First Non-Oral Only Cycle

1. Yes, pin 2X a week.
2. Stop proviron 2 weeks after your last shot, right before PCT. Start HCG on week two, stop day of last shot.
3. Start clomid 2 weeks after last shot, like you said.

One thing mentioned that you are going to run both the deca and the test for 12 weeks. Cut the deca two weeks before you cut the test as deca has a longer ester and needs more time to clear. So 12 weeks test, 10 weeks deca. Good luck.


Got it. Thanks again.

FWIW I did a bf check last night with calipers and am at around 14% bf. Sure would like to get below 10%. So, I would be happy with a gain of 10 to 15 lbs of keepable muscle gain and a reduction of bf to 10% or under.

I was so jacked this morning at the gym that I blew through the leg workout and set ne personal bests in every exercise with relative ease. Geeze! I haven't even started the new cycle yet and I'm tearing it up.

Thanks for the help. Will keep you posted as to gains or lack thereof.

Thats achivable but ambitious target so if you keep yourself motivated you should be able to manage it. Good luck! :)

Yeah the placebo effect of being "on cycle" is huge (and really beneficial!)
I wouldn't inject the winny, I'd drink it instead. And dbol is IMO a very poor steroid for durable mass. Better with tbol or something like superdrol or M1T.
I wouldn't inject the winny, I'd drink it instead. And dbol is IMO a very poor steroid for durable mass. Better with tbol or something like superdrol or M1T.

Superdrol can't hold a candle to dbol imo, or drol - but we all know how bad the bloat w/drol (still love the stuff) - run var or halo :) - M1T is a good product no doubt about it , but since it's blackmarket anyway, just get the real stuff bro! Btw are there ANY good reads on how liver toxic M1T turned out too be ? I know it was a huge deal when it was released but it was banned so fast not many studies could be found! Thanks bro, get swole.
Okay. I've started on the current cycle. Started on 01/02/10. 250 mg Cyp, 200 mg Deca. I will be doing this dosage 2 X / week. Also doing 30 mg/day of Dbol. (Actually started the Dbol 1 week ago. Also too, I am dosing Proviron at 25 mg / day.

Not sure if this is the correct place (forum) to ask these questions, if I should start a new thread but:

1. Am I imagining the HUGE appetite increase already? It is as if I can't get enough to eat!
2. When should I expect to see / feel the effects of the Cyp and Deca?
3. Will I or more correctly, should I feel any spike in libido?
4. What should I be watching for? (Things like mood swings, aggression in the gym, increased energy and the previously mentioned libido changes.

Also, I will be starting Hcg later this week. What dosage should I be using?

ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Really jacked about the coming 12 weeks and beyond.
Okay. I've started on the current cycle. Started on 01/02/10. 250 mg Cyp, 200 mg Deca. I will be doing this dosage 2 X / week. Also doing 30 mg/day of Dbol. (Actually started the Dbol 1 week ago. Also too, I am dosing Proviron at 25 mg / day.

Not sure if this is the correct place (forum) to ask these questions, if I should start a new thread but:

1. Am I imagining the HUGE appetite increase already? It is as if I can't get enough to eat!
2. When should I expect to see / feel the effects of the Cyp and Deca?
3. Will I or more correctly, should I feel any spike in libido?
4. What should I be watching for? (Things like mood swings, aggression in the gym, increased energy and the previously mentioned libido changes.

Also, I will be starting Hcg later this week. What dosage should I be using?

ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Really jacked about the coming 12 weeks and beyond.

You should be feeling ridiculous strength increases and aggression with the dianobol already...The cypionate will take at least 2-3 weeks for you to start REALLY noticing the effects...

What are your goals for this cycle? I'm assuming you're trying ot bulk and gain lean mass..correct? eat everything in sight if that's the case...keep it clean to avoid unwanted fat gain...

hcg should be introduced at 250iu every 3 or 5 day...maybe more

you're doing this smart...i expect amazing results...keep us posted on the effects, mood, workouts etc...

Victor can comment as dhe is much more reputable than me...i have no experience with injectables, just years of research and evaluation.
250mg of cyp is a low dose - I'd go 500mg personally. But if you are growing off 250, don't listen to me =D
250mg of cyp is a low dose - I'd go 500mg personally. But if you are growing off 250, don't listen to me =D

I'm doing 250 mg Cyp TWICE per week for a total of 500 mg/week.

I only have two pins under my belt (Saturday and Monday) so I don't have ANY idea of how / if it is working for me. Are you suggesting 500 mg - 2 X / week?

BTW, I've got a HUGE date on Friday (Girlfriend coming into town after a long absence and we are spending the entire day at the Hotel. Sure could use a boost by then but I suspect it will be a bit too early to feel much of anything by then.

Any thoughts?
^ My bad, didn't notice you were shooting twice a week - no 1 gram is not needed , 500mg is a good start point. What do you mean by boost ? Sexually - or gains ? Cyp takes most users 2-3 weeks to see full results, I haven't run it - enth took me 3 weeks tho.
I'm doing 250 mg Cyp TWICE per week for a total of 500 mg/week.

I only have two pins under my belt (Saturday and Monday) so I don't have ANY idea of how / if it is working for me. Are you suggesting 500 mg - 2 X / week?

BTW, I've got a HUGE date on Friday (Girlfriend coming into town after a long absence and we are spending the entire day at the Hotel. Sure could use a boost by then but I suspect it will be a bit too early to feel much of anything by then.

Any thoughts?

might be too early for a rise in libido but expect a raging sex drive during the cycle..use some cialis of viagra
I have a question for the forum.

Today is my 6th day on the injectable portion of my current cycle:
(500 mg/week Cyp and 400 mg/week Deca) and day 18 of 30 mg/day dbol oral.

