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Has weed fucked you/anyone you know up?

I think there are people who can smoke everyday, and not be addicted to it at all. It's just their lifestyle they chose to follow. IMHO, you're only addicted to something if you can't stop. I know quite a few people who smoke everyday. I wouldn't call most of these of my friends addicted to it, either. I've seen them go for a month without touching it. If they feel like smoking and no one has any bud on them, they're chill with it. They don't start calling up dealers asking for weed or anything. They don't need it, they just like being high.

On the other hand, I have a couple friends (well one or two in particular) who I would say are addicted to smoking weed. They smoke everyday. I'd say between 3 and, I don't know, maybe 8 times a day? One of them goes to my school, so sometimes I would pick her up in the morning. She'd smoke before school almost every time. During lunch she'd ask for a ride to her house so she could smoke really quickly. After school smokes again, then probably another 2-3 times throughout the rest of the day. If no one has any bud on them and they feel like smoking, they'll find some no matter what. Whether if it's asking the car that pulls up next to us at a stop light if they have bud or not, or giving me $20 gas money for a 10 min drive to get a sack.

Some problems I've seen from the people I know who are "addicted" to it, are pretty obvious. She'll be talking to someone, then just walk away and forget she was talking to them. Or she'll be on the phone with someone and just stop talking, forgetting she's on the phone.

Needless to say, everyone is different. I wouldn't consider myself addicted to it, because I never have the urge that I need it. Sometimes I will really feel like smoking, but not that I need to be high.

It has also brought out a positive and negative in my life. I think it's made me a more open-thinking person. More relaxed overall. Not so stressed or worried about things. If something's going wrong in life, why worry about it? It's not like worrying helps at all so why do it. But, smoking has also brought out some negative parts for me. I feel some of my "smoking buddies" are only friends with me because we smoke together. Of course we were friends before we smoked and all, but it feels like our friendship has changed. I also have found it harder to get with girls. Most of the girls I know don't like the whole "drug scene" thing. They say it's a real turn off. And quite a few of them I like, too. I find it hard to figure out what to do sometimes though too. Should I quit doing drugs so more people will like me? Or should I lead my own life and not do something just because they want me to? I'm sure at least some people here can relate to what I'm saying, if not most or all.

Smoking weed or doing other drug hasn't brought me any financial situations though. I'm in an overall, well off family. My parents pay for everything I do, so I don't need a job (to pay for car insurance, gas, sports, food, etc. like some of my other friends have to). It'd be nice having some extra money around, because lately I haven't been smoking too much. I don't want to take the money my parents give me to buy food or go shopping with to buy alcohol or weed. But that's also why I don't want to get a job. I feel if I get a job, I'd be putting a great amount of my paycheck into that, which I certainly don't want to do.

Sorry for the long post, I'm kinda bored and trying to procrastinate on doing my homework. :\
Personally, I was a pretty extroverted person before I started smoking weed. I have to say, it has caused some pretty negative things in my life. I am, without a doubt, pro-cannabis, but I have to be realistic and admit some of the problems it's caused. Btw, I am 18 and a freshman at my university. It's also in the top 50 according to the national US rankings. Just to give you some background info.

1) I used to be much more active and in-shape, and although I have actually lost weight from using cannabis, I have horrible eating habits (junk food, skip breakfast, soda, etc.) I was always pretty thin to begin with, I just had much more muscle-mass before smoking.

2) Ever since I picked up cannabis, I haven't had nearly the amount of energy I used to have, and I almost feel like I'm 60 years old, when in reality I'm only 18 turning 19 on the 12th.

3) Social problems. I used to have enjoyable conversations with relatives, friends, and teachers. Now, I feel like I have a much more monotone voice, and just don't have the same "spark" I used to have. I haven't talked to a lot of the friends I used to hang out with on a daily basis, although I'm sure we still consider each other friends. Imo, this has a lot to do with the motivational effect s of cannabis.

4) Speaking of motivation, I have gone through ups and downs with it. Sometimes, I will be high and I can just envision how I would like the future to turn out, while other times (sober and high) I question whether I am just "dreaming."

5) Sleeping issues. On occasion, if I don't have any bud, it'll be tough for me to get sleep because I am so desperate for some bud to put me asleep. It's not a huge issue, but it takes me 1-2 hours to go to sleep, sometimes 3-4, and I know it's from my usage.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that stopping my weed use for a long time, or possibly forever will improve my life dramatically. I have like .5 grams of some no-name dank in my dorm, and 3 grams of Hemp Star preserved back at home for when I go home in the summer. My plan is to finish the .5 gram nug this weekend, and then finish the 3 g's in the beginning of summer and then stopping. I'd work out, get a job, and just hang out with family/friends. I know my life would be so much better. I suggest this to anyone who is going through something similar to me. %)
Moderation is key. Buy the best bud you can, as higher quality weed will drastically improve your highs and also minimize the side effects. Additionally, saving it as the LAST thing you do in the day will make your habit much healthier, much more sustainable, and much less likely to seriously effect your day to day life.

