• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Good things about being off drugs/getting sober

I've got a hedgehog in my garden, I appreciate him and nature alot more. I wake up at 7/8 in the morning instead of 2/3 in the afternoon. I'm actually a morning person so I appreciate this time of day now in sobriety.
Having a wallet full of cash that's not about to be spent on drugs, and still having more money set aside that won't be spent on drugs
My favorite things about being sober.... I can deal with my emotions in a healthier and more responsible manner. I can keep calm through rough times. Consistent drug use for years never allowed for that, did it? My skin is clear. It doesn't crawl. The life is back in my eyes. I don't look like a soulless zombie anymore. I can genuinely feel emotion, no feeling numb anymore! I can take a nap when I have a hard day while I used to never be able to sleep until I'd been awake so many days that I just crashed. I can actually have conversations with people, they can understand what I'm saying and actually want to speak back to me. When you're so high you're speaking a million words a minute people tend to look at you weird and walk away. I love being able to spend time just sitting with my family... No more having to stress over how fucked up I look or how long I can stay without having to make up an excuse To leave. Because the guilt was too much. The moments where I see the way the sun illuminates a beautiful sky, the way the wind blows through the trees... They are my favorite times. Of just stopping and realizing how beautiful this world is and how blessed I am to still be here to experience it. I work hard and instead of wasting my money on bullshit I save it and go travel the world. It's only been one and a half years of saving and I have been to four different countries and three continents. Traveling has been a life long goal for me and being able to save up for tickets and not having a monkey on my back to take abroad with me has been a blessing I was never sure I would ever experience. Having my parents and family be proud of me. The fact that I am someone my new baby sister can look up to, and not down upon. The ability to truly love myself inside and out. That I have a healthy relationship with someone who is accepting of my past and worthy of my future. To be in love, true raw and authentic love. Not because I'm high and feel good... But because we are genuinely happy, in awe of each other and want to spend our days together. The true joy in life while sober is irreplaceable. Some days are rough and on those days I remind myself of how far I've come, and how much getting high will NOT feel good.. How it it will not solve anything. I keep my mind focused as I can. Thank you for all the reminders on here, because let's face it... We all need some inspiration sometimes. Just because sober life is better, does not mean it is easy. So much love to all you guys for sharing. ✌️
Having feelings. Having a future. Having money. Having meaningful relationships. Having friends. Having good and bad feelings. Being thankful for being alive.
- More Money
- More self respect
- No more doctors/clinics.
- Less paranoia/anxiety/depression
- Actually remembering what happened
- Being able to cope with things in a healthier, non destructive way.
- Being able to relate to people again.
My favorite things about being sober.... I can deal with my emotions in a healthier and more responsible manner. I can keep calm through rough times. Consistent drug use for years never allowed for that, did it? My skin is clear. It doesn't crawl. The life is back in my eyes. I don't look like a soulless zombie anymore. I can genuinely feel emotion, no feeling numb anymore! I can take a nap when I have a hard day while I used to never be able to sleep until I'd been awake so many days that I just crashed. I can actually have conversations with people, they can understand what I'm saying and actually want to speak back to me. When you're so high you're speaking a million words a minute people tend to look at you weird and walk away. I love being able to spend time just sitting with my family... No more having to stress over how fucked up I look or how long I can stay without having to make up an excuse To leave. Because the guilt was too much. The moments where I see the way the sun illuminates a beautiful sky, the way the wind blows through the trees... They are my favorite times. Of just stopping and realizing how beautiful this world is and how blessed I am to still be here to experience it. I work hard and instead of wasting my money on bullshit I save it and go travel the world. It's only been one and a half years of saving and I have been to four different countries and three continents. Traveling has been a life long goal for me and being able to save up for tickets and not having a monkey on my back to take abroad with me has been a blessing I was never sure I would ever experience. Having my parents and family be proud of me. The fact that I am someone my new baby sister can look up to, and not down upon. The ability to truly love myself inside and out. That I have a healthy relationship with someone who is accepting of my past and worthy of my future. To be in love, true raw and authentic love. Not because I'm high and feel good... But because we are genuinely happy, in awe of each other and want to spend our days together. The true joy in life while sober is irreplaceable. Some days are rough and on those days I remind myself of how far I've come, and how much getting high will NOT feel good.. How it it will not solve anything. I keep my mind focused as I can. Thank you for all the reminders on here, because let's face it... We all need some inspiration sometimes. Just because sober life is better, does not mean it is easy. So much love to all you guys for sharing. ✌️

That was an inspiring read.<3
if you want to just chill and do nothing you can. No trips or phone calls that must be made, all that micro managing was so stressful. You don't feel like your going to break down, you get a major sense of freedom when you realize how chained up you were to messed up routines.
Breaking the old routines, like mentioned above. The pursuit of heroin is a stressful one indeed.

And the fact that yesterday, even when I was sitting there and detoxing and feeling like total shit, I realized that I would take it over another day of being chained to addiction. It's such a cliche, but my worst day clean is still better than a good day using. Nothing is worth exchanging your freedom for. NUH. THING.

Most of all though, the best part is having the opportunity again to fix the things you broke while you were using. Friendships, debt, whatever... there is nothing that can't be fixed, or at least accepted as a part of life and then let go of if it can't.

My job - one of the only jobs I have ever had in my life that I actually like and make GOOD money/benefits at - isn't in such jeopardy anymore.
No more feeling excessively happy when high and then feeling bad when I come down.
More independence from family members.
Not playing with potentially toxic chemicals anymore.
This site has helped me find greater peace... I am so thankful for bluelight! &#55357;&#56467;
Not being dependent on something outside of myself! A sense of empathy for people! And having more aggregate happiness throughout the day!
Feeling proud about clean time and about how we've turned our lives toward a better direction.
and well we should feel proud-only another addict can truly understand the mental battle it is to build precious clean time sometimes moment by moment.