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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: Spider Man 3 (trailer link added)

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before seeing the trailer i wasn't sure if i wanted to see it but i am kind of more interested now...
I may be in the minority here, but I loved the movie (save the whole nasty Peter and the dance scene). I thought they did a great job with all the villains and tying up any lose ends in case they don't make a fourth installment.
Axl Blaze said:
did anybody else think that Bruce Campbell's cameo as the restaraunt host was the most HILARIOUS part of the film?

of course. :D
they played it to death but it was grand for most of it's short time.
well Stan Lee's cameo was pretty lame. I forget exactly what he said, but it was just something you would totally expect Lee to say, and it was probably something he spent those whole three years thinking up.
Axl Blaze said:
well Stan Lee's cameo was pretty lame. I forget exactly what he said, but it was just something you would totally expect Lee to say, and it was probably something he spent those whole three years thinking up.

"You know, I guess one person can make a difference". He then says his well-known phrase, "'Nuff said".

I wish he had said that shit when the symbiote had already taken over Spiderman. Then Parker might have gone into one of his cokehead-like rages and went apeshit on him. "Stop fucking following me around,old man!" That would have been a great scene. Nuff said.
edit:^bwahahahahh beat me to it.

blah blah blah nuff said *walks off*

i think he's probably still in love with mary jane
why hasn't Peter Parker caught on the fact that Bruce Campbell and Stan Lee repeatedly follow him around and stalk him? I mean, Campbell can only work in so many restaraunts (in Spidey) and convenient stores (Evil Dead)?
i really liked it. the negative critical reception is kinda suprising. it was certainly better than X3. the singing and dancing was funny. in my mind, this is how i envision bollywood films.
I wouldn't say I really saw it in an extremely negative light. however, seeing something like Spider-man, I am viewing it with very critical shades. I simply walked away with the feeling that the movie was stretched too thin.
Tech Kinetics 07/02/05 said:
Actually, if Sam Raimi was really smart..............He could make Spiderman 3 with Venom in it. And then immediately follow up with Spiderman 4 and have Carnage in it.

ooh, does sam raimi read bluelight?

Axl Blaze 22/02/05 said:
Venom or Carnage in Spider Man 3? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.

crystal balls a little hazy there aye jimbo?
Axl Blaze said:
I wouldn't say I really saw it in an extremely negative light. however, seeing something like Spider-man, I am viewing it with very critical shades. I simply walked away with the feeling that the movie was stretched too thin.

while thoroughly being entertained, i whole heartedly also have this opinion.

far too little time was spent on venom and too many stories were crammed into one.
i thought this was a really good comic book movie. if you expect battleship potemkin you're going to be disappointed.

personally, i thought that the black costume was like cocaine. the seventies music and cheesy strutting sort of amplified that idea.

i give it a four of five.
L2R said:
crystal balls a little hazy there aye jimbo?

yeah, I was very wrong on this one huh? I was just going by what Raimi was saying at the time, as he made it very clear he was anti-Venom. obviously, his anti-Venom stance affected this movie - that's why Venom felt so tacked on at the end. I find this pro and anti Venom divide interesting in comic book fans. it seems like the older heads just don't get Venom and what his character is and represents. however, the nerds who grew up in the early 90s (most people on this site) think that Venom is the most bad ass Spidey villain to ever. Venom is a complex character, in the books, because he believes that we he is doing is right and he must "protect the innocents" and kill Parker. this type of good-guy-bad-guy character blur/vigilantism did well in the 90s, as can be noted with the resurgence of the Punisher.

I think that Raimi could have gotten away with just the Sandman and the new Goblin as the villains; where he devoted most of this movie to the build up of Sandman and then devoted his next movie to Venom, or signed the movie off to another director if he so did not choose to direct a Venom/Spidey movie.
i watched it and enjoyed it and was glad my $10 went towards the special effects budget but i felt that it was really disjointed and seems like a lot of good ideas crammed together.
there was no real explanation of the bad spidey story line beyond the black stuf just happening to arrive from outer space and peter just happening to be there when it arrived.
OK... quick review (due in work soon).

I have to echo both alasdairm's and Axl's sentiments. It seemed a little disjointed, stitched together and even quite dull in places. About two-thirds of the way through the film, I could feel my attention waning. I just wasn't enraptured by the film (and from the fidgeting and talking of the people around me, it appeared that it didn't grab them either)... and really, if a popcorn flick can't do that, it really hasn't succeeded.

However, I'm glad someone mentioned the Sandman 'creation' scene. It's true, it's a little work of genius - both cinematically and in terms of SFX. It really seemed to capture the confusion of the character and the determination to rise again. Good stuff.

I've gotta say though... I thought the film laboured the relationship between MJ and Peter somewhat. And while that stress might have added a reason for the black suit's dominance of Peter's mind, I wish they'd have devoted more screen time to providing a back-story to both the silicon experiments and the meteorite. How they'd have done that, I'm not entirely sure... but I feel certain that it would have tied things together a little more and balanced the film.

Regarding Maguire... hmmmm. I thought he'd done a good job of playing Spiderman. Just nerdy enough to pull it off. But the dance scene... oh dear. The script really fell apart at that point and kinda knobbled his performance. I felt sorry for the guy.

Meh... 6/10.
Axl Blaze said:
and lol, emo Spider-man:

i didnt give a shit about the first 2 movies because of the dialoge. I cared because of the kickass fight scenes and j jonah jameson looking like a cartoon character. I still havent seen it tho...hopefully Ill catch it friday . that and aqua teen. The whole MJ/Parker/Osborn emofest annoyed the hell outta me right from the start.