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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: Spider Man 3 (trailer link added)

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LiveIllegal said:
Was that Gwen Stacy I saw?

yeah, she's in it, although very briefly. so his her father Cop Stacy.

I am seeing this as soon as I can tomorrow in my VENOM SHIRT!
^^All of the fanboys were wearing their Venom shirts at the free sneak preview I went to Thursday night. (7pm showing). lol, don't think you will be special. :p

One cute thing they did do was bring up all of the little kids who were wearing Spiderman shirts or had some kind of Spidey gear, and gave them all posters. One tiny little boy had Spiderman pajamas and a plastic face mask, he was adorable!

You all are gonna hate me, but I don't think part 3 was as good as parts 1 or 2. The action scenes were phenomenal, the special effects were amazing, but all of the dialogue scenes - the important ones that advance the plot - were boring as hell! It's almost 2 1/2 hours long, and it seems like they tried to cram too many things in. Too many villians (4 is a little much!), too many different plot threads. Overall I am glad I saw it, but I was definitely not peeing my pants excited.
According to the two comic-loving boys I went with, they did a great job looks-wise. The only thing they didn't like was that he shrieked a lot. That was like his go to move, open his mouth and show off all the fangs and shriek, it kind of got old after about the 10th time. He did kick Spiderman's ass quite a bit though. Spiderman in general seemed much more of a wimp this go round. Everybody kicked his ass at some point, it seemed like.

The way the symbiote moves is very cool.

This isn't a spoiler, but maybe you all who've read the comics can answer a question I have. Ok, so the symbiote started with Spiderman, he ripped it off and it had to hustle to get to Eddie before it died. My question is - it had plenty of opportunities to adhere to MJ, why didn't it choose her at some point? If all it needed was a host, that is.

My favorite part was when Peter Parker went emo. He has a truly hilarious dance scene.
Just saw the movie...i liked it
Venom was fucking awesome

there were so many people there on a friday at 11:30 in the morning....don't people have jobs
ladyinthesky said:
there were so many people there on a friday at 11:30 in the morning....don't people have jobs

lol, YOU were there....

I know a lot of people who took off work today, either because they went to the midnight showing Thursday night or went during the day today.
Last edited:
Daisybabe said:
lol, YOU were there....

I know a lot of people who took of work today, either because they went to the midnight showing Thrusday night or went during the day today.

i was there but i dont start my new job until monday :p
OK. Just saw it a few hours ago. Not as good as the first two,by any means. Actually,the more it sinks in,the less I like about it. There are very few things that even stand out as good in my memory. The special effects were great,of course,especially Sandman. I liked the fact that Spiderman was finally being welcomed as a hero. It's always irritated me that,both in comic and movie,Spiderman was always hated on or unappreciated by the douchebags he was helping. Now,the things I didn't like.
Wow,where to start? Let's see. They were very lazy with both the introduction of the symbiote and the creation of the Sandman. I mean,the symbiote just falls out of the sky during a meteor shower and hitches a ride on the back of Peter's scooter. Then,it just hangs out in Peter's pad for like,half the movie doing........nothing. I mean,was it hanging out in Peter's underwear drawer or what? Then,Sandman. The cops chase him into a field where scientists are doing who the fuck knows what with a bin of sand. There are a bunch of lasers over the sand pit that what's his face falls into. Then it cut's to a group of scientists talking about some "temporal anomaly" or some shit occuring in the pit. Then they turn the lasers on with old dude in the pit. Blend for two minutes:pOOF! Instant Sandman!

I like Topher Grace alot and was looking forward to him being in this movie. But his character was just annoying and stupid. The whole being humiliated and praying to God to kill Peter Parker? I thought it was going to be some major occurance that Parker does to Brock while under the influence of the symbiote. But no. Peter exposes that Brock used Photoshop to fake a pic of Spidey showing his "true colors". What?!

Mary Jane,once again,was reduced to screaming victim. Shit,even Parker smacked her ass around this time. She reminds me of the crain game,where you think after about fifty attempts,you're finally going to get the piece of shit toy you're trying to grab,but no. Just at the last second,it falls right back where it started.

Harry Osborne. It was as if they decided to add him back in at the last second and didn't want to do any rewrites. "Let's just have him fuck Spiderman up,give him amnesia,have him regain his memory,somehow talk Mary Jane into breaking up with Parker(again,WHAT?!)and redeem himself at the end when the butler decides to tell him the truth about his father. Ummmm,can anyone say a little slow on the info? The butler could have told him that in the last movie and saved everyone a ton of grief.

There was just too much shit crammed into this movie. You can tell that they crammed two different ideas into one movie. It wasn't nearly Batman Forever bad,but damn it was dangerously skirting being that way. I think I've vented enough here. I'm going to go watch Spiderman 2 and purge this one from my memory.
I wanted this to be the best of the three... but....


