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H Withdrawal Soon/Chronic Pain & Health Problems/We Can Do It!

Oh dear lord, help me be patient enough to stop using Swype lol since out only gets the right word 75% of the time.

Ugh. Might correct typos in last post later.


How's everyone? I actually just awoke again now at 830am!!!!!!


I think I might invest in that timer lockbox. I totally have that mentality at the beginning of the month that I've won the lottery, and I'll make it up later. The last two visits, I said I was traveling to get my meds earlier. This isn't working. I'm planning on switching back to 15mg oxycodone soon, but they're not as strong as these 10 mg oxymorphone, so that will suck, and the reason I haven't switched yet. But I can't keep doing this, and I'm running out of reasons to have a stuffy nose. Ugh.

I hope everyone had a good Monday. Day 4! That's fantastic!! You can do it!!
I'm sorry. guys. You are all on my mind and I send you all love love love.

I'm just lost in thought over this one year mark. Jesus, I just can't.... I don't even know.

But day 4 today anyway. For him. For me and my dog.

I wish he were here.
Hang in there ABW...

Sorry about your situation, at least you will always have good memories of the two of you.... you will always have those and nobody can take them away from you...

Losing someone close to you very difficult. I just had the 6 month anniversary of my best friend of practically my whole life passing away. It's been very hard, when ever I want to go hang out with a friend or even think and I want to talk to someone he is the first person who pops in my mind, and I have to realize that he's gone. When someone is always there for you 100% and all of a suden they are gone it is really hard...

I just try to remember all the good times we had and try to think about how this life can't be the end. I believe that anything is possible and I know there is a power higher than what we know in the physical world out there... I'm still not sure what that power is and not sure I ever will... but i hold out hope that I will see the ones I've lost sometime again..

Just remember the good times and know things will be ok... and congratulations on your time so far.. your doing great and keep up the great work... I'm pulling for you and everyone else trying to reach their goals. Good luck
Hey everyone, I came back and really needed to calm down.

So, I am just going to mention the taper I am doing. I feel like I need some support with it as I am finding it very challenging to be in withdrawal this much. I used to sniff like, when I had bad pain or whatever, every 3 hours or so. Now it is very strict. I dose 12 hours apart, on the hour. 7am and 7pm. No other time is permitted. The wait is really long and this is what I did last year with oxy and it worked out well but I took it too fast near the end and freaked out.

So, to me this is definite progress. By the time I hit around noon I am getting rattled. There are a lot of really strong cravings to use more as well, which I am learning to overcome. So, this is the third day in a row that I have accomplished this. I am really happy about this. The relief has been much longer lasting when I get it, and it's just all around such a better way of using to not fiend it. Last year when I did this with oxy, after a couple of weeks I didn't have withdrawal during the 12 hour periods. It became easier and easier to wait the long period out. I knew I was doing well, when I would forget to dose exactly on the hour. So, I really hope to keep it up and also, I am switching to oxy's asap, when I get my script back.

I'm really trying not to abuse this and get down to 40 milligrams of oxy daily, half of which is extended release. This will be enough to treat my spine pain with the right (much lower) tolerance. I'm just dealing with it in my own way. This is what works for me, and when I get to that 40mg oxy, I'm not sure if I will drop it any further as my prescription covers that. So, the times when I dose I've been really productive too. Working on things that will make me a happier person. I reworked my resume for 6 hours the other day which was nice, but when withdrawal hits in the afternoon I'm out for the count.

I don't think dose makes as much of a difference as sticking to my schedule at this point, so I extended my lines a little bit haha. I'm trying to get my dose way down too though once my usage pattern stabilizes. It's so important to me because it eliminates the fiend aspect on a daily timespan. Eventually, I won't have any really bad interdose withdrawals and I also won't fiend. At the end of the month I will be switching to oxy too, and going back and forth between them, as in using 40mg oxy a day and 40mg H a day otherwise (in case I ever get cut off, due to hysteria from other people, I'll have a good amount of oxy saved up which is really the drug I want to be on). I think that amount of oxy can easily cover my chronic pain even if it doesn't help me escape from my other problems. So, that is really my goal because I can't handle being off opioids completely at this point and if I'm being prescribed it that's cool for me. I just don't want to be doing lines every day anymore and this is a great start.

