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Good luck with travels, SHM

Love you dearly SHM <3
PLEASE keep us updated when you can. You know I care about you and you know how much I do.

Regardless - Have a fucking good time <3~:)~<3
Hope you are having a great journey your blog is very well written have a good one
Again, thanks to everyone for kind words. Now I need advice. What to do with a snoring gf? In particular, a snoring gf who moans like shit the instant I snore (don't we all?) thereby waking me up and making me too afraid to go back to sleep for constant repetition of problem.

I'm a non-violent guy but it's around 4.30am and this is the third night running I've had no sleep. Despite COPIOUS intake of Valium, of which I am running out. I just took another 30mg. It's having no effect. I gave her 10mg (she's 3ft 2" and weighs about 6 kilos - I'm not being stingy). Instant result? She is vibrating the walls, I'm writing desperate shit on EADD asking for help. Because I'm a cunt, and really have had enough three days running, I've just video'd her in her sleep. The walls are shaking. Now, no doubt I have the same effect on the rare nights I sleep. But this is getting ridiculous. Several shoves later and the decibels have risen, not quietened. I would also like to know why 30mg Valium, from my GP, is having no effect. Is it the Xanax I was taking two weeks prior to coming away? Or even the odd 10mg MSJ I also substituted the Xanax with occasionally?

Answers in a post. They can't involve axe murder though. I have no axe.

Oh woe is me etc. I only have a 12 hour train ride to take on tomorrow.

Fuck the world I want to get off.
Do you have some headphones? Put some music on to (hopefully) drown out the snoring. Good luck!
Pfffft, yer a super traveller. Surely you have some earplugs? Or something else that you can deafen yourself with..
You and your pffts. Of course I have ear plugs. Not 140 decibel ones though. Plus I have a tropical fever, snot pouring from my nose, and earplugs make this worse (I discovered last night). And Ponch, thanks, but I can't sleep in headphones AND I NEED TO SLEEP.
Oh, diddums. Go and find a hammock somewhere outside to sleep, then? Or we can collectively sing some sort of lullaby at you..

I will happily swap with you. Manchester is lovely at this time of year, honest.
Again, thanks to everyone for kind words. Now I need advice. What to do with a snoring gf? In particular, a snoring gf who moans like shit the instant I snore (don't we all?) thereby waking me up and making me too afraid to go back to sleep for constant repetition of problem.

Smother her & dump the body? Guaranteed to solve your problem for good. :D
You and your pffts. Of course I have ear plugs. Not 140 decibel ones though. Plus I have a tropical fever, snot pouring from my nose, and earplugs make this worse (I discovered last night). And Ponch, thanks, but I can't sleep in headphones AND I NEED TO SLEEP.

Well then the only other option seems to be to buy some speed, at bed time give her the speed and you take the valium. Job jobbed.
Maybe she has an issue with her nose. I read somewhere that someone had a snoring issue n it was found they had an issue with their nose. Apart from seeing a doctor, which must be difficult I don't know what to suggest.

Does she sleep in a particular position? - for instance, on her back. Maybe try moving her to the side I've heard that works.

Sorry I couldn't be much help - I hope it's sorted soon n that you're able to get sleep. It must be terrible not getting enough sleep xxxx

Don't let her sleep on her back.

There's some creepy old trick...stick a rolled up pair of socks (or tennis ball?) down the back of her shirt or something.
So she won't roll onto her back (which seems to be the cause of a lot of people's snoring).

Safe travels, hope you get some good sleep!
The good news is, you'll get to sleep, eventually. When you need to. You'll just close your eyes and drift off into peaceful sleep.

The bad news is, it probably won't be when you want to .....
Where are you going to?

depending what you want to do--

Check out smaller cities and the such. it's better to get to know locals and where it is not so overrun with annoying tourists like your-selfs. all the good shit is always away from the big cities. though it depends where you are going or what u wanna do.
SHM I have sent you a lil pm which I hope you receive which contents are basically the antithesis of travelling..but I hope will make you smile anyway. Regarding snoring...The O snores rather dramatically so I give you first my sympathy (apparently I too gently snortle when my nozzle is blocked up with powdery elements and I find a good water sloosh and vicks liberally rubbed in what is left of the septum assists) HOWEVER that is clearly not the problem here-The O snores decibel wise are off the snoreometer when benzo's are added oddly and also when he sleeps on his back..so make sure she sleeps on her side and find the local equivalent of Nytol anti snoring throat spray...have googled ingredients-apparently it has none ahumm...but it's this maybe we will have to have a wip round and send you some out?
Failing that most chemists will stock anti snoring strips that you attach to the outter bit of nose and sort of opens your nasl passages but the spray is where it's at..

Sleep soon for you ad for me...na night, safe travels <3
Where are you going to?

depending what you want to do--

Check out smaller cities and the such. it's better to get to know locals and where it is not so overrun with annoying tourists like your-selfs. all the good shit is always away from the big cities. though it depends where you are going or what u wanna do.

Cheers for the advice mate. Tell us what you want for your 13th birthday and I'll buy you it.

And thanks Inflo, that was a nice PM to receive. Well, apart from the medical bits, but, y'know.
np m9. have a good trip you both will have a lot of fun, its a really good exp.

let me think about that one yea brew i've got a lot of time.
Shame ya didn't have a Doctor Who-like suitcase, SHM. We could have all popped inside n come with ya :D

Again, thanks to everyone for kind words. Now I need advice. What to do with a snoring gf? In particular, a snoring gf who moans like shit the instant I snore (don't we all?) thereby waking me up and making me too afraid to go back to sleep for constant repetition of problem.
Something friends o mine practice to ensure sound sleep is to get a cd with rainfall on it, tropical rainforest rain maybe or something alike. Put it on repeat, this will create a background of whitenoise which will cover up irritating sounds. Most (if not all) of us should be able to sleep on it. We all had experiences were heavy rain fall on the roof creates an uniform noise without keeping you awake.

A fan producing loud enough sound of wind works too.

Good luck with the snoring and happy travels.

Thanks mate.

Inflo I tried to reply to your PM but you're obviously so popular your inbox is full again and I'm out of time with sporadic wifi. Just thanks for writing eh. bet this post won't send now anyway.