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Gibberings CLXXXVII - Shamming The Docs Summat Rotten

More love needed over here I think. Woke up at 4 again aftet 3 hours asleep despite benzos, despite not taking anything all day and despite the fact that I haven't slept properly for 3 nights now and feel worn out and achey as fuck. Never had sleep problems like this before, feel like I'm going slowly mad. So fuck whatever day it is, if I can manage it it'll disappear in a haze of dreams.
Nice to see inflo in a happy mood. Whats up? :)

Summer, sleep is one of those thigs where practice helps a lot. I find this to be getting more important as i age, but having a somewhat regular sleep pattern helps a lot. Also some binges and stress can wreak havok for a good nights rest
inflorescence has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

Sort it out.:D

Was only gonna ask if you have spotify?
Nice to see inflo in a happy mood. Whats up? :)

Summer, sleep is one of those thigs where practice helps a lot. I find this to be getting more important as i age, but having a somewhat regular sleep pattern helps a lot. Also some binges and stress can wreak havok for a good nights rest

I generally am a good sleeper/have a good sleep pattern but these last few nights are probably the most disrupted sleep I've ever had. First day no stimmy drugs were consumed but I got NO sleep even after 2 diclaz, 2nd took a tiny bit of meth in the morning and took an etiz when I finally gave up trying to sleep again which gave me 3 hours. Today I've had another couple diclaz and got 4 and it looks like I'm going to be lucky to get more than that. Stupid levels of benzo use which is unusual for me but if I get some sleep I don't give a fuck.

Bloody hell though. I've hardly taken anything in general recently, haven't even been drinking, some good that's done me lol. Doesn't seem to have helped in any way so far. Makes me wonder why I'm bothering.

Fucking woe is me eh. I'm going to sulk in bed and err... count sheep. Why not I guess? Slowly going mad and feeling sad on top can't be a recipe for good things (as has already been proved tonight) so I need distracting.

Tata sexy peoples x
More love needed over here I think. Woke up at 4 again aftet 3 hours asleep despite benzos, despite not taking anything all day and despite the fact that I haven't slept properly for 3 nights now and feel worn out and achey as fuck. Never had sleep problems like this before, feel like I'm going slowly mad. So fuck whatever day it is, if I can manage it it'll disappear in a haze of dreams.

Sleep problems are awful summer....I used to be exactly the same but usually now I'm so shattered after work that I could fall asleep standing up....

You could talk to your Gp and he may be able to help. If he could prescribe you a short course of temazepam that might help.

I've got the utmost sympathy though cos not.being able to sleep is really awful...

Take care hun <3 :) x
I dont know man.. shes in her twenties, with trouble sleeping. Giving up the meth and going on a healthy lyfestyle for a few weeks would be better imho than gp prescribed drugs. More drugs to counter drugs is not what id do. But im just feeling a bit preachy today. Sorry
Well yeah...stopping all the stims would help obviously. But I didn't really want to be the one to say that but your right of course.

Improving sleep patterns is more about altering ones behaviour during the day and not taking stimulating drugs is the first part of that. Getting up early, not napping during the day. Exercise at night, hot bath. Only going into your bedroom when it's bed time and not doing things like laying one your bed watching TV etc. That way the mind only accotiates bed with sleep. Usually GP 's will only prescribe temazepam as a very short term solution for a week or so in order to reset sleeping patterns. It's not a long term solution as you rightly say.
IME they will only prescribe Z drugs these days, Zopiclone in the first instance and Zolpidem if that's ineffective, I found neither very effective although Zolpidem helped a little for a couple of weeks.

I'd make an appointment yesterday of I though there was a chance of landing a Temazy script ;) maybe it requires a level of doe eyed innocence that is beyond my means :D
You're a month early, officially it is 14th March


Sorry, but Steak and Blowjob day is so awesome it must take over from valentines day! So, for me, Valentines day has now become Steak and blowjob day. Should it be March 14th it simply means to me Two Steak and blow job days a year.... FINE BY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why the lack of love for bloody meat? Am i the only one who appreciates the taste of organic death to charcoal fossilisation?

