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Has weed fucked you/anyone you know up?

3 years and nothing but good. It causes anxiety if you allow it to; if you don't think negative and are happy and positive minded, weed is just the same. I'd think it quite a set and setting drug.
I really didnt bother to read the whole thread. That being said. My friend used to lie ,cheat, steal, fuck you over in everyway possible just for money/weed. It honestly was just astounding how I was opiate junkie for 5 years and never fucked anyone over. I made money off people but thats much different. This guy needs weed. He is mentaly addiced to it like cocaine or something.
90% of the people I know who smoke bongs every day dont work, are lazy and have shit hair cuts. If you think smoking weed every day will not have pretty major negative effects on you then you have not been smoking long enough to get to that point or you are very nieve.

Edit -Not to mention very short tempered and they sheldom go out and do anything unless it involves getting stoned. It makes you look like shit as well, you can tell a long term smoker a mile off.

wow you hate the bong
Nope. I've seen people fuck up because of their decisions, but definitely not anything major. Shit happens.

The only time I hear about weed addiction or anything like that is online. I do know one or two people who say they're mentally addicted to marijuana, but I'm sure they can get over it within a week.
Nope. I've seen people fuck up because of their decisions, but definitely not anything major. Shit happens.

The only time I hear about weed addiction or anything like that is online. I do know one or two people who say they're mentally addicted to marijuana, but I'm sure they can get over it within a week.

Eh, I'm several months into my break and I still have drug-laced dreams. I wake up every day wanting to smoke something and go to sleep feeling the same way...

Gotta be honest, though, the reason I quit was purely financial. I'll be indulging again very soon, maybe even tomorrow seeing as how I'm days away from starting a new job and scraped together a few extra dollars. I just don't know if I want to go ahead and grab a quarter, a G, or just hold off for another week and a half for the first paycheck.

Decisions, decisions.... %)
90% of the people I know who smoke bongs every day dont work, are lazy and have shit hair cuts. If you think smoking weed every day will not have pretty major negative effects on you then you have not been smoking long enough to get to that point or you are very nieve.

Edit -Not to mention very short tempered and they sheldom go out and do anything unless it involves getting stoned. It makes you look like shit as well, you can tell a long term smoker a mile off.

Yeah take your generalizations somewhere else thank you.

Smoking weed everyday since college (High School in the US), graduated in the top 15% of my state, still smoke everyday and am currently doing the second year of my Bachelor degree at University.
Not only that but I almost definitely eat some sort of hallucinogen on a weekly basis as well. I own about 300 dollars worth of bongs, so it ain't because I toke J's. I also have a nice haircut.
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention I am diagnosed with mental disorders also, but luckily for me weed helps much more than my prescribed medication.

I'm not going to say there are no negative effects, there definitely are and I've started to become more aware of them but doesn't mean they outweigh the positives for me.

That being said I have seen one person go completely loony with weed, but he didn't enjoy smoking it in the slightest, and he continued until he ended up in the mental hospital...
So you can blame the plant like a child, or you can do the difficult but honest thing and accept that your decisions are your decisions, and you have to live with the consequences.
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So you can blame the plant like a child, or you can do the difficult but honest thing and accept that your decisions are your decisions, and you have to live with the consequences.

accepting that weed can have negative impacts on mental health is being childish?
I think he meant its is childish to blame weed because if it affects you so negatively you should be able to stop using it. Not like its an opiate where you are dependant on it. If weed doesnt work for you, dont fucking smoke it. But dont generalize me with the slackers because I can smoke responsibly after I get out of work every day. I may be a pothead but I pay my bills/taxes so I could care less if people think im a pothead because I know in my heart that im a productive person and am no more a druggie than someone that kicks back with a cold beer after work.
Smoking weed all day everyday destroyed my personality, my confidence, and my will to do anything but smoke more. Thats why I do opiates now, they make you less of a useless lump. Oh and no paranoia/ anxiety, thats bullshit
It amplifies my loneliness to the point that it makes me incredibly antisocial and withdrawn, it definately dumbs me down when I'm on it, I get withdrawal symptoms and I find I'm a much more vibrant, happier, and motivated guy off the stuff. I don't really have anything to say when I'm baked and I often like to be alone. It makes life extremely fucking lame, man. I'm not even sure what's so good about being high all the time, it's just an escape I guess from problems that I think I have developed to to habitual cannabis use itself. Regardless of this, I continue to smoke it compulsively. I'd say it has fucked me up worse than all the alcohol, stimulants, mdma, and psychedelics combined. The drug affects people differently but a lot of addicts end up being huge burnouts in my experience.

In moderation it's entirely different, but it is the only drug out there that I have to put in extreme effort to try to use moderately, and always fail at this.