I think of it like this - so much of the population goes home after a long day at work and smokes a cigar, or drinks a martini or glass of wine, I figure, I smoke a bowl. It might not be legal but it's the same concept. Just don't let it interfere with your professional life (be it school or job), and save it as a way to unwind at the end of the day.
P.S Read the guy above's post. Pretty much sums up the truth of it all. Read that and say weed doesn't cause problems mister 15 year old.

15 hardly. Early 20's been a smoker for years at times chronic smoker.

Zzyzx's, was that the only drug you were using during that period of your life?
Yeah, I know people who are just 'slaves' to weed. If the dealer is on their way and taking their time (usual bs) they are itching and getting on edge..and then they just get it and smoke and that's it, mission accomplished..every day

I think part of the explanation is the idea that "weed is harmless." Ok, it's not meth or dope, and it may be healthier than alcohol, but i think that fact deludes people into continuing onwards..it's only safe in limited doses and in relatively controlled/safe environments IMO

plus admitting you have a problem with weed makes you look weak...
thankfully, a break sorts things out and weed is back to its enlightening self. It's great being 4 days into a break and being like i feel good, why did i smoke weed all that time? What a waste of money!!! But then, a month later or so, you blaze, and you're all like, ahhhh yeeee this is why i smoke weed, lol.

yes, exactly

heavy duty stoners pay attention
One time I gave some pot to this dude and the next day he came to school with his face painted and was telling everybody he was jesus. Everyone thought I gave him PCP but I swear I didn't it was just regular old pot. Were still friends to this day and he's better now but he hasn't touched the herb since that day. It was pretty scary I was really worried about him.
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bummer man. For me, it hasnt done much, i think if you keep it mellow, do it with good friends in a good location, your good to go. i always have friends with me, well smoke at the beach and just relax and laugh the day away. i beleive it only becomes bad if you like, blow people off for it, or obsess over it, freak out if you dont have any, or just start being greedy and super protective over your money.
wow it sounds like lots of the problems you guys identified could be solved buy having at least a half zip on hand at all times!!
It's great that you brought up this topic. It's not something that's talked about much but I think there are many people like you. A lot of good points have been brought up so far in this discussion board.

I think that weed has had a very negative impact on my life. I first smoked when I was 15 but didn't really get into it heavily til I was about 17. I have smoked on and off since then and I am now 25. At some points in my life I've gone months smoking everyday, and other times I've gone months without it. However, if it's ever around I can't turn it down, even if I'm in a social situation that I know it's bad for me and going to ruin my night. Somehow I convince myself that that time will be different and that I will enjoy it. I'm not sure why I still like smoking it, but it's definitely a psychological addiction of mine.

I have managed to succeed professionally, and am now in graduate school, because I have usually been able to put school work as the one thing ahead of smoking. Nevertheless, weed has had a real negative influence on my social life. I feel like it's put me back 3-4 years socially. After graduating college a few years ago, I felt like a complete social retard. I was severely depressed because I felt that I had alienated myself from all of my friends and had lost all my social skills. I eventually started therapy, which was something that I never thought I would have to do. After 2 years in therapy I am still embarrassed to tell most of my friends that I am in therapy because my self esteem is still too low. However therapy has helped me a lot. It was sad, at first I worked on the most basic social interaction skills with the therapist, like saying "hi, how are you?" to people I met, and trying to hold a conversation. This is coming from a guy who used to be popular, athletic, and get good grades. My vocabulary sucks now, I'm still smart but am a pretty slow thinker, and as you can probably tell from this post my thoughts are a bit all over the place. It's affected my ability to form close relationships and have a girlfriend.

I have been very open to therapy though, and started it on my own accord. It has helped me a lot but it's been a really tough road to feeling happier and I'm still not there yet. I've thought about going to rehab but I can't drop out of school. I still smoke at times even though I know it's not good for me. I thought I was past that, but last night I was at a party, drunk having a great time and there were lots of girls, and then I smelled weed so I seeked it out with my stoner sense and found it. Once I got high I had a terrible rest of the night and felt social anxiety pretty much the whole time.

Basically, I understand that weed is awesome for a lot of people but it's ignorant to say that it is not addictive and causes no bad effects for others.
even if I'm in a social situation that I know it's bad for me and going to ruin my night. Somehow I convince myself that that time will be different and that I will enjoy it.

I can relate to that. Now I make sure to mainly smoke alone or only with one or two others who are also smoking that I feel comfortable with. I find the choice of strain makes a big difference as well. Some strains are not conducive to a good social experience in my opinion.
It's great that you brought up this topic. It's not something that's talked about much but I think there are many people like you. A lot of good points have been brought up so far in this discussion board.