It just didn't deliver as good as the first two. Even with the new characters, it just didn't cut it. I mean, more drama with MJ falling for Harry again? When will she stop whoring around and make up her mind? I like the part of MJ only because Dunst is so ratty looking it makes the story believable, as opposed to Parker hooking up with a smoking hot Jessica Biel type. MJ is very much a "girl next door."

I wasn't very impressed with how the meteor just crashed into earth and the black symbiote is introduced. None of the characters have any idea how this came to be, nor does anyone question it. Even the brief scientist examinations reveal nothing.

I liked Peter as the hip, "bad" Peter Parker. Swaggering, dancing, and cocky. But I know this is a polar opposite of what he is normally, so the human conflict is interesting. I wish there wasn't so much of Dunst singing. Awful. Terrible voice.

Venom... hmm... I didn't like how whenever they showed Venom's face it would morph back into Brock's face as if to remind the viewing audience who it was. YES - WE REMEMBER IT'S BROCK! WE MAKE THE CONNECTION THAT VENOM IS REALLY BROCK, THE HUMILIATED PHOTOGRAPHER!

The action scenes were *just far enough* apart that it had me excited to see another fight, and satisfied when it was over. It wasn't overly compounded with action like some might expect. Overall, 3 of 4 stars.

... and then I pulled her head away from my cock and went home... ;)
Saw this today and wasnt that impressed, i'm gutted Venom was only in it for about 30minutes or so:( . Spiderman 2 has to be the best of the three
Well, so far it looks like Spider Man 3 didnt live up to the hype...

I kind of figured that would happen after i heard the director and most of the cast said this would be their last one.
hahah omg he basically turns into a cokehead with a hitler haircut. good stuff. he shoulda stuck with it.

other than that it was visually cool (duh) and thematically clumsy (also duh).
i thought the film significantly improved on the first two. the dramas, whilst still simple as fuck, got a bit more serious than the annoying "teenage angst" of the first two. this is fundamentally spider-man, sure, but i'm just annoyed by it. maybe i'm just too old for spider-man now.
i did get a bit bored through the middle, and the naughty peter scenes were downright retarded.
there were some solid themes and lessons for the littlies throughout the film which i would've really gained from as a kid. but as an adult, i found myself question why i was watching kids films more than once during the duration of it.
this, like the first two, is extrememly difficult to score for me.
on one hand, they faithfully recreate spider-man on the silver screen. on the other, i don't enjoy them all that much.
i'll go middle of the road: 3/5
Wow. It was fun actually reading the last two pages and seeing how many people were wrong with their villain and plot guesses. "No way Sam Rami will throw Venom in. He already Said that he hated the Venom character because all he does is hiss and scream." and "It won't be a goblin villain. Sam said "something new",and we've already seen a goblin before." Man,it's too bad Sam didn't listen to his original instincts. We would have seen a much different and better SM3.
From what I understand Sam's denying Venom being a character was a publicity stunt. In any case, I agree he should have waited for Spider-Man 4 before introducing Venom. Not only was the plot too messy for this film, but they just skimmed over the whole symbiote plot, which was a major part of the Spider-Man story. Besides making it too goofy with the hair and the dancing, they only hinted at the fact that he would go web-slinging at night without knowing it, that Venom knows everything Spider-Man knows, etc. My fondest memories of Spider-Man from childhood were from the symbiote/Venom comics, and if they saved it for Spider-Man 4 it could have been much more fleshed out and made for a better movie.

Hey, at least Spidey didn't retrieve the alien suit during a trip to outer-space as in the comics.

The movie had some great scenes, like the creation of Sandman (as nonsensical as the premise of it was), that kept it from being complete shit. The overall story was just cheesy and poorly-written. Ah well, I'm getting too old for this superhero shit anyway.

Who else suspects they're going to resurrect Venom somehow if there's another movie?
another note, i found the sandman disingergrations particularly gruesome. uncomfortably so actually.
this film was embarrassing, i was literally HOPING the whole dance routine, faggyness was a joke :(. other than those terrible scenes the film was quite good.
I thought Sandman was fucking awesome. it is obvious that Sam Raimi grew up on the Boris Karloff Frankenstein monster... the whole brooding, strong, silent, on a mission type of character was great. I also thought that the scene where Sandman was "born" was pure cinematic genius. you could simply feel a man who has lost all physical form trying to remember what it was like "to be human." however, I did not like Sandman's ending. I won't go into spoilers but they made Sandman CRY! CRY!! he is hard, pipe-hitting, Spidey villain, not a mother fucking cry baby.

did anybody else think that Bruce Campbell's cameo as the restaraunt host was the most HILARIOUS part of the film?
and lol, emo Spider-man:
