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Greatest drug induced quotes....Trippin/rollin/stoned/doped/dusted LOL's go here!

A recent one on 50mg Zolpidem (Ambien)

Things got intense online while I was talking to my ex, went something like this...

Me: "scared"
MyX: 'of what'
Me: "Surrounding - fuk man, feel like I'm a king, pirate running in a cold forest or something."

I didn't mean it like a king pirate, rather a king and a pirate lol

Can't understand anything else I said in the IM box but was funny re-reading in it in the morning.

To his sister: "Are you gonna let the floor just turn into mud like that or are you gonna do something about it"
Ninjetic said:
Me candyflipping- Can u beleive the price of happiness these days? I remember back when all ya had to do was throw a brick at a car n run

ahhh ain't that true - fun before we had drugs
Me to a friend that had a very heavily pimpled face; 'Man you're face is like the surface of the moon'.

Another one i remember is refering to my friend as a 'space rat'.
"So many thoughts are falling into my head that I can't think!"

"Man, I wish the wall was on my side."

"My sense of time is so fucked up. Every moment is a small eternity. My brain is processing too much at the time so time slows down... "

"I thought something, but I forgot the thought."

"The present is the emptiness between past and future, the present is nothing and eternal. Because it is neverending, but also everlasting."

"The thing about jaffa cakes, is that they are kinda like UFO's, in the sense that no one knows how they are made..."
Very baked from some very strong pot, I kept taking things from people while they were using them, then realizing what I did and saying "sorry.. i took this.." and giving it back.
I was hanging out with a 14 year old who's fairly annoying sober, but funny enough to keep around when he's drunk. He wasj ust drunk, not anything else, and he informed us of this:

"I like drinking more than smoking weed...but I still smoke more...because I can drink more weed than I can smoke."
*watching a David Lynch movie*
"I get it! I fucking understand!"
"i forget" :(
The only time I have ever seen someone have a bad trip. My friend ate an 8th of mushrooms and he came up and just had a blank look on his face. We asked him if he was having fun and all he could say is:
S: "I don't know what to do."
Us: "What do you mean? Right now, or in general?"
S: "I don't know.... I don't know.... I just don't know what to do."
Us: "Just chill out man. Just relax and have fun"
S: "I don't know. I don't know what to do."
I think he was in some kind of mind loop, but he was not having fun. All he could say was "I don't know what to do" and his expression was of utter confusion.
My friend on acid rubbed a pillow on his face and said "this feels scrambalydokeshumshus [long pause] nurrrrrrrs."
Damien8787 said:
The only time I have ever seen someone have a bad trip. My friend ate an 8th of mushrooms and he came up and just had a blank look on his face. We asked him if he was having fun and all he could say is:
S: "I don't know what to do."
Us: "What do you mean? Right now, or in general?"
S: "I don't know.... I don't know.... I just don't know what to do."
Us: "Just chill out man. Just relax and have fun"
S: "I don't know. I don't know what to do."
I think he was in some kind of mind loop, but he was not having fun. All he could say was "I don't know what to do" and his expression was of utter confusion.

haha seen this so many times experienced it myself a few times

This sort of unsettling feeling like you should be somewhere or doing something or just something not right
couple of friends and i all fucked up on mushrooms and skates.

I remember one of us saying.. "we don't get any higher then this"

We all burst out laughing.
Bumping this shit since it's an awesome thread.

First time on 2C-E:
Me after snorting 10 mg and puking in the sink:
"Fuck, this would be really awesome if the world would just stop VIBRATING for one second."

Later our tripsitter was reading a newspaper while we (the trippers) were having a kind of rough come-up(lots of puke and bad vibes for some unexplainable reason). Suddenly he starts reading aloud: "In today's society more and more people are seeking comfort in a turbulent world." Synchronicity ftw.

My friend was tripping really hard and was talking lots of nonsense, but he managed to get out: "Aaah, we need to listen to Shpongle, ongle, ongle, ongle." fading out with each ongle until he was whispering.
9mmCensor said:
salvia D trip:

a friend screamed "FUCK" for 2 minutes straight.

i can relate.

mine was like "what the fuck, where the fuck? who the fuck? am i really here? etc etc" plus having a camera all in ya face doesnt make things any easier. i had lateralus crankin in the background which intensified it a little bit.
LOL some great shit in this thread.

A common theme in mine...

J, after her first breakthrough salvia trip, she hid under the covers of the bed for like 10 minutes, then pops out and yells "I SEE MANY THINGS" and promptly falls off the bed.

Another time, me and a friend both on obscene doses of dxm. I came out of the bathroom and ripped a really obnoxious fart, K was sitting on a bed and just kinda bounces up onto all fours and screams at me "YOU MUST TELL ME WHERE DID THAT COME FROM" in a really authoritative tone... and promptly falls off the bed lol.
Stoned out of my mind staring at a clear, star filled night sky

"The earth is so, globular! Is that why they call it a globe?"

After my first time tripping, the ever so popular
"What the fu-k?"
I've had a few different people tell me that a "door just opened" in their mind.

And me to my friend: "dude take the bowl" Friend: "why? its your hit"
Me: "dude, just take the bowl!" Friend: "why?" Me: "because I'm about to pass out" Friend: "oh" Then I sunk into the concrete I was shrooming at the time.
the north is breaking, the south is coming up behind it.
the west, hes waiting for the moon, he'll get it later, the east already has it.
the east gets to the west over the horizon.
what does up get? up gets the sky, the clouds, planes. the sky isnt missing anything
down on the other hand. down is bad. everytime anyone is down for something its usually bad news. people put other people down, they feel down. down is a bad kid...