I think that weed has had a very negative impact on my life. I first smoked when I was 15 but didn't really get into it heavily til I was about 17. I have smoked on and off since then and I am now 25. At some points in my life I've gone months smoking everyday, and other times I've gone months without it. However, if it's ever around I can't turn it down, even if I'm in a social situation that I know it's bad for me and going to ruin my night. Somehow I convince myself that that time will be different and that I will enjoy it. I'm not sure why I still like smoking it, but it's definitely a psychological addiction of mine.

I have managed to succeed professionally, and am now in graduate school, because I have usually been able to put school work as the one thing ahead of smoking. Nevertheless, weed has had a real negative influence on my social life. I feel like it's put me back 3-4 years socially. After graduating college a few years ago, I felt like a complete social retard. I was severely depressed because I felt that I had alienated myself from all of my friends and had lost all my social skills. I eventually started therapy, which was something that I never thought I would have to do. After 2 years in therapy I am still embarrassed to tell most of my friends that I am in therapy because my self esteem is still too low. However therapy has helped me a lot. It was sad, at first I worked on the most basic social interaction skills with the therapist, like saying "hi, how are you?" to people I met, and trying to hold a conversation. This is coming from a guy who used to be popular, athletic, and get good grades. My vocabulary sucks now, I'm still smart but am a pretty slow thinker, and as you can probably tell from this post my thoughts are a bit all over the place. It's affected my ability to form close relationships and have a girlfriend.

I have been very open to therapy though, and started it on my own accord. It has helped me a lot but it's been a really tough road to feeling happier and I'm still not there yet. I've thought about going to rehab but I can't drop out of school. I still smoke at times even though I know it's not good for me. I thought I was past that, but last night I was at a party, drunk having a great time and there were lots of girls, and then I smelled weed so I seeked it out with my stoner sense and found it. Once I got high I had a terrible rest of the night and felt social anxiety pretty much the whole time.

Basically, I understand that weed is awesome for a lot of people but it's ignorant to say that it is not addictive and causes no bad effects for others.

^^Even though this is nearly a 3 year old thread, that was an awesome first post, gmoney.

I'm similar to you in nearly everything you described, with the exception that my mental faculties haven't slowed one bit and I've never had a negative experience solely involving weed. I'm cynical to the point of borderline paranoia, and I'm fairly positive that that's due to feeling the need to hide my drug habits throughout the course of my life.

Stay strong, brutha, those social skills will come back to you. You might have to make a conscious effort, but it's not like you're damaged for life or anything.

it triggered psychosis in three of my friends. sure, it might have happened without weed too, but weed certainly triggered it and probably worsened it. weed also turned two of my friends into social outcasts. not going out because they want to smoke and then slowly becoming inable to go out because they are social retards. so they stay in and smoke more weed. which in turn renders them even less able to socialize. its a vicious circle.

it has also most certainly harmed me. i suffered from anxiety and social paranoia cause i smoked too much. it definitely made me a little slow and chewed up my short term memory. i missed tons of opportunities to socialize and fuck girls cause i chose to stay in an smoke.
Triggered full blown panic attacks for me, when I’m not on it. Which I m currently dealing with.....Back on Benzos, but I am on Clonazepam instead of Valium. My doctor said it is hardly addicting compared to valium. But for others like my mother, it is a miracle drug (she suffered migraines since she was 13) So everyone is different.
Klonopin is just addictive as any other benzo, misleading doctors...smh.
Klonopin is just addictive as any other benzo, misleading doctors...smh.

Misleading indeed, maybe he's playing with words? I didn't find clonazepam addicting per-say, but it had me in a very tight grip when it comes to physical dependence. It was an absolutely hellish experience even though I had zero and I really mean ZERO desire to take the drug. Especially with clonazepam you're at high risk for seizure/death if you stop cold turkey because of it's awesome anticonvulsant properties. Withdrawal from that was something I wouldn't wish even for my worst enemies.

I relate with visionary_kpsycho though, I've been a daily toker for a long time and now couple days into a break, I'm having pretty intense anxiety compared to earlier. I know it will pass soon enough though.
I have a friend who used to smoke a shit ton of weed back in the day.

But then one day he smoked and he started getting panic attacks. At first he thought it was just a coincidence. But every time he smoked after that he would get a panic attack. Ever since then he has stopped smoking. He has tried to smoke a few times just to see if it has gone away but every time he gets a panic attack so he just doesn't bother any more.

He is in the Navy now so it doesn't matter cause he can't smoke anyway. Still I find it curious that just all of a sudden he would get panic attacks from smoking when we use to smoke lots together and had no problems.
The herb as only affected me positively really.

The only thing I regret is not socializing "normally" as a teen .
To cope with borderm with friends we'd just smoke weed and not do whatever teens do like .... Idk lol . I never did these things haha =/

However one or 2 of my many friends who smoke pot have been wrecked by the herb for some reason .
They used it as a coping mechanism to deal with their broken homes and family problems . They also went into other drugs too though
I guess weed wasn't actually the problem with these guys .