Wow, this describes me perfectly. All I have to say, try quitting for a a few days, then make it a week, then see how long you can go without it. Take it day by day, realistic, attainable goals are way more achievable than long-term ones, such as saying you're going to quit for a month.

I smoked daily for 5 years, and I was tired of having my life being "extremely fucking lame, man," so I quit. It's been 19 days, and although I'm a little bored, it's almost like I got a hardware upgrade in my brain, almost like I'm on stimulants when I'm sober without the weed. I can't say I'm not bored, but all cannabis was to me was a colossal time pit, I loved it so much, and still do, but love life when I'm sober even more.

It's like I've been merely existing in this world for the last 5 years, now I'm actually living in it.
I don't think weed fucks anyone up, it can make you feel anti social and you can have anxiety attacks.
I had a anxiety attack or I think it was, after that I relized I was smoking to much, so now I almost use weed as reward system.
I work now for a day and then I can have a smoke, or if I am not working I have to do something constructive before I can smoke.
I think there are alot of factors that can make marijuana a positive/negative on the persons life.
I believe it has helped myself deal with my own issues that have arises over time.
Sure it also causes it's own problems especially if life in general for that individual is tough ie: debt, availability, external factors.

But there is no way I consider marijuana dangerous when alcohol & tobacco are legal. We know full well the devastating effects these 2 have had & amazingly will continue. Any study quite frankly on marijuana is mute because the studies are biased to the drug being a problem.

There is a statistic out there with number of deaths caused by X factor. Cannabis had a 0 next to it.
Wow, this describes me perfectly. All I have to say, try quitting for a a few days, then make it a week, then see how long you can go without it. Take it day by day, realistic, attainable goals are way more achievable than long-term ones, such as saying you're going to quit for a month.

I smoked daily for 5 years, and I was tired of having my life being "extremely fucking lame, man," so I quit. It's been 19 days, and although I'm a little bored, it's almost like I got a hardware upgrade in my brain, almost like I'm on stimulants when I'm sober without the weed. I can't say I'm not bored, but all cannabis was to me was a colossal time pit, I loved it so much, and still do, but love life when I'm sober even more.

It's like I've been merely existing in this world for the last 5 years, now I'm actually living in it.

Your reply could have been written by myself. I've been smoking daily for around the same amount of time as you too.

I know what you're talking about - I took a near 3-month break last year, and I felt like my brain was on stimulants compared to when I'm stoned. My mind was definately working better in terms of quantifiable things like memory, how many people I'm meeting, how much I'm accomplishing on a daily basis etc. Do these things really matter though? What is the meaning of life? I think I'm happier when I'm stoned.

I know what you mean by actually living it now. Smoking weed makes me super passive. Not that I'm a lazy stoner, I'm incredibly active both physically and mentally. But in the social realm I become very passive.

I do still love smoking weed so much, which I think means that moderation is a better long term goal than quitting forever. I've been on/off lately, this is my 3rd day of not smoking and I haven't even gotten physical withdrawal symptoms I'm doing so well. Normally I can't sleep or eat. This time, I've just feeling a bit overstimulated, a bit angry and depressed as well, but it's easily manageable.

The way weed has fucked me up is that it pretty much makes me invisible to girls for some reason. When I'm really high girls don't seem to notice me at all compared to when I'm sober, which is weird. I"m actually a nicer guy with some weed in me, but I guess this is why. Girls don't care for nice, passive guys. This has fucked me up though - weed making me invisible to girls has definately fucked my head up as I'm depressed about it now and I want to kill myself because I am never satisfied sexually. I don;t want to but I am most likely going to end up slitting my wrists because this is causing me so much pain. I don't think I have girl problems sober, weed totally induces them somehow, but I can't put my finger on why this must be so. But I was always different - always introverted, always a little distant from everyone. Quitting certainly helps me talk to more girls, but I am never successful. Maybe I will have more success this year but most likely not, it's just not possible for me.

If I could attract girls into my life, I wouldn't be doubting my cannabis use at all. I'd be smoking that weed. I know that I am an attractive mate, which worsens the pain. I think what I need to do is accept that I will be alone forever though and that I'm the most useless guy on the planet at picking up girls.
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rave, idk if you remember me, but you helped me before try to get my life together by quitting weed.

i still haven't quit though. i still haven't found more friends. i still remain friendless to all females at my school. you aren't alone.

im still struggling to quit. i wish i could get girls too. i would even rather be able to have friends that are girls and not smoke weed than smoke weed and have no girlfriends.

dont slit ur wrists though. thats stupid. ive tried it, and it isn't worth the trouble and mess.

im 17 right now, about to go to college next year. i know i have to make some changes to my personality the next couple of months before i leave, so i cant make the same mistakes i made in high school.
Girls aren't everything. In fact, they can be pretty fucking annoying at times (sorry gals), so not getting laid is nothing to kill yourself over. When your hormones die down you'll probably laugh at yourself, so don't worry. If you're okay with it I would recommend seeing an escort (high class prostitute) to get laid.

