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^ Would feminists have a problem with being submissive in bed? Just curious really- Im not a feminist by any means as I am lazy and dont really contribute anything to the movement but I can't really imagine Germaine Greer being pummeled hard doggy style and spanking and all that.

I just threw up a little bit then :p
I think being submissive, or dominant or getting spanked in bed is basically just playing a game/ pretending. So if both partners know that its just for fun, and don't take those roles outside the bedroom, I don't see why a feminist could not enjoy getting a facial if that's what she wanted.

I'm a feminist, but happy to leave worrying about being politically correct out of my sex life.
Germaine Greer actually posed for porn once. I could probably find an example if you are interested.

Also, is that a ninja kitty? That is like, everything that is good in the world wrapped up in one avatar.

About the edit: It was fair, but couldn't you have waited until we were finished? I never got to see what he said back! Meh, it was probably lame anyway.
zephyr said:
^ Would feminists have a problem with being submissive in bed? Just curious really- Im not a feminist by any means as I am lazy and dont really contribute anything to the movement but I can't really imagine Germaine Greer being pummeled hard doggy style and spanking and all that.

I just threw up a little bit then :p

I don't know what you've been reading to make you ask that. But please be not associating it with feminism.

If anything 'being pummeled hard doggy style and spanking and all that' might be construed as a feminist action. No don't vomit, its true. You non feminist can go right on laying quietly on your backs and thinking of Jesus like the good morally upstanding non-sexual woman which prior to feminism you were expected to be, don't let me stop you. Being equal to the lads means enjoying sex as much as they do, doing what feels good to you and even having an orgasm.

Provided getting whipped and spanked and given a solid slamming is something you consent to, go wild.

I've heard those nutjobs who say penetration is rape consent or no, but can we be clear on this, just as some guys saying women are intellectually inferior to men does not mark out all guys as retards, a few crazy women with issues does not make all feminists starfish.
^ lol!!!

What makes you think Id even bother reading up about the sex lives of feminists? Oh, please. Im far too busy lying back and thinking of England (Jesus doesn't do it for me darling, the beard and thongs aren't to my non-feminist tastes) :D

You might get off on the thought of Germaine Greer in her wrinkled pink birthday suit- good for you if you do, but shes stomach churning to me and as embarassingly over the top as your post is.

So...having said that, do feminists have a sense of humour?
I don't think being sub/dom in bed has anything to do with feminism really. As long as you feel empowered and happy with whatever "role" you play in the bedroom it really has nothing to do with "power" as such.

I went pretty dom in my bedroom behaviour after i got rid of an abusive relationship (emotionally, sexually and physically) to get my sexual independance back. It was just something i had to do for myself from coming from being treated like a whore. He thought it was my job to suck his dick cos i was his gf otherwise it meant i was cheating on him. Idiot!

Slowly over the past year or so i've liked the idea of being submissive in bed cos i have my sexual independance back and now trust again but i still end up taking over all the time hehehe

I like games in bed =D
^ I was meaning the hard line feminists- Greer et al- moreso than the average empowered female. Would Greer (I cant name any others actually) have an issue with a dominant male (I don't even know if shes straight/gay) if the majority of her ethos is empowerment of women. I wouldn't be suprised if she were a dom in bed as well and might see submission as a weak trait.

I dunno, all other aspects of feminism seem to have been covered, including the petty infighting and slurs so its time for a new round :D
Is asking about the sex lives of feminists in poor taste? Does the question offend? Why?
I don't see why asking about the sex lives of feminists would be in any poorer taste than asking about anyone else's sex life.

I believe you were the one who said thinking about Germain Greer in naked was "stomach churning", zephyr.

Do you have some sort of agenda against feminism?
Ladies, please. there is plenty of me to go around. that is all this thread is really about, right..
you want to know why feminism still needs to continue?

go to http://images.google.com and search for "she invented", including the quotation marks

check out what it says next to Did you mean...
Or that fact that in 2007 women *still* do not have equal pay for equal work.
^^ yeah that might have something to do with it huh :p

I always thought Greer was lesbian which was why she had such hard core beliefs. Maybe i just listened to those that slagged her as one of the "angry, hairy, bitter lesbian feminists" and assumed it to be true. Shame on me for listening.
Uh yeah. Let's get this thread back on track with some modern day feminist writing, hmm?

