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Finally quitting kratom

So today will mark 5 days as of 1:00. It's beginning to wear me down. Yesterday I managed a light but tiring workout thanks to the phenibut, all it did for me (I took a relatively low dose considering everything I read said to take 400mgs) was take away the heavy feeling and restlessness. I got a slight mood boost but nothing special. It wore off around 7pm and the restlessness in my limbs came back, except it was accompanied by a bone ache that no flu could even hold a candle to. Sitting and laying down hurt on a level I can't comprehend.
Around 12:00 after laying still in a dark room with no distractions for about two hours, and a really choppy sleep, I realized I was about to be tossing and turning all night again.
My mother mercifully gave me one of her xanax and I passed out cold until 6:30am. Which was nice. Im hitting a wall and I feel like this is the make or break it point, except breaking isn't an option for me. I will not take Kratom again, for any reason. But it's been really really depressing going through this. Hoping a hot bath this morning will ease this never ending electricity running through my neck/back/legs/shoulders/arms.
You are very welcome my friend. Keep your head up and carry on with the good work!
Hey TWP - you're doing great! You should start feeling physically better really soon. Please be very very very careful with the GABAergics (phenibut, Xanax) as they are both very addictive and painful to get off of - cj has an active benzo withdrawal which details how it can get out of control quick and is currently dealing with withdrawal issues now. Anyway- congratulations on day five!!'
Thank you everyone :)
Today has been alright! I took another long walk, and did minor things. I haven't been productive by any means, but things like changing the litter box and putting air in the car tires actually made me feel better. I've been trying to busy myself, it's just proving to be very difficult. I've been taking epsom salt baths and trying to do push ups every day along with the walks. I had a period where I felt normal physically, but the mental fog is odd and I don't know how to deal with it yet. Overall I'm hoping all the natural supplements (immune booster, probiotics, vitamin c) are helping. I feel the restlessness returning, but my fiancé and I are about to go out and catch a movie. Hoping it will be a welcome distraction :)
I'm worried that I don't know what it's like to feel "normal" again. And I'm trying not to let that get to me, but it's eating at the back of my mind. I used to be really into meditation, so I might pick that back up very soon. I've fallen out of it recently, but I feel as if it would help with the mental aspect of all this.

Edit// moreaux - I am aware of the addictive properties of these drugs, thankfully xanax has never appealed to me on any level - it always has knocked me out and I've never wanted it. Yesterday will be the 3rd time I've ever taken it. So I'm confident I will not abuse it. As for phenibut, I can see the appeal, which is why I'm wary of touching it again. But I feel I have the self control to stick this out. Feeling the pain of withdrawal is one of the things that helps me know I am getting better, as much as it sucks :( thank you for your concern and advice, they mean a lot and I appreciate the support so much :) :)
So it's been 126 hours Kratom free! I slept really bad last night but I did sleep. I woke up every 1-2 hours tossing and turning, my lower back has been killing me throughout this whole process upon waking, I don't know if that's a symptom or result of me sleeping on the couch. However, the restlessness seems to have subsided this morning. I'm still getting used to not having that extra "boost" to get me up and going. This slight headache I've had has continued every single day throughout this week, and nothing helps it. Its becoming quite annoying, does anyone have any experience with this?
Trying really hard to embrace the natural state of my body, and work it back up to being naturally healthy. I do enjoy the walks, I used to do yoga a ton, I may pick it back up again.
One of the most exciting parts about this is that I have been driving a 25+ year old car without ac/heat for the last 5 years, and trying to find a newer/more reliable one. My parents found one for me/bought one, and told me that if I successfully quit Kratom, I can pay them half of what they paid for it, and keep it. It's a fantastic car, and while I don't take pride in material items, I am excited to have that as a token of my sobriety!
7 days!
Feeling really foggy and detached. But forced myself to go out and take care of some errands. All in all the worst part now is the random restless limbs, this headache, and the complete lack of energy/motivation.
Hoping that taking a walk will help!
Well, today at 1:00 will be 8 days. I still have this awful heavy headache, no energy, electric limbs, sneezing, I'm getting dizzy when I stand sometimes. The last three days have felt the same, and I'm really hoping this stops dragging on. I'm trying my best to keep my mindset positive, but I'll admit I'm just downright exhausted in every aspect and fighting the urge to lay in bed all day. Going to attempt a short run today, we'll see how that goes.
Another update:// thought I'd update with all the supplements I've ended up taking during this process, in case it might help anyone. Also things I've done outside of supplements that have helped:

Ashwaghanda - once in the first 3 days, I didn't notice any affects, I have yet to try it again. Maybe tonight now that I don't feel as gritty as the first few days.

Rhodiola Rosea (in the form of tea) - again, only once during the first 3 days, no noticeable change to the symptoms I was feeling, going to try again.

Immune Booster (supplement) - two capsules 3x a day. Overall I feel like this is helping with everything.

Probiotics - once every day. I've been taking these since before I quit though, I would recommend to anyone as a daily supplement.

Vitamin C - once a day, combined with going out in the sun for 10/15 minutes. I have noticed being in the sun DOES help, while I am outside there is a brief mood lift.

Magnesium - 4 times so far every other day. I took 2x the reccomended dose in the morning and at night. Not sure how much this helps with the restlessness, but it does help some I believe because I've felt better minutely after taking it.

Valerian root - 4 times for 4 nights in a row, recommended dose. I don't think this has helped me at all.

Chamomile in combination with Passion Flower, tea - I think this has helped me a lot. I've taken it so far 6 out of the 8 days, and it has allowed me to fall asleep for a solid hour, every time. I don't notice any benefits regarding mood, and it takes awhile 1hr - 1hr 1/2 to kick in, which I think is weird. But every time I've drank it, I've fallen asleep, I just haven't stayed asleep.

Black seed oil - I'm torn on this one. I have taken it 3 times spaced apart by a few days, 2 teaspoons in the morning, and noticed a slight reduction in watery eyes/sneazing. I could say my mental state was better on those days but can't attribute that to the BSO yet. I want to start taking it every day and seeing how that works, as I've read so many positive things about it. I won't discredit it, as it does help on a very small scale. Also, it is NASTY to get down. It literally tastes like one of those Christmas pine tree candles. Swigging orange juice right afterwards is helpful.

Xanax - wary of recommending this to anyone, as I know I have an addicts mindset, but, thankfully the potential of abuse for this is small for me. I used it once (1mg) on the night where my restlessness/anxiety was at an all time high. It knocked me out cold until the next morning. I used it again, last night, .5mgs and fell asleep for 2hrs then woke up every hour resulting in 5 hours of sleep.
There was more than 3 days between these doses. Overall, it did what I wanted it to do (which I knew it would) but I plan to tough out the nights and not use it again. I don't crave it at all.

Phenibut - used twice, two days apart. I feel like this just doesn't help me how it does others. The first time I took it, I took a fairly low dose (250ish mgs) I have a little measuring spoon they sent me when I ordered it, but not a scale. The second time, I doubled it. Both times it relieved the physical symptoms, except made my headache worse. I didn't get any mood lifts (maybe slight, I didn't notice through the throbbing headache) and after about 6 hours it worsened the aching in my legs to an intolerable degree. In fact, the days I took it I definitely noticed that when it wore off - my bones hurt BAD. Overall I advise to use with caution, as I can see the addiction potential to someone who is suffering (I just didn't take to it very well... so I have no urges to take more)

Marijuana - the first few days it made my anxiety/rls worse. The last few days 1-2 hits in the morning relieves the restlessness for awhile and relieves my mind of thinking about how shitty I feel. I've been smoking on and off since I was 17/18. I have no issues stopping, so this one should be used with caution as well. While I think mj is benign in nature, it can take the place of the drug you're trying to quit. Moderation is key for me in using this :)

Vitamin b12 - just started taking this today, recommended dose.

Turmeric - just started taking this today as well.

Hot epsom salt baths - these relieve all body pain while soaking. My body temperature also seems to level out for an hour afterwards, before returning to being super fucking cold. But they do work, and ease the aches/restlessness.

Walks - once a day at least 30 minutes, or as far as I can go before my legs feel like jello. Honestly I hate forcing myself to walk, I feel so lethargic I can't take any excitement in it yet, but I know it's beneficial so I will keep doing this daily, hoping to add yoga/jogs into the mix.

