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Finally quitting kratom

First congratulations for your achievement. I remember depression and anxiety of kratom withdrawal. And lack of sleep off course. It is already a huge thing. Way ahead for sure but now you got distance behind also. You can feel proud, and you should feel proud!
Regarding Bacopa, it sure does not provide the punch like xanax, but when you mix it with ashwagandha it calms you. I have noticed the effect on myself. Bacopa gives subtle calming effect, and if you combine it with ashwaganda you get even better result. First time i tried to kick kratom i did not take this combo and i failed. But second time I was taking it a week prior and through the detox and everything was easier. Which suggest that it helps because my seccond attempt was 3 weeks later on few grams more (20g a day).
I can not tell you buy it... Or it will work for you, but it helped me, I am sure of that. Subjectivly - it has speed up my recovery and homeostasis. But it is not something that will calm you down if you are upset...it is a subtle, but for me noticing and worth while.
Just check all interactions and contraindications. I would suggest to pick few supplements and not 10 of them, and to give them a week or two.

Keep doing a great job!
dammmn i used kratom in the mist of my failed suboxone detox. i never bought kraton online from headshop`s here in the states but i will say this it helped me dramatically when i had no sub~! I was able to raise my 2 daughter`s -god-willing- then i tapered down to .5mg of sub every other day, withdraw was so harsh on me at 4-8 mg a year for 8 years uuuuuggggghhh it failed -I FAILED- NOW IM A SLEEPING PILL ADDICT AND SUBOXONE ADDICT i want nothing but bupe and benzos it`s sad now im 10 year`s in i dunno if it is worth trying to get off i am 30 yrs old since i was 20 sub been in my life so 10 years to fix my brain i.m.o ill take my lil piece of sub each day -o well i destroyed my life sub did my dr did but most importantly I DID~!!! I am proud of you u have will power i lack i wish i had the strenth you have shoot me a pm i would love to speakk to you ~! please...........please tread lightly on xanax or any benzo im full on i need them or ill have a seizure now =( not a lil 1 like a gran -mal convulsing and all i wish i never took a benzo in my life but again ...............i did this would i love to be on no pills YES FK YES is it reasonable ehhhhhhhhhhhh no in my exp my 4 year old and 6 year old lil girls need me i cant be suicidal or not productive its choices i guess im choosing to be a addict i dunno i just dont have 6 months to feel right . my wife need`s me my kid`s need me SORRY im off topic lol my problem was i seen xanax if i can stop that cycle for 1 person my life would be complete. suboxone and benzo w/d at same time is bad i pray we all get the help and services we need GOD BLESS YOU ~!!!

It is never to late. You can read my introduction storry, I am a living proof of that. I also have 15 year benzo habbit to kick and opioid habbit to manage. But I wont drop my towel! The struggle is in our mind, and if we can arrange it all else will follow. Just not to expect miracles over night and know that there is a way in to your true self, whatewer you know it (should) to be :)
Sorry for the multiple posts TWP, but I have just now (when i clicked on your profile) realized that 2 months ago I read your complete thread "Using kratom to get off methadone".
I was a lurker to this forum for quite some time hehe
Incredible, it was the only thread that I have read from start to finish this summer. It is a small world wide web :D
Wanted to thank everyone again for the continuous support! <3
Can only do a quick update. Today is officially 2 weeks!
I'm not having a very good day, I just feel off... really tired, moody, and a lot of anxiety. I have a crap ton to do today and I'm struggling getting through it :(
But, I'm gonna do it.
Hopefully my day gets better a little bit later.
And I'll post a more detailed update later too.
So today is 15 days! I've been taking the Black Seed Oil daily, (fallen behind on exercise...but my days have been busy) the immune booster, vitamin c, probiotic, and weed periodically.
Overall, the lingering lethargy and heavy limbs is the most persistent physical symptom I have. Very small bouts of restlessness (can easily be managed by not focusing on it)
The mental symptoms are very persistent. If I don't keep busy I absolutely don't want to do anything. At all. My motivation is zero and it's hard to get "excited" but, this could also be a result of smoking weed, and on day 11 my time of the month decided to show up. Sorry if that is TMI, but I do believe it is playing a very large part in how I feel emotionally/physically.
Again, I want to thank you all so much for the support you gave me, as this forum really really helped me when I was struggling <3
Congrats on 2 weeks (and now 15 days)! You are doing great. Keep us posted.
Marvelously done! :)
I predict that when your cycle comes to "full on" ( %) ) that you will get your energy back. That is a week, maybe 10 days from now...? It may seem long, but when the body of pain subsides it will take away lethargy also...or so I believe. It would make sense. When that weight falls of you will be rejuvenated - reborn once again :D
Hey everyone! I really needed those three comments today. So thank you :) this morning sucked worse than any morning throughout this whole thing. I know it's because I have to go back to work tomorrow. I had full blown restless limbs, and absolutely horrendous anxiety coupled with my body just vibrating. I smoked some, and it gave me some clarity. That I don't need to panic about going back to work, I just need to organize and prepare, and just do it. Still, it's persisting with a vengeance. I'm stuck in this weird place where I don't want to go back to kratom, I absolutely cannot - I just wont do it. The issue is I don't know how to evolve from here. The last 16 days I have pushed through the physical, and been generally alright so to speak. But this anxiety is gnawing at me in ways I thought I was past. I know today is another's one of those turning points, but I'm just struggling to deal :/

Somaniferum - I am looking forward to that point, I wish it would hurry up and arrive! Thank you for your support, it brought a smile to my face :)
I also have a question for anyone who may be able to help - I have a few 20mg adderall, I've only taken adderall a handful of times, and every time it gave me energy/focus. However, I've never wanted to take any more the following day. But, I also had kratom then to take when it wore off. If work gets really rough and I needed the energy, would taking a stimulant this far into my progress worsen my PAWS? Or would it simply give me energy then I would go to sleep and wake up no worse for wear? Like I said, I have them, but I haven't given them much thought throughout this whole process. To be honest I'd like to grind through it, but Im aware that I'm still tired and sore as fuck, and working an 8 hour shift wrestling dogs/dealing with customers might eat at me. Idk, thought I'd ask!
Hang in there! You have been doing great. It gets much better. I remember those headaches, they get better over time!
Thanks w0w! :) I'm currently at a bump in the road, today was really really rough this morning. I posted about it on the last page. Feeling ok now, on the brink of anxiety/having an attack, but planning to do some deep breathing and drink some chamomile tea
I also have a question for anyone who may be able to help - I have a few 20mg adderall, I've only taken adderall a handful of times, and every time it gave me energy/focus. However, I've never wanted to take any more the following day. But, I also had kratom then to take when it wore off. If work gets really rough and I needed the energy, would taking a stimulant this far into my progress worsen my PAWS? Or would it simply give me energy then I would go to sleep and wake up no worse for wear? Like I said, I have them, but I haven't given them much thought throughout this whole process. To be honest I'd like to grind through it, but Im aware that I'm still tired and sore as fuck, and working an 8 hour shift wrestling dogs/dealing with customers might eat at me. Idk, thought I'd ask!

Taking stims during withdrawal for reasons of productivity is really hit or miss. Myself and others have been able to use very low doses of insulfated amphetamines or methamphetamine to help with a long drive, bike ride or working through the night. But I personally have also experienced how eating some Adderall when I was kicking heroin made life fucking miserable, basically just making all the shitty aspects of withdrawal even worse. Generally speaking, I'd err on the side of caution and day say that it is not worth the risk.
Thank you for the advice toothpastedog. I will forgoe the adderall then! I do know that coming off stims while I was addicted to the kratom felt eerily similar to withdrawal (the edgy strung out feeling) hence why I would then use kratom to come down. I am not willing to take that risk and test myself like that. I will power through my day the old fashion way ;)
Thank you for responding :)
Here we go guys, day 17. This morning wasn't as bad as yesterday, but while getting ready for work I definitely think I struggled with cravings? Not so much cravings as habit. I kept wanting to grab kratom and put it in my bag (I never went to work without it on hand) and I told myself over and over that I was fine, I don't need it. Then while driving I had a panic attack thinking I forgot the kratom, then realized I don't need it anymore. Wasn't ready for the habitual side of it to pop up like that! Needless to say, I am 100% sober (save for supplements) and getting ready to walk into work. Would love some support, and to say thank you for everyone's advice/support as I truly think it has helped immensely <3
It's awesome that you pushed through the panic on your way to work. Those are the wins that constitute recovery. You are rockin this!!
Thanks sim :)
Just wanted to say that today went well, I think. It was nice to get back to work. Also, really nerve wracking because there are a lot of triggers for me. But I struggled through. After 3 hours of being there my body really hurt and I had no energy. Lifting my arms was hard, and I got cold very easily. I thought about taking phenibut, but refrained and just told myself to let my body be tired, and just to do the work, as tough as it felt. Emotionally I was ok, but I was also back after 16 days gone, so everyone's attitude was generally positive, which helped I think.
Overall, I made it. Just smoked some weed, and trying to figure out this weird transition period I'm facing. Tomorrow I open after closing today..... not looking forward to that at all.
So I ended up taking some phenibut this morning because I was dead on my feet. Kind of upset at myself :/ but also aware it's been a good amount of days since I last used it and I don't crave it or feel the need to "take more"
I don't know why I keep doing it?! It helps with energy but the other symptoms suck! Maybe it won't be so bad today but ugh, I need to not rely on anything to get my through my day other than myself. Sigh.
Tomorrow is 21 days :)
Still taking black seed oil, vitamin c, and smoking weed at night.
Sleeping pretty okay, sometimes I wake up 3/4 times in the early morning, and I get anxiety/restlessness before bed occasionally, but can still fall asleep.
Mentally I think I'm okay? Need to continually work on that part... still feeling pretty foggy sometimes, but working I think is benefiting me as well.
sounds like you're doing great... congratulations on 21 days!

fwiw, I've also been smoking weed most evenings. I *think* it is, overall, a good thing for my recovery. I'd rather not do it quite as often as I am. But I figure it's something I'm OK with compromising on right now...getting distance between me and heroin is really my only priority. Curious how you see cannabis fitting into your recovery.

great work! :)