I am sort of looking for some encouragement. The first 10 days of this are going to be really tough. I've done it before, with oxy last year, and I posted in the dark side so I'm going to review my thread there and what I went through over a few months before relapsing on dope hard over the winter.

I just thought I would check in as opposed to running away but at this point, I need encouragement not advice. Two lines a day is a huge improvement and this is very much going to lower my tolerance and prepare me to get back to taking my oxy as scripted (at a bit less of my max daily dose, so on days when it really hurts or I have to be extra active I won't be counting every pill).

I hope this gets better soon because the afternoons... from 1pm to 7pm it is just horrendous. I am using less than one bag total per day now, I was up to two bags before sometimes three (although what I get is raw, it is definitely more pure, and I have quite the habit and a huge attachment to it which is going to be really tough to beat.

Anyways, I'm going to cook something healthy food for dinner and enjoy my night. I am going to go for a nice walk around the neighbourhoods and just think. This is what worked for me last year... 12 hour dosing, I made really great progress but then I fucked up in the post-acute part, so I'm trying to take it really slow this time. It was a rough day but a huge part of it for me is learning to deal with the cravings too. This is good practice for that, I'm simply not used to going 12 hours without a hit when I have a decent amount on hand.

So I hope everyone is doing well. I will post back at the end of the week with how I'm doing. Hopefully I'm at a bit lower of a dose and still doing two lines per 24 hours. Needles and shit like that are just completely off my mind at this point. I want to switch back to oral oxy's. It has been really hard for me but there is no easy way around it. I'm not getting on subs long term, after trying them I can't see myself doing that. This is what works for me, These next few days are going to be tough,
Shroomy, bro.... You are a war veteran just like the rest of us. You have been on more tours than anyone should have to go through. You got this man. If good men gave up when things got hard then what would history say about civil war or the Alamo? How about the battle of Iwo Jima or the civil rights movement. The strength is in you, it's in all of us. Fight on shroomy, you can win.
So, to me this is definite progress. By the time I hit around noon I am getting rattled.

;) aha, nice one man. but yeah for real it sounds like you're almost constantly rattling
wish you the best of luck mate, and you can always pm whenever
Good luck man, you can do this just hang in there... Sometimes encouragement and advice can come hand and hand here, because alot of people here have been through the same thing your going through. If they see something you could do to help you make it through this easier they want to help... Everyone just wants to help....

This isn't really advice, more encouragement of your plans and agreeing these plans can definitely help.

The hardest part for me was not doing more when you have more on hand. I always failed and gave into temptation. I wouldn't even be sick but I would be "craving" really bad. I would make up all kinds of excuses of why it would be ok to do some more. So this was a very difficult thing to do for me.. I'm not sure I ever actually stuck to a full taper plan correctly. To make it worse our mind plays tricks on us and we start thinking we are sick when we are not. To stick to the taper correctly takes some super self control to not give into, and me as an addict never really excelled in this area, thats why im an addict, addiction and self control are pretty much opposites in my book... i admire the control you are talking about, just keep remembering how you have a goal and it will do absolutely no good to mess up your schedule and it will hurt you in the end.

You ever notice how instantly sick you become when you do your final amount of what you have? Or how once you have it planned out how you will be getting more it seems to ease the withdrawal your going through? These are perfect examples of how powerful the mental aspect and mental addiction are, both on the withdrawal your feeling and just simply wanting more. That's the kind of all consuming in pure control drug we are trying to beat down... and that fighter can go and unlimited number of rounds and still be ready to kick your ass at any given moment in time.