Meditation - the last two nights I've been practicing visualizing negativity and anxiety moving from my head, out through my toes. I place my right hand over my heart and the left just under my belly button and do 10 second breath in through the mouth, 15 second exhale through the nose. This was a suggestion from my neighbor who studies and practices these things daily, who said this is a specific meditation for relieving panic/anxiety/fear/nervousness from the body. Seems to help a bit, exercising my mind does help, as unfocused and foggy as I've been feeling.

Water - all the water, all the time.

I think I've hit all of them, I will update if I've forgotten anything. Once again, sorry if this was really long, and thank you to whoever is still with me! :) <3

Edit: I also used Imodium once at more than the recommended dose during the first or second night (I'd have to look back and see what it was because I forget) it relieved all symptoms enough for me to get SOME sleep, but overall I felt like ass the next day, and my stomach had killer cramps. At the reccomended dose I'm sure it would help with any GI issues (but I haven't experienced any issues with that whatsoever) so I won't be using it again.
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So... day 9 today, and I have a new symptom. I'm now experiencing GI upset (have used the bathroom at least 7 times already since 3AM) it's not terrible but it is cumbersome. Anyone know why I would be experiencing this, this late in the game???
I find it quite ironic how my last post just said I didn't have any issues with this, and now I am. Slightly humorous.
Day 10 at 1:00 :D
Last night I actually didn't stay at my parents house, I went back home and got a full nights sleep. Probably about 6 hours? I didn't wake up once, and while I woke up and was absolutely exhausted, my body wasn't screaming at me for once.
I also went out and did a solid 5 hours of work earlier during the day!
I did smoke weed before bed, but even earlier in the week this didn't seem to help me stay asleep. So maybe I am getting better?! It's hard to notice anymore, I've just felt so blah.
Once I got up is a different story though, I had really bad stomach issues, I mean like - burning in my stomach and in my throat and overall cramping like I couldn't believe.
It seems to have settled now.
I have another 5 hours of work to do today, (not dealing with my actual job) and I was going to cancel and just stay in because I just wasn't feeling it. But I think I'm going to push through?
At this point I'm not where I wanted to be (especially mentally) but I'm also not as bad as I could be. I felt pretty good about working yesterday, we'll see how it goes today.
Youre doing amazing! It took me about a solid 3 weeks to feel pretty much normal again. I was taking over 50 + grams a day too! You got this. Do some light excersize to help those natural endorphins. For me, kinda embarrassing, masturbation was my number one tool that helped me lol. Much love.
Youre doing amazing! It took me about a solid 3 weeks to feel pretty much normal again. I was taking over 50 + grams a day too! You got this. Do some light excersize to help those natural endorphins. For me, kinda embarrassing, masturbation was my number one tool that helped me lol. Much love.

I am hoping I feel at least 80% by the 16th, because I have to go back to work on the 17th. That's awesome you got off 50grams a day! I can imagine it was significantly worse than mine has been so congrats again ^_^ and yeah, I haven't really walked the last two days but that's because I've been doing odd jobs for some cash.
And that's not embarrassing, cause it does work hahahahaha! I read that somewhere and it made sense, plus why not? Lmao
Please try and keep in mind that any successes you experience in detoxing from kratom is entirely thanks to your skillful efforts in self care during this challenging, stressful (mentally, physically and spiritually) time of withdrawal. The stuff you are using certainly sounds like it is helping, as far as comfort meds go, but just keep in mind it is you that is doing the hard work of abstaining from harmful substance use!

Keep up the good work my friend!
First to tell you that you can be proud of yourself! You are doing great! I see that you are all in supplementation, and I can give advice for 3 natural supplements:
1) Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica)
2) Brahmi (bacopa monnieri)
3) Morinda citrifolia in form of Noni juice
Just a warning, although each supplement on its own (of those 3) is beneficial, I would also suggest that you look out for interactions. Example: Ashwaganda is interacting with benzos (you mentioned Xanax), and also is Brahmi - they potentiate drowsiness side effect.