I heart Joss Whedon
I have long been a fan of Joss Whedon's, i.e., He Who Created the Ass-Kicking Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but never more so than now. Today, he has posted a statement about the brutal, horrific stoning death of Dua Khalil Aswad in Northern Iraq. You can read it and his cri de coer about the state of global and local misogyny, which is only getting worse by the day, at www.whedonesque.com.

In addition to writing one of the strongest female characters in the history of television, Joss Whedon is also a staunch defender of women's rights. Of women, period. Joss Whedon isn't threatened by free, independent, smart women; he celebrates them. He seems to understand that we are half of society, and we have a right to be here, to have power simply by virtue of that 50% status, and that we don't have to make dinner in order to sometimes hold the remote. He's also incredibly eloquent (in case you weren't the Buffy freak I was, else you'd already know that), and what he writes in his blog statement made me tear up.

And then it made me want to kick some serious ass.

In case you don't know the story, Dua Khalil was a 17-year-old girl of the Yezidi faith who had a relationship with a Sunni Muslim boy. The two sects hate each other, apparently--just one more dazzling thumbs up for religious extremism. Well, for religion in general, but that's another post. For this "crime," Dua Khalil was dragged into a public square, beaten, stripped, kicked, and eventually killed by having a stone dropped on her head, while a group of men and police stood by, cheering the beating and capturing it all on cell phone video like some You Tube link to pass around to their frat brothers: "Hey guys, check THIS out!"

She was 17 years old. 17. A kid with her first boyfriend. And for that, she was savagely murdered in an "honor killing." As if there could be any honor in killing a defenseless teenage girl pleading for her life.

Like Whedon, I've been dismayed by the growing, insidious hatred of women worldwide. Why? What fuels this? How is that the clock is turning backward and what are we doing to stop it? I have thrown up my hands at the "empowerment" of Search for the Next Pussycat Doll (don't get me started...), the constant attack on working mothers (working mom is redundant, by the way), the escalating violence against women, the slurs and disrespect--all this while our rights, rights we fought and won, are being eroded faster than the Florida coastline. Gonzales v. Carhart had me in a stupor for a week. (Nothing like an opinion decided by a group of older men who will, to my knowledge, never be pregnant, though it's one of my recurring fantasies...)

I am a lifelong feminist. I have never shied away from using that identity. It's amazing to me that that one small word can so frighten people. It's like saying, "I pulp babies and drink their blood from Club Med margarita glasses." To me, being a feminist says to the world that you know who you are--a woman--and you will not apologize for it. It says that, being half the population of the earth, you feel entitled to certain kooky things, like power over your own body and your medical choices. The same pay for the same work. Equality. Justice. The right not to be stoned to death in a public square. It's a powerful word, feminist. Perhaps that is why everyone from the religious right to self-loathers like Ann Coulter try so hard to discredit it, to paint it with a wash of disdain, to make women feel shame in the word. I refuse to allow them to take my identity from me so easily. Let me say it again: I. Am. A. Feminist.

I benefitted from Title IX. I marched for NOW when I was 17. (17, the same age as Dua Khalil.) I read Gloria Steinem's Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions and felt my world being rocked. Back then, sex ed was taught in the schools; Planned Parenthood was there to give women information about their bodies and their options; Roe v. Wade was a given; and women were fighting to pass the ERA.

Now, two decades later, Roe v. Wade is under serious attack. So is Planned Parenthood. Abstinence only programs pass for sex ed because, it turns out, we don't want young women knowing too much about their sexuality and their bodies--it scares people. And the ERA was never ratified. Just so we're clear: there is no constitutional amendment guaranteeing equal rights under the law for women. It's incredibly demoralizing. Maybe the bullies think we'll be so beaten down we'll slink back to the cave and sew up some window treatments.

I remember once describing what I do. "I write for teen girls," I said proudly.
"Oh," was the condescending response. The tone was clear--why did I want to waste my time writing that girly stuff for such an insignificant audience? Girls. I mean, jeez, they don't matter.
(It was tempting to reach into his chest and pull out his beating heart with my bare hands, but I'd just spent $15.00 on a manicure.)