You just have to stay strong and do what you can to put the fight in your favor. If a taper works for you that's great, stick to it and it will help. I know tapering down can help the withdrawal you experience when you finally do quit big time. For a little while you will be not be feeling the best but you will level out eventually. I see you talk about the constart habitual dosing all day long, and how your doing this plan to help work past that and train yourself not to crave it constantly like that. That is a big aspect of the addiction too (and a problem I struggled with so much any taper plans were SO difficult for me) with a big part of it being mental. So your taper schedule will definitely help you combat that aspect of it too. If it you make these things work that's just one more thing in your favor to finally beat this opponent.

Good luck man I hope everything goes smoothly and you reach your goals.. your plan can most definitely help you reach these goals so stick to it and you will get there.
Thanks! I really think so too. Today was the fourth day, so hopefully I'll see some improvement in the next few days (still rattling a lot of the time). That's a withdrawal term that is my favourite. Rattling jives with me a lot more than being sick. I'm not sick, I am a healthy young man. I'm rattling, it's in my bones man. lol. Seriously though. What drug gets into your fucking bones... my upper arms, it's like every nerve is on fire with pain signals. And not just pain that a bad word for it... profound discomfortI don't like sick as much, because I only ever puke / dry heave / shit myself when I'm in cold turkey withdrawal and I avoid that at all costs. When I'm withdrawing, I'm typically in some way lowering my dose to conserve my supply until I can get more, or intentionally during a tape. I have months of experiencing from tapering last year, and it was working out really well but I wasn't prepared for the post-acute syndrome. I got it really bad but I think I know why.

I'm committed to only dosing once every 12 hours though, and switching to my oxy's when I get them back. I also want to trip out at some point, but I'm not sure of the psychedelic. I'm thinking AL-LAD because I've had great experiences with it. I so want to be done with abusing these.

I also have some ibogaine on hand... microdosing it last year was really effective. I need to incorporate some sort of psychedelic series of trips into this, but not yet.

So I apologize to everyone for sort of bitching like before. I was out of my mind and that's what I think about when I taper and have a craving. What I am really trying to do, is not run out cold turkey because that is when I go crazy like that. I'm staying at 80mg heroin a day right now - no more, no less, and in the coming days I will drop that to 60, and then 40. Once I'm at 40 that is less than half a point. I should be able to switch back to oxy's at that point.

For me, everything needs to be mathematical, logical, organized, and recorded. I have to have precise rules for myself such as ONLY dosing at 7pm and 7am. If I really need a higher dose - sure - but only at 7pm or 7am because otherwise I'll start compulsively redosing very easily. Last night I took 60mg instead of 40 it was a mistake, I was really stressed about something but at least I learned what made me reach for the extra amount (it wasn't withdrawal) and I can include that in my journal of Time / Dose (mg) / Reason (freaked out over whatever that time).

I would prefer to taper with a pharmaceutical but I'm getting really consistent quality H, I have a milligram scale, and it's just cheaper so I can take it easy and go slow - that last part is very important because I was almost completely off last year - fought the entire autumn away - only to relapse from post-acute symptoms. I was taking it too fast, I'm not really in a rush to jump off these drugs completely but of course that is the goal. If I can do all this yoga on heroin, why can't I do it not on heroin? My brain just needs to adjust... my body is fine.

I know I'm going to make a mistake here or there taking an extra dose but the important thing is to never give up and never to use that as an excuse to keep doing it, keep getting high. Taking 80mg cut into two doses is stressful enough for me right now so that's where I'm staying. I have enough to cover me until I get my oxy's back. The ER part of my script will really help with hours 6 to 12 because it peaks around around 5 or 6, those tamper-proof ones.

I've really thought things though this time and I really want to get off. Subs and methadone aren't really for me (yet) ... if I keep failing, then of course I'll take a look. But, I did really well with tapering percocet last year for some time and it's not like that's any less addictive really.

