirely too much honey or maple syrup. the assaults to my figure are endless lmao.

but once in a while is ok. it brings things to perspective. its certainly better than ambien for sleep related struggles i feel.
I know people and have myself had a mild 'problem' stopping weed in the past.
Having said that, getting 'high' seems to be a natural, biological drive almost and
cannabis / marijuana / weed is really the least harmful of the current options.

Google 'Jamie Minor' to see the unintended consequences of making a harmless high illegal.
People turn to other options and...
Okay maybe the anti-depressant example wasn't that great, but I firmly believe that body = mind. Healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Try exercise, yoga in particular and see how it affects your mind.

I do yoga. I have done for 3 years.
Short answer, if you smoke it all day every day, yeah, you'll experience negative effects (which pale in comparison to use of anything harder than pot). However if you smoke ocassionally - once every couple days etc or only at parties or whatever, I honestly don't think it's going to do any damage. Look how many people drink 3 - 4 beers per night - in my opinion that is far more of a serious issue.

Personally I'm scared of getting lung cancer and am trying to stick to edibles (which I prefer anyway, love the body high). Plus, in my experience it's a lot harder to get laid when my mouth smells like pot smoke - but edibles leave no trace :)
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Yes, I think it has fucked me up a bit. I've been smoking pot for about 3 and a half years fairly consistently (mostly daily with some medium to big breaks). I think weed affects everyone differently and for me I think I'm predisposed to weed's negative affects. I was actually diagnosed with schizophrenia recently, maybe because the weed use brought it out. What I've noticed is like my whole psychology has changed - my attitude, my general thoughts and ... I dunno, it sounds cheesy but my 'mental health'. I've been writing almost every day (journaling) for these last 3 and a half years and when I look back at my writing from before I smoked weed I sounded a LOT smarter (or something), and now the shit I write tends to really not make any sense. That's really the main way I know it's fucked me up a bit.. I haven't experienced anything horrible/stressful/traumatic at all, I just think I've really held myself back. I even took a 6 month break last year and that wasn't really enough time to fully get back to where I was before smoking, although the improvements were HUGE. But then I went back to smoking.. I think I'm a bit addicted to it or something. I wish I could smoke weed without it fucking me up but I just can't handle it. :(
I think this is a great thread, There aren't enough honest discussions about marijuana, and the negative effects it can have on a person. Has weed fucked me up? Yes, without a doubt. Would I have been fucked up without weed? Yes, for sure. But pot always provided a distraction and an escape from having to deal with the things that were at the root cause of the problem. I am 31, just starting a career, and just starting to deal with a whole ton of emotional/physchological issues that have been affecting my life for over 15 years now. From about 24-29, even when I became cognizant of these things that were holding me back, I used pot as an escape from the reality of my situation, and it really did work for a while, but eventually you get to a point where you (at least me) want something more from your life, and being addicted to anything just gets in the way of that.
TL;DR, but my little brother is a genius, He skipped grades in school, got top honours in a helicopter mechanics course, and then decided not to pursue it as a career, because he had to pass a drug test to get hired on anywhere, and he cannot go a day without smoking. I think (and this is just my opinion, so don't tear my head off) any addiction, is a sign of a deeper emotional imbalance, which is why some people get hooked on a drug, and some people can recreationally use any substance. But because pot is so socially acceptable (compared to other drugs at least), and because there are so many resources like High Times magazine, that jam the message that pot is not, addictive/harmful etc, people get hooked on it before they even realize what's happening, and the best way to make an underlying issue worse, is to ignore it for a few years.
I wish that when I was a teenager, there had been more honest discourse on the subject, because all I ever got was the two extremes, the DARE-all drugs are bad period, and the other end, of pot never hurt anyone/is not addictive school of thought. All I have to do is read through the Sex Love and Relationships forum, and see all the posts made by habitual pot smokers, about how they are shy, socially isolated,lonely, and can't get a date to save their lives, even though they have good jobs, rocked good grades in school, are in shape etc etc, to know that neither of those schools of thought are entirely true...Sorry for making this too long!
I have been off the pot now (with a few relapses) for over six months now, and my life has honestly improved so much. I am still super lonely, and have trouble getting dates, but when I man up and push my comfort levels to try things (which I never did when I was smoking), insanely good things have happened. Getting a great job, getting a career in the field I always wanted, picking up the only attractive woman in a camp with 250 other guys, and having a level of mental stability that I only dreamed of a few years ago...
Been tokin 4 years now, I've noticed increase in anxiety but in the last 4 years my dog of 10 years died, my parents split up, left school and don't really see alot of people from there anymore anyway
I have also took shrooms 4 times (After taking this drug last didn't touch no other drug except alcohol and weed till yesterday) Surprisingly I had less paranoia after this break when taking a stimulant and a very mild come down, could this be attributed to quitting tobacco?

Personally I smoke about 1-2grams a day shared with one person, I do wake up sometimes in a really bad mood but most of the time I wake up content, I'm thinking about going to the doctors about some kind of anxiety the thing is weed did not cause this, I used to get anxious as anything before weed but it still pops up now and then like for example if somebody shouted me at work I'd feel all shaky and just want to go mad, personally I think it's because I like to be in a downer/high state.

I've also noticed if I take anything like diazepam or tramadol my anxiety goes completely and I'm the happiest guy going, it's weird I think problems are all to do with what is going on in your life and what needs sorting when I had a job I got home smoked weed carefree no worrying but when i don't you get the worthless feeling.
90% of the people I know who smoke bongs every day dont work, are lazy and have shit hair cuts. If you think smoking weed every day will not have pretty major negative effects on you then you have not been smoking long enough to get to that point or you are very nieve.

Edit -Not to mention very short tempered and they sheldom go out and do anything unless it involves getting stoned. It makes you look like shit as well, you can tell a long term smoker a mile off.
I never liked it at all. Never had a single good time doing it. Ever. That didn't stop me from smoking it daily for years. I don't think I had much more negative effects than the morning nausea I see so many potheads have. And paranoia. But my brother... it turned him into a near shut in. He's super anti-social now and it gets worse the longer he continues to use it - i guess he's been smoking steadily/daily for like 12 years. He was a popular guy super into soccer - pre-olympic, and was a successful local hiphop artist. Now he can barely leave his house to go to dinner with my mom. Unfortunately he's by far not the only person I've heard having these problems with long term usage
It amplifies my loneliness to the point that it makes me incredibly antisocial and withdrawn, it definately dumbs me down when I'm on it, I get withdrawal symptoms and I find I'm a much more vibrant, happier, and motivated guy off the stuff. I don't really have anything to say when I'm baked and I often like to be alone. It makes life extremely fucking lame, man. I'm not even sure what's so good about being high all the time, it's just an escape I guess from problems that I think I have developed to to habitual cannabis use itself. Regardless of this, I continue to smoke it compulsively. I'd say it has fucked me up worse than all the alcohol, stimulants, mdma, and psychedelics combined. The drug affects people differently but a lot of addicts end up being huge burnouts in my experience.

In moderation it's entirely different, but it is the only drug out there that I have to put in extreme effort to try to use moderately, and always fail at this.
3 years and nothing but good. It causes anxiety if you allow it to; if you don't think negative and are happy and positive minded, weed is just the same. I'd think it quite a set and setting drug.