Me? I'll put my money on teen girls any day. They are smart. They kick ass. I know--I've met them, listened to them, watched their bands play, read their work, enjoyed some healthy political/philosophical/artistic debate with them, shared their pizza. I've met girls who want to play the bass. Write poetry. Apply to Harvard. Stop poverty. Meet a great guy. None of them expressed a desire to pose for Maxim in a g-string. They are the future, the change coming in the world. They will not allow their rights to be eroded. They will not allow a culture to define them in such narrow, objectified terms. They will be heard and seen and when one of them becomes Speaker of the House or (can I dream?) President, she will not have to smile graciously while some asshole makes lame jokes about how she might want to redecorate her office or answer a million questions from a seemingly dumbfounded media about how she'll survive out there as a woman. She won't have to make everyone feel comfortable by reminding them she's a mother of five and so a "traditional woman" underneath it all. She won't have time to coddle the idiots; she'll have more important matters to tackle, like maybe finally ratifying the ERA and replacing the old men on the Supreme Court with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I believe that. I have to believe that.

For now, I'm accepting Whedon's plea:

"All I ask is this: Do something. Try something. Speaking out, showing up, writing a letter, a check, a strongly worded e-mail. Pick a cause – there are few unworthy ones. And nudge yourself past the brink of tacit support to action. Once a month, once a year, or just once...Even just learning enough about a subject so you can speak against an opponent eloquently makes you an unusual personage. Start with that. Any one of you would have cried out, would have intervened, had you been in that crowd in Bashiqa. Well thanks to digital technology, you’re all in it now."

Well said.

So, speak out. Act up. Make a fuss. Don't let other people define who you are and what you're entitled to. Hold fast to your voice, your rights, your power. And when the crowd starts gathering rocks, stop them.

Make the world a better place. God knows, we can use you.

I seem to have found an article that answers most of my original questions. I just LOVE this site. I read it every day pretty much and I'm working my way backwards with all the articles (newest first) I find it speaks in normal language, discusses up to date feminist issues and isn't "hairy angry lesbian" speak ;)

vanth said:
I don't see why asking about the sex lives of feminists would be in any poorer taste than asking about anyone else's sex life.

I believe you were the one who said thinking about Germain Greer in naked was "stomach churning", zephyr.

Do you have some sort of agenda against feminism?


1) Been in SLR or the singles thread lately? Eh- whatever, poor taste it may be to you but Im used to discussing basically anything with people who are not so easily offended. If I offended you I do beg your pardon.

2)I do not find Germaine Greer remotely attractive in any way, shape or form. Yes, shes not my cup of tea- especially after her repeated Steve Irwin bullshit.

I don't think shes done her movement any favours at all recently.

Was her naked photo shoot designed so she would look attractive? I don't think so. Some might think she caved and just proves women are just objects. Some might think she did it to show what a "real woman" is.

3) A agenda against feminism? ROFL.8)
Hardly. Not identifying oneself as a feminist doesn not mean I am anti-feminist. Perhaps having women like myself who dont even think about being second class to men, who have never earned less than a man simply because shes female, never been discriminated against sue to her sex, is in a position of power over men who are twice her age and level of university education is surely a sign that the feminist movement has actually worked??

4)Im not an aus social devotee. If I could be bothered having any sort of agenda it would be against yawn worthy posters who post like they haven't the ability to see a different viewpoint without taking offense. Lighten up ffs.
I feel like we're losing some of you here and I'd like to get all of you back... so, lets talk about how much we hate feminists, specific feminists:

I'll start; Sheila Jeffreys.

For years I was stumped as to where people got the absurd notion of the feminist as unshaven, anti-sex, man hating monster. Today I read The obscenity of porn: X-rated and exploitive and The ugly side of beauty. Now I know.

Thnx Sheila Jeffreys, I had no idea that all sex depicted in porn was 'abuse' or that having sex with men was 'collaborating with the enemy' or indeed that wearing my hot as fuck pink satin diamante encrusted high heels is in fact 'giving in to the patriachy'. Amazing. And there I was thinking SCUM was the be all and end all of nutjob feminists.

Next week: Naomi Wolf. Also stupid.
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