Yesterday and today I am having fairly substantial prostate issues. I've ALWAYS had prostate issues, or at least for the past dozen years I have anyway, but nothing like this. My PSA is checked 3 times a year and is always really low but the prostate is always enlarged, so pretty much I have just learned to live with it. But getting up every hour to pee REALLY screws up the sleep pattern which I know hinders recovery.

My question is this: Could the prostate issues be aggravated this early in a cycle? Seems to me that the CYP and Deca wouldn't be the culprit this early but I'm a rookie, (This is my first cycle with them). Could it be the Dbol? I have had issues with the oral dbol previously but it always abates when the cycle ends.

Any thoughts?

BTW, I have used Super Beta Prostate with good results but these past few days haven't been much fun.

Ughhh. The joys of growing old!

I'm scaring 60 years old and am in the very best shape of my life, or at least the best shape since I was a 19 year old Airborne Ranger crawling through the jungles of Viet Nam 40 years ago.

Thanks in advance. more "BTW". Injections are duck soup. I know that making the decision to pin is a big one, any concerns one has on discomfort or "Ick" factor about sticking one'self with a needle are groundless. No pain. No discomfort. No queezy stomach at all. Really, really easy.
BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy) is a concern with any androgenic steroid especially ones that can reduce to a 5-AR form. Have you been using avodart or finasteride? With a history of prostate issues I would consider one of them a necessity.
BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy) is a concern with any androgenic steroid especially ones that can reduce to a 5-AR form. Have you been using avodart or finasteride? With a history of prostate issues I would consider one of them a necessity.

No. I've had them prescribed and have a supply in the medicine cabinet. I just wasn't crazy about the sides. (No ejaculate). When one studies the science behind HOW thses drugs work, it's no surprise that the ejaculate takes the path of least resistance and you empty into the baldder, not out through the penis. DOES NOT sound very gratifying to me.
I've had lowered libido but never a lack of ejaculate. I thought all these drugs did was bind to the 5-AR enzyme rendering it useless. How does it cause the ejaculate to backfire into the bladder?
One Week In:

Okay................I'm one week into the injectable cycle and have three pins under my belt. I'm doing 200 mg Deca and 250 mg Cyp with each injection. I pinned first last Saturday but wanting to be on a Monday / Thursday cycle I did it again on Monday and Thursday, so 3 pins completed. As I stated previously, I'm more than a little surprised how easy it is. I thought that the rather large bore needle (22 gauge X 1-1/2") would be a problem but I was wrong. I tried a 25 guage X 1" but it takes FOREVER to draw up the solution AND to inject it with the smaller bore needle. In any event the larger and longer needle can only be felt as it pierces the skin. Once inside, I feel NOTHING. Really, really easy to do.

Additionally I am doing 30 mg / day of Dbol and I started those a full two weeks before my Cyp arrived. Remember I had Sust on hand but was convinced by this board that wasn't the best choice for my 1st injectable cycle and the Cyp took longer to get here than I had anticipated.

So, my overall cycle looks like this:

200 mg Deca and 250 mg Cyp 2 X per week.
30 mg Dbol every day.
75 mg Proviron every day.
300 iu hCG every 5 days.

Thus far, these are my experiences.

1. An astonishing increase in appetite. Eating clean but just can't seem to get enough.
2. Prostate issues. Not sure what to attribute this to. I've had prostate issues for many years but this seems to be worse than "normal". I caved in and started on Flomax today. Will see how that works.
3. Every workout in the gym is more intense and I'm setting new personal bests in every exercise. Again, not sure what to attribute this to but the "confidence" that I can lift the heavier weight seems to make them lighter and easier to move.
4. I haven't sensed any spike in libido..................or any decline for that matter. At almost 60 and "pushing the envelope" chemically that's ALWAYS a concern. A spike would be nice......................REALLY nice! :-D
5. Weight seems fairly steady for now. Two years ago I was 248 lbs and about 35% bf. Once I got serious about the gym AND the diet I dropped 54 lbs and the bf went down to 17 to 18%. With calipers I have measured as low as 16%. I have slowly put back on 10 to 12 lbs of lean muscle through diet and hard work and three oral only cycles before this cycle.

I have a theory that the aggrivated prostate is only partly due to and chemical changes internally. The huge increase in caloric intake has obviously meant an higher demand on the colon to process that food and with an enlarged prostate, things get uncomfortable down there when things are congested. Sory. Not exactly dinner table talk I know but there are some things in life that are only said by saying them.

So...................looking forward with great anticipation to what the coming weeks bring. It's great pushing heavier weights, (and BYW, I'm one of those guys who is FANATICAL about NEVER sacrificing proper form in order to lift heavier. I ALWAYS do full range of motion and lower the weight slowly and fully before raising it in the same manner.) I only offer that because I'm aware that many older guys experience connective tissue injuries when lifting significantly heavier. I warm up with one set of light weight for every exercise and then do 3 - 4 sets of progressively heavier sets until I can BARELY manage 10 reps of any given exercise. Some times I will finish off with drop sets, doing the heaviest set 10 X and reducing the weight by 15 - 20% and immedietely doing another set, then dropping another 15 - 20% and do another...............and another. God what a pump!

Lastly, I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to track my cycle and share with others. If not, feel free to so inform and I will go to the proper space.

Thanks to all for their input.

If the prostate issues are bothering you (and they sound like they are) then try a small dose of your 5-AR drugs. 2mg ED of finasteride should help reduce the strain without causing too many side effects. Remember you have lots more testosterone to play with than usual so your Test/DHT/est ratio is likely to be skewed up towards the top end of those three. Killing some of the DHT will probably reduce it to a similar level to pre-cycle.

This seems like the perfect place to keep track unless you fancy starting a specific thread. Up to you...

I love doing drop sets to finish a session! =D