• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Good things about being off drugs/getting sober

Peoples trust friends and family you can not put a price on that
Being able to think more clearly about things..
Since getting sober i have been able to strengthen the fuck out of my relationship with my partner.
There is so much positivity in my life.. I can very easily see now how clouded that energy becomes when certain substances become frequently misused.
Dude I'm in freaking Central Europe and will soon have a fair amount of extra money...which means Italy, the Czech Republic, Holland and Spain are mere train rides away and I won't have to worry about being sick. The very notion is thrilling. I can start to live in a way previously unimagined and it all stemmed from the thought "I just have to get clean no matter what"
Being able to accept a good job with only one day notice. A job that requires an initial drug screening.
I'm just over five months 100% clean! Finally. I ride my bike and enjoy it! Strength and happiness.
quitting psychedelics for me has given me my sanity back. I could probably use them occasionally and still have sanity but I'd rather quit altogether and not chance my sanity, as there's no telling what might happen if I go psychotic again. better safe and clean than sorry and losing it because I couldn't control my drug use properly
So much! Almost immediately after detoxing from drink I deflated like a popped balloon and lost 4 dress sizes. Waking up clear-eyed and clear thoughts. Money! Not carrying the shame and fear of my secret being discovered. Seeing my parents visibly happier. Realising in subsequent later forays into socialising how annoying drunk people are if you're sober!
Every time I get cravings I sit down, close my eyes and visualize those countless nights where I would pop my last dose. Terror in its purest form. You sit there and wait... and wait... knowing full well the hell that awaits. The craving then pales in comparison to the joy you feel, knowing that's all in the past.

Greatest visualization ever :).
I can handle rough situations much better. I found out I owed a bit of money for insurance and kinda got an anxiety attack. Wanted to drink but I didn't (I have 11 months clean) and the urge was gone in 2 minutes. I then decided to look at alternatives and am saving hundreds of dollars.
I can handle rough situations much better. I found out I owed a bit of money for insurance and kinda got an anxiety attack. Wanted to drink but I didn't (I have 11 months clean) and the urge was gone in 2 minutes. I then decided to look at alternatives and am saving hundreds of dollars.

Nice, trying not to fix on spending money I don't have at the moment.
I like it that I could have all the things I never thought possible when I was drinking and using. I have great friends and a wife and kids that love me. The material shit is nice but the friends and family are really what matters most.
Not all my friends are clean and sober but their lives aren't f'ed like mine was
Definitely being better off financially.

Being able to set goals and have hobbies that don't revolve around nodding off: starting websites, reading books, learning new recipes.

Building strong relationships with sober people.
Yes, because it makes that possible. Strong relationships, specially with sober people.