Your reply could have been written by myself. I've been smoking daily for around the same amount of time as you too.

I know what you're talking about - I took a near 3-month break last year, and I felt like my brain was on stimulants compared to when I'm stoned. My mind was definately working better in terms of quantifiable things like memory, how many people I'm meeting, how much I'm accomplishing on a daily basis etc. Do these things really matter though? What is the meaning of life? I think I'm happier when I'm stoned.

I know what you mean by actually living it now. Smoking weed makes me super passive. Not that I'm a lazy stoner, I'm incredibly active both physically and mentally. But in the social realm I become very passive.

I do still love smoking weed so much, which I think means that moderation is a better long term goal than quitting forever. I've been on/off lately, this is my 3rd day of not smoking and I haven't even gotten physical withdrawal symptoms I'm doing so well. Normally I can't sleep or eat. This time, I've just feeling a bit overstimulated, a bit angry and depressed as well, but it's easily manageable.

The way weed has fucked me up is that it pretty much makes me invisible to girls for some reason. When I'm really high girls don't seem to notice me at all compared to when I'm sober, which is weird. I"m actually a nicer guy with some weed in me, but I guess this is why. Girls don't care for nice, passive guys. This has fucked me up though - weed making me invisible to girls has definately fucked my head up as I'm depressed about it now and I want to kill myself because I am never satisfied sexually. I don;t want to but I am most likely going to end up slitting my wrists because this is causing me so much pain. I don't think I have girl problems sober, weed totally induces them somehow, but I can't put my finger on why this must be so. But I was always different - always introverted, always a little distant from everyone. Quitting certainly helps me talk to more girls, but I am never successful. Maybe I will have more success this year but most likely not, it's just not possible for me.

If I could attract girls into my life, I wouldn't be doubting my cannabis use at all. I'd be smoking that weed. I know that I am an attractive mate, which worsens the pain. I think what I need to do is accept that I will be alone forever though and that I'm the most useless guy on the planet at picking up girls.
Weed has not fucked any people I know up due to the fact that most people will never admit that they can't smoke weed anymore. In California, when your young and in college, not smoking weed makes you a pussy, plain and simple. So instead of bros telling you that they have panic attacks everytime they smoke, they generally tell you they have to pass a piss test and cant smoke anymore, or some other bullshit excuse.

Weed really changed for me. I first smoked at 16, and started regularly at 17. At first it was no problem, I had one bout of weed induced anxiety but it passed after quitting for like 6 months (yea it took that long, which is why I think pot is far from harmless)

However, now when I smoke extremely potent frosty California medical weed aka FIRE, I feel extremely anxious the following day which never happened in the beginning, I could smoke a load in the beginning with no problem.

I guess the point I am trying to make is, even though everyone's brain chemistry is different, weed EVENTUALLY will grab you by the throat and not let go if you use it heavily (heavily is very subjective, some brains would consider once a week heavy, where others daily would be heavy.)

I have known people who stopped smoking weed after just a few months, and others who continue to smoke for 25+ years and then eventually quit because the anxiety starts to induce.

I have also read many (and I'm talking hundreds here, from various forums on the internet and youtube comments etc.) where people developed psychosis, anxiety/panic disorders, or depression etc.)

Weed is not as harmless as they say. I always thought it was. I mean for god sakes Bob Marley smoked it so it must be peaceful and harmless, thats what was engrained in my mind for a long time. But this does not discount the horrible side effects it gave me among other stories I have read online. I mean for god sakes, on steady health website, there is damn near thousands of posts of people who experience the same symptoms (cant smoke anymore due to paranoia and anxiety)
i knew i guy who smoked himself into psychosis, hed always try to smoke as much as the rest of the us even if it was affecting him badly.

he eventually started having panic attacks, hed say hed start tripping and itd be hard for him to breath. he was like i know yall wont believe me, i was just like i totally undertand you man and he was just so out of it always he couldnt ever listen to any advice i had to say it was like he looked down on me for knowing that kind of info.

now hes building bird cages and hanging out with his 5 year old sister.
I couldn't really say that weed "fucked me up" or anything, but I definitely lost a scholarship a few years back because 24/7 smoking made me not give a shit about going to class. I did have some crazy anxiety/paranoia for awhile, but that all went away when I slowed down to being a once a month smoker instead of a "wake up to a packed bowl and not be sober until the next time I wake up" kinda guy.