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Greatest drug induced quotes....Trippin/rollin/stoned/doped/dusted LOL's go here!

found this on an image board


crazy shit you say when fucked up

what is some crazy bullshit that comes out of your mouth when you're fucked up on drugs? :D

i've been tweakn today..smoked some bud and it was intense..then for some reason i blurted out man, the sky is broken..and i felt confused for a minute like wtf was that? sounds like i need some more... =D

i did a search and couldn't find a thread like this. but for sure let me know if there is one.

I let things build up inside of me and then get really fucked up and tell everyone how I feel. "Hey fuck you man".

I don't think I'm the only one. lol
I guess he thought I was psychic.

Setting around with my brother after partaking of some monster Meigs County one day. His phone rings and in a paraniod tone he looks at me and asks all seriously "Who is it?" This was before the days of caller I.D. I still tease him to this day.
i take back my comments abotu searching cuz you did try to find the thread it was just hard to find i had to search 5 or 6 words before i tracked it down, so im sorry about my UTFSE comment before ;)
I merged this with Funniest Drug Quotes thread. Aaaand merging that thread, with Greatest Quotes from Trips. The ORIGINAL is here. And now we are postin in the revived version. All your funny shit said while high goes here peeps. Enjoy. some good readin in the old one in the archive that i linked to too. Lots of funny stories in these threads.
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Oh anyways...I got plenty of good old ones from back int he day....

I remember one time tripping with my homegirl and we were both pretty faced, we decided to have a arm wrestling competition...I was winning, but half way thru, I lost becuz "Me and you, are just different pieces of the yin yang! How can i win against you, were the same person!! Im the blue side and youre the red side, I cant win becuz Im fighting against myself!"

I had her arm all the way almost flat, and was totally winning and then my arm just like....went loose as soon as i had that mental image of us being the same person it was like i lost all power in my arm and couldnt move it no more.

Also from that same night , the door knob fell off my door and we got stuck in my room, to get the door back open we had to find the doorknob and put it back on, but i kept thinking i was lookin for a tarantula instead, n i remember bein like WE CANT LEAVE, FIRST WE GOTTA FIND THE TARANTULA!!

One time I was noddin HAAARD, one of those nods where you just GONE....And I woke up for a second only to hear my friends laughin about how my neck was like twisted in the most unbcomfortable way. You know how when u nod out its always in some weird ass position and your head is all leaned back or onto your chest, and you wake up with your neck soo stiff itsl ike you cant even move your head....

Well they was all talkin shit thinking i was out cold about "damn how does she fall asleep like that she shouldnt do so much dope"

And i just woke up and was like

'ITS WORTH THE NECKHURT!" and nodded back out lol.
"hey man...you know when when you see someone and you can just tell they listen to neil diamond?"
Oh the many joys of the english language! Only accentuated by substances!

1. "Are you shooting at me? Cause thats just gunna make me mad!"
2. "As awkward as a wooden legged platypus creeping through a wooden floorboarded house in the middle of the night"
3. "Everyone wants to be a clown - shame their parents couldn't ride unicycles"
4. "I'm unique - like a platypus with a wooden leg"
5. Name for a crackers thesis: "Negative Gearing: Credit on Credit - 2 negatives never make a positive" & "Evaporation Theory: More crack? or less? To "make it last longer..."
Not 100% sure this was drug induced, but we can all infer from their music that it was.

The name "Shpongle" is not a dictionary recognized word; it is derived from a rumor when Raja Ram was asked at a party to see how he was feeling. He replied "I feel...Shpongled.".
I actually remember two quotes from me here they are: I consume one speed pill at a school dance, an hour later me and two other people I knew where just going crazy....dancing around, drinking someones gattorade, and all types of crazy shit......so I then go up to this chick and I said "wow! my fingers are really horny!" "Your face is soooooo soft!"(that's right after I touched her face) haha.

Another classic one is "Oh yeah I want some honey mustard!" (we are at taco bell at 4:00 in the morning) "sir we don't have honey mustard...." friend: "Fuck you honey mustard!" flips off the speaker. hahaha
Me and my friend ate a good amount of shrooms, for some moronic reason my friend decided to play with his butterfly knife while I was trying to stare at my speakers as the music was pumping out of them

Friend: Dude this shit is crazy! It looks like your arm is turning red and shit...woah!
Me: Oh shit, you fucking cut me with that gay ass knife of yours, that's blood you idiot!
Friend: Ohhh, my bad man.
Me: Well you have to leave know, go play in the street or something, I don't really care just get out of my house you arm murderer.

..Poor kid was tripping balls and I kicked him out with nowhere to go for the next few hours, I kinda felt bad afterwards lol
Setting around with my brother after partaking of some monster Meigs County one day. His phone rings and in a paraniod tone he looks at me and asks all seriously "Who is it?" This was before the days of caller I.D. I still tease him to this day.

As in Meigs County Gold? We got that up here in Columbus a year or two ago, shit was some KILLLLLLAH.
Back when my tolerance was still pretty low, I popped 20 512s, ( a lot of APAP! I know ), and I was apparently talking so low that my brother had to almost touch his ear to my mouth just to hear me. And one of the things I remember was mumbling

"You know I don't think Me and Yosemite Sam could ever get along "

about 30 seconds after saying that I was astonished at the stupidity of having said this
"I knew more or less what was going on, I just couldn't control the donkeys."
"God is a self-solving paradox"

"Cartwheeling out of the uterus is fundamentally flawed"

There were many more from that house, many of which were written on the wall in odd places.
during a friends first lsd outing
"how you digging that acid, tom?"
"with a shovel"

me, on salvia, "i'd love to hit that bowl, but i'd have to drive all the way down to my hand to get it lit, and that would just take too long"

at about 5a.m., after a rave, a friend and i go into a rendition of dj assault's ass 'n titties begging for breakfast, "eggs, bacon, eggs 'n bacon, eggs, eggs, bacon, bacon, eggs 'n bacon"
me and my friend after smoking crack.

me: hey man u smell good
friend: yah i burned a bible so i decided to put on some perfume.

lol. this actually happened to, i watced him burn it and i was like yah im gnna stay on this side of the room just in case and was like, yah um i have nothing to do with this god. lol
i don't remember what i was on, but i was trying to tell my friend i was fucked up, and i go "man, i'm so fucking upped" heh
Oh here's another one: Me: snorts line of first cocaine, then another, "I feel like god with this knife!" (I'm holding a pocket knife)