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Gibberings CXCIV: Come on, mods. Let's go wild with this.

Does anyone want to buy a Zippo lighter? Pretty standard, great condition. Someone left it here this morning. Much cheapness. %)

FELIX!!!!!!!!!! DONT YOU DARE!!! I agreed to engraving but I want my zippo back you evil man! Also, upon reflection, "Oh Ginger one" wouldn't take a dreamy off me later. Think he took his dislike of me when I hearded him back into the house. Bet he was thinking, That total bitch, who does she think she is..... In other news, snub "oh Ginger one" , Give my kisses and cuddles to that gorgeous black nose-ed one of yours!
I would take his paw anyday! Such a sweetie.

Also, I don't have to worry about killing you should I find my lighter on Ebay, The most very gorgeous Kate would do the dirty work for me. Of that I am fairly sure! Be a good boy Felix!!! ;) <3 =D
Does anyone want to buy a Zippo lighter? Pretty standard, great condition. Someone left it here this morning. Much cheapness. %)

Thinking about.it

Someone told me I should go to bed and stop drinking. She sounded like some little Norn girl though.
Damn it! It's not for sale Sammy, nor is it for free or to be gifted. Those two are an evil duo... Okay, just one is!!! <3
I'm not listening to the Irish girl. I'm listening to a Scottish girl instead.
And I have no fucking clue what you're on about!

No surprises there.... I'm oblivious at the best of times. Tis true.
WOW!!! Looks like I crashed out pretty hard last night. Over 5 hours of solid sleep! I'm amazed!! I really must have needed it! Got a bit of time for a nap to prior to work! Good-o! I feel fantastic for it being 6am. Lets see how I feel after nap.... UGH! Never works out really post nap but who can say no to a nap. You'd be mad if you didn't!
You can't smoke a bong with a zippo.

Well can't is not strictly true, I have managed to smoke one with a toaster, but if given the choice I'd rather not
Wouldn't know, never tried. I do have a hukka though and some right tasty fruit tobacco type stuff. Haven't used it in years but it's rather lush. Mate bought it for me whilst traveling Egypt. Green ( of course) with silver glitter.

I honestly don't know a single person with a bong these days... :|
Do we have a members list here somewhere? I want to pm ponch n see how he is after what happened. I'm sure we once had a members list but I can't find it anywhere.

Thanks. How did you find that? Is he on your friends list?

How's rehab going?

Edit: ok what's going on? I've just checked my PM box n half the forum have given me their numbers. What's that all about? Lol. I know I've unlimited talking but c'mon. Hah.

The weird thing is I've never called anyone on EADD on the phone, they've always phoned me n I'm meant to be the most hated member of EADD lol :D

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you can simply do a search for him Evey. If a PM was all you wanted all you need do is go to pm's, New PM enter Ponch in as the recipient. Easy peasy m'dear.
I'll look again later. I've never been able to write a new message. Always had to use an existing pm. When I wanted to contact BHM once (don't ask) sammy g gave me his profile. I'm going to go look at the se later n see if I can work it all out. Ali n Felix are right no point me whinging about it when I'm prob not using it properly. A bad worksman always blames his/her tools n all that malarky.

I used the search engine, correctly ;)

What our Sadie says works perfectly for PM's, I forgot about that.. 10 points :)

As for rehab, it's going well, I've a good bunch in my house and I've actually being enjoying it, apart from the counsellors pulling shit out of you that you buried along time ago :\ Part of the process I guess. Tbh, the 12 step thing isn't as bad as I thought, obviously abstinence can fuck off which kinda fucks the whole ideology of the program, which I have no problem fucking ;) however I am learning about myself, dealing with my emotions and how to process them in a non destructive manner. That can't be a bad thing.
I got banned from six forums who mostly focused on 12 steps but that was my own fault. I didnt know of Blueliight y'see n that's basically where I should have gone as all I really wanted to do was talk about drugs n use them (don't most addicts?). I musta seemed a right troll to be honest in the other places so I can understand all that friction now. I signed up to another site like BL at the time for CWE advice but they alwys talked SWIM n I found that difficult n annoying. Bluelight always had the mobile version which I couldn't read because it never allowed for multi touch.

I was very happy to find that Bluelight had a pc version n that there was like-minded people not always the sort who lectured you about using. But I can't blame those people i went to the wrong places, wasn't ready for recovery n thought that they were all hypocrites. All I knew that that they'd taken drugs for years, decided to stop n then expected the world to stop also.

All that aside I'm glad it's working out for you, Scotchy. There's a saying "take what you need n leave the rest." Not everyone is sbstinence based n that's fine. You knew what you went in there for n you're going about accomplishing it - that's what matters. You're having an open mind.

I imagine the emotional stuff may be upsetting / annoying but think of it like a lemonade bottle that is constantly shook but not opened. It will eventually burst n rather than pouring small amount inti cups that the cups can manage, it explodes everywhere, leaving more of a mess than if it was opened now n then. Once you've done it you will hopefully feel better. Sometimes people use as a why of hiding from things that are too painful to deal with currently.

Sigh.... Come to think on it I feel slightly guilty n think that I owe those people apologies. Not to go back. But doing things like getting drunk n asking for Heroin wasn't good. I hope I seem better than I was back then. I'm ashamed of some of the things I said.

Edit: Scotchy what do you think of the steps themselves? I like the serenity prayer think there's a lot of truth in that.

Last night I begged God to help me stop drinking n put barriers in my way to stop me drinking. I really do sound retarded after a drink.

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I find them open to interpretation, I'll make of them what I want.. hardcore 12 steppers would say that's my ego and self will getting in the way. If I can work them to be a better person, ie, looking at where I'm going wrong, parts I've played what I perceive others wrong doings and faults etc then thats a good thing in my book.

Will that alone keep me clean, nope, I don't think so. Simply being happy will do, I took heroin because I was incredibly miserable, which ironically made me more miserable. I've no god and never will have I suspect, I'm open to spiritually, do good things and good things will happen n all that.