Thanks for your post wrongguy. I totally get what you mean. I'm having constant cravings after the 3rd hour to do more, even though I don't need to. I'm just used to dosing that frequently. I have to remind myself why it's worth it to wait - the wasted money, the escalating tolerance, fucking up my tape plans, etc etc etc ETC... man, I did this for 3 months last year. 12 hour dosing with my oxy's and I always had them on hand and could get more to replace them. In my opinion quitting this way, and I know that I do have the self control once I get going, like after I do this for a solid week or two, it starts to come naturally - I think if someone can manage to do this (and believe me I understand why they couldn't because I can't with weed haha, I love weed too much and it's all or nothing for me with weed, just because it's less of a threat I think) - but my point is I really think that it could help with staying clean. If I'm already used to having a gram around and only using twice a day when mentally I'd love another line in the afternoon, you know? That's going to help me stay clean in the future.

Thanks a lot for these posts. All of them are wonderful and mean a lot to me! : )

I got this, I know I do. And wrongguy I agree with everything you are saying. The reason I taper is because 1. I can do it, I proved to myself last year that I have it in me, that self control, and the last few days have gone smoothly for the most part, 2. I am proving to myself that I am beating the drug, by having it in my possession and choosing to use less than the cravings and withdrawal symptoms are telling me to, 3. My chronic pain and mental illness are pretty severe, and I find that cold turkey really shocks my body, it's really hard on me and leaves me in a lot of pain... this way I will avoid vomiting, shitting myself, all that lovely stuff, 4. I don't have any real priorities right now, I'm in between jobs and it's a good time to make this routine, 5. most importantly, when I tried to quit last year it ended so poorly because my dose cuts were 50%. I wanted off and I wanted off fast, but that was too fast for me... I was torn apart by the opioid PAWS symptoms long after the physical sickness had completely stopped - mainly, I'd be up for days, just could not for the life of me sleep, and I was having constant extreme panic attacks that massive amounts of benzos would not even phase.

So those are just 5 reasons why I'm choosing tapering. It works for me, and I don't want to mess with my medical records unless I keep messing up and really have to. I truly believe I got this. I have a lot of things motivating me, a lot of people rooting for me, and a lot of people in my life who don't even know and who I could potentially really hurt indirectly, or like if I did or started shoooting up daily instead of sniffing. I'd be caught, and my family would flip out if I took it that far. I'm also aware that I could die. I had my fun but it's time to start taking life seriously. I have 1.3 grams left, and I got this. I mean what if I lose this connect for the raw? That's tough to come by. I can't be so dependent on this anymore. Ugh so many reasons.
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You can totally do it, Shroomy! I remember when you did it last year. If I remember correctly, didn't we all get a little too ambitious and drop too much too fast? I think your plan makes total sense, and it worked before; you know your body. One question; have you considered doing a little bit less, but four times a day instead of three? Just curious. I'm prescribed 4 pills a day, and I break them in half, which is generally working, except when I really throw my back out. Or in the beginning of the month, and my cutter makes one half much smaller, and then at one dose, I'll combine two small halves, and then I wonder why I run out.

My husband would totally hold on to my pills, but I work full time, so I have pills in my purse, in my bedroom, and my bathroom (when I need to take it with no one seeing). Damn, you know something is wrong with that picture. But I had my appointment yesterday, and I'm going to switch back to oxycodone in July. We're in very similar places, dude! We can do it! I also had the realization that I may just be on pills the rest of my life, which sucks, but at least if I'm taking them normally, it will be better.