Be safe and keep up the good work!
And just to point out that all mentioned supplements (ashwaganda inclouded) start to work with continus usage. Brahmi has, on me, more instant anxyolitic effect, but other 3 I mentioned work when I take them long term (2 weeks + ).
Ashwaganda is imunomodulator with good effect on serotonin restauration. Also has been shown in research that it does help mitigate opioid withdrawl to some extent (just google ashwaganda for opioid withdrawal). Also has calming effect.
Brahmi and Gotu Kola are quite similar plants, with some differences. Brahmi being more calming and also shown to be benefficial in opioid withdrawl.
Morinda citrifolia in form of Noni juice is basically all in one. Acts on endorphines, dopamine... Just google it. :)

At the moment my regiment is :
L tyrosine in the morning, than Ashwaganda+Gotu Kola bit later, Noni juice after that, and then in the middle of the day i take high quantity vitamin c in form of sodium ascorbate with baking soda.

Subjectivly it helps, but as it has been mentioned, it is in the end allways mind over matter.

Keep on, just keep on! :)
Toothpastedog - thank you so much for your kind words :) I am doing my best to remember it's all about mind over matter, and I've never been one to be proud of my accomplishments, so I'm working on that as well during this process. Today marks day 12 and I'm feeling pretty good about that :) I've reread your comment over and over to remind myself that I can do this, and it's healthy to be acknowledge my successes. thank you again for your words of encouragement as it really does help me <3

Somaniferum - thank you for the suggestions :D I am always open to new herbal remedies! The ashwaghanda is tough for me because I find getting it down really hard for some reason (which is weird, because even Kratom tea as gross as it was, didn't make me gag like ash did) but I have been drinking the rhodiola more. We'll see if it helps today! I will definitely look into the herbs you mentioned. I read about Bacopa before I started this process, and for whatever reason never purchased it.
Would you say there's a noticeable difference in anxiety? As I'm currently looking to incorporate new things for that, because I know returning to work is going to bring back that "cornered" feeling I tend to get, that had me running to Kratom. I've been mentally preparing for this, and I know I can handle it, but it doesn't negate the anxiety that comes full force sometimes.
Thank you for taking the time to post such a detailed response, I really do appreciate it :) :) <3
dammmn i used kratom in the mist of my failed suboxone detox. i never bought kraton online from headshop`s here in the states but i will say this it helped me dramatically when i had no sub~! I was able to raise my 2 daughter`s -god-willing- then i tapered down to .5mg of sub every other day, withdraw was so harsh on me at 4-8 mg a year for 8 years uuuuuggggghhh it failed -I FAILED- NOW IM A SLEEPING PILL ADDICT AND SUBOXONE ADDICT i want nothing but bupe and benzos it`s sad now im 10 year`s in i dunno if it is worth trying to get off i am 30 yrs old since i was 20 sub been in my life so 10 years to fix my brain i.m.o ill take my lil piece of sub each day -o well i destroyed my life sub did my dr did but most importantly I DID~!!! I am proud of you u have will power i lack i wish i had the strenth you have shoot me a pm i would love to speakk to you ~! please...........please tread lightly on xanax or any benzo im full on i need them or ill have a seizure now =( not a lil 1 like a gran -mal convulsing and all i wish i never took a benzo in my life but again ...............i did this would i love to be on no pills YES FK YES is it reasonable ehhhhhhhhhhhh no in my exp my 4 year old and 6 year old lil girls need me i cant be suicidal or not productive its choices i guess im choosing to be a addict i dunno i just dont have 6 months to feel right . my wife need`s me my kid`s need me SORRY im off topic lol my problem was i seen xanax if i can stop that cycle for 1 person my life would be complete. suboxone and benzo w/d at same time is bad i pray we all get the help and services we need GOD BLESS YOU ~!!!
Whether you feel like you do or now, I can assure you that you do indeed have the power to change and become healthier. The choice is yours. It all begins with the smallest steps. Stuff like taking care of yourself, eating in healthy ways, getting enough but not too much sleep, taking care of your mood to prevent yourself from becoming angry, and making sure you are connected with like minded people you feel safe and comfortable with.

Other than that, all I have to say today is oy vey :\