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Gibberings CXX : Minty Superfreqs et al.

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i bet you didn't get caught on the 1st outgoing personal call you did, lets put it that way. Crazy/naive to use the phone system for that, you're lucky you weren't arrested as an example.

No I didn't tbh I made several calls, rough idea about 20/30 before I got busted.
They were all at the same time too 12.55pm (5 mins before lunch break)

How the fuck can they have me arrested?.......I had nothing on me & by the time I got back at 2pm the gear was gone.
What they going to charge me with?
I'm curious as to what happened when your manager took you into the office. What exactly did he/she say with regards to making you get a script? Is it really that easy to get an opiate maintenance prescription?
^ i assume they generously concluded he had an addiction and decided to help him rather than fire him, probably for HR reasons.

No I didn't tbh I made several calls, rough idea about 20/30 before I got busted.
They were all at the same time too 12.55pm (5 mins before lunch break)

How the fuck can they have me arrested?.......I had nothing on me & by the time I got back at 2pm the gear was gone.
What they going to charge me with?

I'd have thought if they had recorded evidence of you using company time & equipment to secure class A drugs it would be some sort of crime but you may be right, maybe its not. Anyway even if it was they wouldn't want the negative attention so they tend to handle these things discreetly.
I'd imagine so, i've been let go on the heresay of being on drugs before, which i took without complaint because i was hardly one of the most productive workers, but aye your right usually a companie would try to acoid 'drama' wherever possible
I'm curious as to what happened when your manager took you into the office. What exactly did he/she say with regards to making you get a script? Is it really that easy to get an opiate maintenance prescription?

Round by me all you have to do is piss dirty & they throw meth or subby's at you, maybe even some good downers if you can make them think your on more gear than you really are.

He said he didn't want to sack me as they had a few people before in the company with a issue like mine, told me to go get it sorted out by Monday & he wanted to see evidence.
Said I was a good worker & would feel bad to sack me as he had no idea I was on drugs.

@ badandwicked
That is all well & good to have me recorded but I have NO actual product in my posession.
I am sure to be charged in the UK you have to have it on you, a conspiracy charge would be kicked out of any Court in this land imo.
^ that's interesting. I regularly sip from my codeine linctus bottle in the work carpark. I often worry about being spotted.

Edit - I do understand that codeine is hardly heroin, it's just that if they are monitoring me and see me doing it on a regular basis, I'm sure they could have me in for a breach of drug/alcohol policy.
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^ that's interesting. I regularly sip from my codeine linctus bottle in the work carpark. I often worry about being spotted.

Edit - I do understand that codeine is hardly heroin, it's just that if they are monitoring me and see me doing it on a regular basis, I'm sure they could have me in for a breach of drug/alcohol policy.

Why not chuck it in a normal placcy bottle with a bit of water?

thanks that place is for weirdos
im an irish citizen
nomore of tht talk im fine
Not a bad idea really. To clarify, I keep it in the glove box of my car. I don't walk around the car park sipping from the bottle!

thanks that place is for weirdos

From now on Knock has to be addressed with a bad knock knock joke btw

That the BL mental health section he linked you too?.......

I gone through that once & I rate it up there with the Americans on ED tbh.
Everyone goes up & down it's called life, get over it & go smoke a joint.

I say to my missus everytime she is down & depressed "OK you think you got it bad, I will get you a 1 way ticket to Somalia or Lyberia & then see how depressed you are"
I HATE this diease of the western mind, depression is a load of bash, everyone gets down now & again, just be fucking glad you got a roof over your head & food in your belly.
There are people in the world right now having their arms cut off, people being murdered, illegal sex workers being moved from Russia to work in illegal whore houses in Soho etc etc etc.

Grow the fuck up.
Some people get completely crippled by depression. I'd infer from that post that you've never been in that position. It's not bollocks.
exactly, jancrow, depression isn't about how bad you have things compared to other people, it's about how you feel. It's not a rational thing.
Some people get completely crippled by depression. I'd infer from that post that you've never been in that position. It's not bollocks.

OK you think you got it bad, I will get you a 1 way ticket to Somalia or Lyberia & then see how depressed you are ;)

She is into this self pity crap, she is a ex cutter, tried to kill herself god knows how many times, is on some stuff called "librium" etc etc..........
I am fully aware of how bad she can get BUT it's a state of mind.

OK Jancrow next time your depressed watch that Vice magazine piece on Lyberia or maybe a show on North Korea if the Lyberia film is too savage, then look at where you are now safe in the UK, roof over your head, food etc.

Depression is the diease of the western mind.
@ Farmaz, codeine is a pro-drug that is metabolized into morphine at a rate of around 10%. Some people apparently have more of the required enzyme and can metabolize more than this, thus getting higher from smaller doses.

thanks that place is for weirdos
im an irish citizen
nomore of tht talk im fine
your employers seem like they've been fairly okay with things and been pretty supportive, no?

By agreeing to seek help, you'll at least have acknowledged to them you have a bit of an issue (which you recognise), and they'll probably be really supportive if you decide (or need) to take time off in the future etc.

Is the thought of explaining your situation to a doctor/attending rehab, that bad it makes you want to 'check out'? ... if so, why?

It might be a legitimate way of getting time away from your job and maybe cutting down on the stims that you admit are causing you problems functioning?

It at least gives you a little breather to take stock of shit and gives you some space to think about getting back on the right track, no?

I don't know you that well, but from what I've observed so far, it seems like officially observing you have a problem is a huge deal for you, and you are concerned about how that's viewed (both socially and with work) ... is that right? Cause I can totally identify with that, I had to go through a similar thing once (at work), and I avoided acknowledging things for a fucking long time. It was like a fall from grace or something. It took months before I could fully acknowledge I had a problem to my employers. [edit] and tbh, I don't think I ever did really acknowledge the truth with them. In retrospect I was only able to acknowledge I couldn't cope many years later, after I'd handed in my notice. I really genuinely wish I was able to do it before I left tho.

Eh, if you want me to STFU and take it to PMs, I will :) ... You probably want to just zone out and forget about stuffs for now. (totally understandable)
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@ Farmaz, codeine is a pro-drug that is metabolized into morphine at a rate of around 10%. Some people apparently have more of the required enzyme and can metabolize more than this, thus getting higher from smaller doses.

Thanks :)

I never messed with anything but smack apart from Oxycontin & Fentanyl once.
OK Jancrow next time your depressed watch that Vice magazine piece on Lyberia or maybe a show on North Korea if the Lyberia film is too savage, then look at where you are now safe in the UK, roof over your head, food etc.

Shut up. I'm not depressed at present (thank fuck) but I've been through things which put me in a particularly dark place - of course they'd have been worse with bazooka rounds and minced flesh flying through the air, but you have no idea what I've been through and you have no idea what you're talking about.

You're far too quick to make sweeping judgements about humanity based on your own limited life experience.
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