ABW, how are you, hon?
And you know what? When I'm in withdrawal, my arms drive me crazy too, not my legs. I wonder if it's because I hold up my iPad so much. Maybe because you play guitar, and use your forearms, too? Just a weird observation.
Anna, I've considered other pill schedules. I like 12 hour dosing because I really get into withdrawal at that point, and eventually when I start to not think about the pills and even dose late then I know I'm doing really will. I like it because I really have to fight the mental / craving aspect to hold off 12 hours. It's really good for me in that sense. Also, since my daily dose is split it halves, and not thirds or quarters, I am able to take higher doses and get some pretty decent relief. This helps me look forward to the dosing time while I'm waiting for my body to adjust to it. Also, some of the side effects are reduced from opiate use - for example, constipation. I am regular now because around the 10th hour or so, I'm good to go (haha). There is a lot I like about it and I'm only dosing twice per day. I could easily get through a long work shift without even bringing opiates apart from perhaps some sort of emergency. Also, I just feel like if I dose 3 or 4 times a day, there are that many more temptations to fuck up and take a higher dose.
That's what I can think of just off the top of my head. This is what I was doing last year but I went to quickly. I got really nice and stable on 40mg oxy, but I started going lower too quickly. I needed to stay there, and maintain but I didn't. I was in too much of a rush to get off, and I'm not in any sort of rush this time. I'll try an enjoy the last of my days as a junkie, although it's getting harder and harder to do that. I'm just happy that it's been several days and I feel strong and committed to this.
And yeah like I don't want anyone holding on to my stuff. It's me versus heroin. Nobody else. I don't need subs, or methadone (people tell me that, but it's a generalization... I just feel like not everyone needs that and I'm not there yet) - I don't need programs, I don't need rehab, the only person who can stop this is myself and what I need is my own willpower. Who is able to find that and stick with it? Nobody but myself. I got myself into this mess, I know my body well, and I can get myself out of it. I have what is in the grand scheme of things a small heroin habit. Of course I will probably require therapy in the future. But for now: me versus heroin, round one. Let's see if I can keep this going and stabilize my body on lower and lower doses. Get that real energy back, the type that doesn't go away with the high so I get on with my life. I'm just too sick of this. Cold turkey that other week for 5 days was the last straw. It was sheer hell, and I'm just not doing it again. I'm not literally wasting a week of my life because I'm hooked on a drug, and I'm not that badly hooked yet. It could be SO much worse, I'm not using the needle and really, I'm already under a point a day. It's very good raw dope but still, I'm under a point of it and that's just phenomenal considering I was getting up to 2 or 3 at times. When I get back into my career eventually, hopefully later this year after I've chilled a bit, I don't want to be working to pay for dope. That's insane. So I feel really committed this time and I am noticing I am sick all the same, but I'm beginning to be able to do things while sick instead of sit around. It's not becoming so much of a wait
That totally makes sense; I've actually been thinking about taking 1.5 pills a day, but only 6 times a day, like you said, to improve my relief. I've been on 40 mg since Christmas, and was on 45 before that. I'm fighting two things here; I want to taper, but also tolerance. But the reason I need to taper now is because I need to switch back to oxycodone, and it's definitely not as strong as oxymorphone insufflated. I guess I could try eating these to go back down, too, but I know I won't because they give no relief that way.

Man, I wish we all weren't all on this track going round and round, at the mercy of our body. But I wish everyone a Happy Thursday! It's finally sunny here (east coast), though I can't believe it's June....
The funny (actually really sad) thing is we all keep going and going for fear of a few days being sick. Don't get me wrong being sick sucks but think about all the time we log being sick at certain points during our active addiction.. it very quickly surpasses a few days of agony just quitting...

That's the one problem with tapering, if done right it can work but even if done right it can be miserable at times. And if your sick all the time during the taper then its even worse and starts to become a question of if this is really better than just quitting. Only the individual can know how they feel and what is the best plan. So it depends on how you feel... but don't get me wrong tapering can definitely work...

