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Greatest drug induced quotes....Trippin/rollin/stoned/doped/dusted LOL's go here!

Me and my friend B were pretty fucked up on DXM. I took more than he did, but the little bitch was a lightweight ;)
Anyway, my friend B is completely messed up and disoriented. My sober friend S goes "Dude, you missed the dinosaurs!" and B just looks up with the horrified and shocked look on his face.
Then I walked B back to my house to hang out. Later he went home and his parents caught him. They called my parents.
Fuck the hospital, and fuck charcoal, man!
lacey k wanted me to add this.. so:

I was once at a rave.. chillin in a room with my mates.. had 10 STRONG (suspected MDA) pills in me.. in my head im playing mortal kombat on the ps2.. open my eyes to find im rollin around on the floor with my mobile phone in my hand as if it were a controller, covered in saw dust. I was also apparently using my hand as if it were a skateboard and said to my friend: "Here's the board, but where the skater?".. While probably playing tony hawks in my head.. Man.. I played too much playstation around that time period.
I just read this whole thread and omg.. it's the funniest shit i ever heard. This should be in TDS Titled: Suicidal? Read this!.. I literally laughed through every post. Anyway..

My girlfriend of the time was laying on a sofa, pilling HARD, when she kissed the arm, stroked it, looked at me and said: "I love him I do." while making eye movements to let me know she was talking about the sofa.. I replied: "What?" Then she looked at me and said: "I wasn't talking to you i was talkin to him" While pointing at the wall behind me. (There was no1 else in the room)

Later on.. she was laying on the floor babbling nonsense when she suddenly went: "What!?" As if someone had called her.. She then picked up my mates jeans and looked at them saying: "Well don't call my name if your not gonna say anything.." Then looked over at me like 8)

Me on 4 STRONG tabs of LSD: "I just worked out the truth, but i have no idea what it is" Or somethin like that. You know where u come to some sort of epiphany only to realise you don't remember the last milisecond of your thoughts.
"Fish don't sleep!" - Friend on mushrooms
"Fuck...go back to the avocado now!" - me on acid, imagining a garbage can turned into an avocado (after it had reverted back to its "true form")
" I JUST SHIT MY PANTS!" - friend on shrooms
"your not wearing pants" - me

laughter for about 3mins.
....then silence.

"i'll go put some on" - friend
"please" - me

*friend and I go to pawn shop, he talks to the owner about selling his guitar which was worth about $800.
"I'll give you $300 for it" - pawn shop owner
"sry im not that high" - friend tripping on 3 bottles of robotussin.
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Me on 12oz Robo DM: Dude, since when were your walls green?
Friend: For as long as I can remember...
Me: Does that mean we can smoke it?
"Theres so much something in this nothingness". -my friend while we were both on quality LSD sitting in the dark.
This was at Schoolies last year, it was me, my friend A who was drunk, and my friend R. R and I were on LSD for the first time in our lives, and we were in the hallway of our hotel floor and we had just finished talking to some people when R starts getting paranoid:

R: Are we really fucked up man? Does everyone here, like, know how seriously fucked we are and is looking at us weird and shit?
Me: It's Schoolies! Everyone is fucked up, we just have different sized pupils! ;)

Me to a friend that had a very heavily pimpled face; 'Man you're face is like the surface of the moon'.

R is like that, or was, we were on my back deck. I'd had 4 pills of X, I'm not sure what exactly was in it but I was hallucinating a little bit. Our friend J was there, drunk, and R was on DXM. I kept looking at R's face, and it transformed into what looked like a car crash victim or something. So, without thinking:

Me: R, you look like a car crash victim!
J & R (both staring at me in disbelief and outrage for a moment): Fucking slack, man!

I felt so bad after that...

FINALLY; It was R, me, J and B. We were drunk, and we went to a convenience store and bought a whole lot of aluminium foil. We wrapped R in it to look like a robot space traveler dude, then had him walk up to a random couple at a restaurant enjoying a romantic dinner:

R: Excuse me, but do you know what year it is?
Random Guy: Uh, 2007!?
R: Fuck, I've gone too far! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!

He then started flailing his arms around and ran off down the street...funny shit! =D
friend (acid) to me (sober) - "when you blow out your smoke its blue"

me (rolling) - "have you seen ricky?"
friend (rolling) - "he's in my pocket"

friend (rolling) to me (rolling) - "i just lit a bonfire in your closet"

friend (rolling) - "i need to consult with my federal wildlife marshall partner in crime"

friend (mushrooms) - "oh my god! i broke my finger!"
me (mushrooms) - "oh my god! me 2!"
other friend (mushrooms) - "me 2!"
I went over to my friends house one time when a bunch of them were on a couple tabs. I was hanging out in the basement high when i here my friend coming down the stairs. Out of no where he yells "BREAD IT ON!!!!!!" and shoves a loaf of bread over his arm and starts laughing uncontrollably, as did i after i saw that haha.

I remember one time me and my friend tried to figure out how to spell double u or w, we werent sure which we were trying to spell haha
Tripping mushrooms for the first time, my friend Olivia said, "My eyes behind my eyes...I can't close them!" and we all had a good laugh. Being her first time on any kind of psychedelic she had never experienced CEV's before.
"it's okay, mom will clean it up."

i was all whacked-out on dxm and i thought i had crapped my bed. i told my friend about the supposed poo and he asked what i was gonna do about it. that was my response.
oh, and this one is from my parents....
[they were driving down a highway]

mom: "that truck is driving so slow..."
dad: "i know, it must be hauling dynamite. a dynamite truck."

i forget what they were high on. my mom told me that story.
I wasn't tripping but when i was really drunk, like really drunk, throw up in your sleep 10 times wake up out of your bed on the ground... where another bed happened to just be :S haha which was lucky, Anyway, I was sitting down and having a conversation with every one about well shit that didn't make sense but a funny quote that I said was,

"If I get stabbed, I'll have to goto the dentist"

I was so fucked that night haha
me, shrooms(while smoking a blunt): dude, my lungs were just like "yo you want this?" and my brain said "yeah, thanks!"

me, shrooms(first trip): "this is mmmmmazing, mmmmmazing, mmmmmazing..." for like 5 minutes standing in a convenience store referring to the neon lights and cold air coming out of the cooler

i need to trip again, soon.
FINALLY; It was R, me, J and B. We were drunk, and we went to a convenience store and bought a whole lot of aluminium foil. We wrapped R in it to look like a robot space traveler dude, then had him walk up to a random couple at a restaurant enjoying a romantic dinner:

R: Excuse me, but do you know what year it is?
Random Guy: Uh, 2007!?
R: Fuck, I've gone too far! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!


Last weekend me and some friends were at my place, it was the end of the night and everyone was pretty quiet. My friend was sitting on the floor looking at a plate on my table when she asked me - 'Did you buy that plate when you were high because you thought it was a slice of kiwi fruit?'
Haha it got a laugh. It was a green plate.
Friend is crying: "Is this how easy it really is?"
Me, I smile at her and say,"its always this easy, we just don't understand"

Not sure what we were talking about, but there was some unspoken understanding...
on acid, three off us sitting in a triangle on chairs.
friend one: coughs up huge lump of flem from chest and without even moving just spits it straight on to the front of mate2's white jumper. big and think and black.
Mate2: thanx mate, wat the fuck was that for?
mate1: no problems. Wat?
mate2: ya just spat on me you dickhead!
mate1: no i didn't. nope, couldn't have.

thin is he was dead serious, and through out the nite still denined it, even though i was watching whole time and laughing my ass of