Nah King, I too enjoy the feasting upon bloody meat! Sod charcoal! I want to taste the flesh! Sick I know but I like my steak rare to blue. YUM! Seared for a nice carmelization on the outside and right rare on the inside. I know how I like my steak. Which is why I rarely order it when out as they never get it right! Only I cook my steaks if I can help it.
IME they will only prescribe Z drugs these days, Zopiclone in the first instance and Zolpidem if that's ineffective, I found neither very effective although Zolpidem helped a little for a couple of weeks.

I'd make an appointment yesterday of I though there was a chance of landing a Temazy script ;) maybe it requires a level of doe eyed innocence that is beyond my means :D

I had to pay £8 fucking pound for 1 zoplicone, I was all up for trying it, the fucking doctor gave me 1 pill. 'Do you pay for your prescriptions?' Yeah fuck, forgot about that. And you are a massive cunt doctor.

Another doctor saw I was in a state, not sleeping, while working for days on end. And gave me a months Temaz,. Thanks doc.
Aye totally depends on the doc...Some are cool, some are the sheer definition of a cunt.

£8 for 1 pill....fuck me mate your doc mustn't like you :)
Pretty sure it was you. You had a different username? Your fella wanted to kill me for some reason.

I can't say for certain but you sound as though you're right! It does look a lot like the Texan flag!!! You must be right.

As for the wanting to kill you, well..... That wouldn't happen but that chap does happen to be an angry person. S'all right when you're on his good side. I am not currently..... Nor ever will be by the looks of it. It's a bit scary! Sorry if he was rude or intimidated you. Not my doing.

BTW, can't see why, you seem quite an amiable person....
Morning eadd,

How is everyone this morning? fell asleep before even lighting my bedtime spliff so am currently enjoying it thinking bout returning to sleep for a while =D
Morning eadd,

How is everyone this morning? fell asleep before even lighting my bedtime spliff so am currently enjoying it thinking bout returning to sleep for a while =D

YUM!!!! I too am going for a nap shortly. Needs must when you're up this early and due to work the late shift! YAY sleep!
He was a junior I think. All I know he was a college, P.H.DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKED. I had to explain I actually need advise, and Im not here to seek drugs. I understand that not sleeping is something drugs can help with the short term, and that was what I was there for. I think he even tried to put me on an ssri, which led to a long conversation that basically rounded off to, you don't know what you are prescribing me, why the fuck are you so eager to put me on an ssri? Probably seen the sertaline salesman that day or something.
How do you find shift work Sadie?
I don't mind it personally but some folk just can't take the constant rotation of day and night 12 hour shifts...especially in a highly stressful job (fucking pussies. :) )
He was a junior I think. All I know he was a college, P.H.DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKED. I had to explain I actually need advise, and Im not here to seek drugs. I understand that not sleeping is something drugs can help with the short term, and that was what I was there for. I think he even tried to put me on an ssri, which led to a long conversation that basically rounded off to, you don't know what you are prescribing me, why the fuck are you so eager to put me on an ssri? Probably seen the sertaline salesman that day or something.

I've been having a fair few conversations with various people who are questioning their doctors methods as of late. It's a sad state of affairs when you know more than your doctor knows. Mainly because you know you and secondly you've done your research! It seems doctors these days are just chucking what ever cheap and popular drug at you with no thought to the person or circumstance.

Simply an observation and not a fact....
How do you find shift work Sadie?
I don't mind it personally but some folk just can't take the constant rotation of day and night 12 hour shifts...especially in a highly stressful job (fucking pussies. :) )

You calling me a pussy??? ;)

I find it rather disruptive to my sleep especially as of late.

I did shift work when in the Navy but it was two 12 hr day shifts a day off then two night 12's. This is different, there is no pattern. My body has no time to prepare. It's all over the place. It's really grinding me down but I have a feeling it's other elements that are really the cause of my exhaustion. Were I to have normal hours I may be able to cope. As it stands I have erratic hours and much stress to deal with. Not a good combination. I am not taking it well.
I've been having a fair few conversations with various people who are questioning their doctors methods as of late. It's a sad state of affairs when you know more than your doctor knows. Mainly because you know you and secondly you've done your research! It seems doctors these days are just chucking what ever cheap and popular drug at you with no thought to the person or circumstance.