For me day the sickness works like this, day one sucks and day 2 and 3 suck worse and it gets a little better for day 4 and then every day just keeps getting better and easier after that..... so when you reach and finish that 3 day mark it's only going to be easier and your almost through it... you might as well keep going because the hard stuff is done...
The discomfort I experienced while I tapered off methadone was absolutely unlike the discomfort I experience from acute withdrawal. I agree that it can be difficult when not managed properly, but when the stars align there is no easier, more practical way to get off a large habit with good chances for continued forward momentum.
It's been 20 days since the last opiate off an 8 year run. Before that last opiate, I had 2 weeks of only 10mg suboxone over like 3 or 4 days (I mean I only used the sub like 4 days out of two weeks, then had one last oxy). Mentally I'm still very very sick. The anxiety literally has me staying in bed with fear of the raw real world. There is so much to do, I'm trying to save my house, clean the hoarded trashed MFing house, care for my terminally ill wife, and go to classes to get my drivers license back. So I can hear folks saying "maybe you should have picked a later date". I'm getting old, 52 and would die a junkie if not for this one last effort. See, I swore to myself that if my wife dies while I'm still alive that I wouldn't be dealing with dope sickness. She may have a week left, she may have 2 years. I can predict nearly anything, I just know how to size up situations and predict results. But predicting when that will be, I just can't. I'm so stressed, I know my cortisol levels start into "fight or flight" just after my luxurious 1 hour of nightly sleep, and continue until my day is cut down by noonish with exhaustion. I used opiates mainly to deal with anxiety (scripted for pain originally). So I realize I'm getting more than just an opiate kick, I'm dealing with an astronomical anxiety rebound. I try to press on but even now after 20+ days, I give myself a maybe 40% chance of survival. I won't be able to cope much longer. I'm probably not going to use. I'd rather swing from a rope, which is entirely possible. Some would say "but your wife man, she needs you". I own that in a way, but honestly, she half isn't there after the past two brain cancer surgeries, has a big family that would care for her. Plus she collects $250k (suicide clause time limit has been fulfilled on insurance), and her and the rest could take a nice holiday and then some.
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20 days is a good amount, your past all the hard physical withdrawal symptoms. There is some hard stuff unfortunately to get past after the physical withdrawal though. I saw you mention not wanting to leave your bed.. In my experience this is very counter productive and actually dentermental to you. You will feel so much better just getting out and doing stuff. Make sure to trys tay active sometimes during the day and try to do some things you would find fun to take up some time and try to experience joy and also do some physical activity. It's great if this is one and the same thing. I know it can be hard at first but you push through that and it helps you and before you know it you are feeling so much better and wanting to get out. Physical activity helps a tremulous amount. Even if it's only a walk with a quick jog in it, that will help your mental health when rebounding from quitting any form of opiates. Sorry to hear about your wife and situation, thats tough and would be alot for anyone to deal with. Hope things work out for the best they can for you. You have accomplished so much already and you can do this. Good luck

And yes tapers most definitely can and do work. I tapered off methadone before and experiencd absolutely zero withdrawals from it and if I would have just cold turkeyed it I would have been absolutely horriblely in miserable agony. I would have ended up using.

Stick to the plan and it can work... good luck everyone
I like the idea of tapering because I tried it last year and it went well for the first few months. I did it too abruptly and the post-acute syndrome was much worse than anything else. If I went straight off the meds the post acute syndrome would be even worse down the road, I bet. So I am trying to reduce much more gradually this time and so long as I stick to my rule of once every 12 hours and do gradually reduce my doses I'll be feeling better pretty soon. I already feel better in fact.
In the meantime I can work on things that make me want to use to begin with. It feels a lot better using twice a day as opposed to several times a day but if I slip up for even one day it is almost like starting over so you really have to have self control to taper because of the way tolerance works. That being said I do have the type of self control that is required. I am hoping that if I go very gradually like 5 or 10% cuts every week as opposed to 50% abrupt dose cuts, that my body will sort itself out more smoothly and then when I get the post-acute symptoms they won't be as bad, because I will have been dealing with my shit already a little and the changes in neurochemistry won't be so abrasive. I think tapering is a great choice for me if I can stick to my plan. I sure think that I can and I have been so far, I think it's also important to make sure you are not using too much, I am in withdrawal and having cravings about half the time I am awake. For me it isn't really getting through the sickness it's how I feel a month or two down the line, I go fucking crazy so I'm trying a pretty slow and steady taper this time. So far I am still dosing every 12 hours although there was a period of extreme stress brought on by some stupid shit and I ended up using a little more one day. That set me back quite a bit although I also learned that really there can be no fucking around if I want to do it this way.
In the meantime I can work on things that make me want to use to begin with.

This was by the far the best part about my tapering experience. It gave me enough time to get the rest of my ducks in a row before I made the jump to an opioid-free lifestyle.