• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Facebook: Hate it or Love it?

Facebook teaches you how to be a crafty, sneaky mofo, revealing photo's and info to certain people and hiding it from others.
But isn't it like that in real life???
Is Facebook imitating life, or is it the other way around???

I have this really sexy 21year old hot blonde promo girl who has a profile pic of her in a bikini at a swim suit competition, like 'look at me everybody', then wonders why creepy, sleazy guys inbox her? - Doh hello!

In 'one moment of un-clarity' (drug induced) I once posted some pics on FB of me and a mate shooting up IV drugs, dumb-ass I know shouldn't have done that WTF was I thinking. Obviously lost some friends who didn't know I used drugs, good thing is though my remaining FB friends know I use.
Now I am more discrete, I put in my interests 'SWIM (Someone Who Isn't Me)' as my hobby ;)

Facebook Christmas Song::
"On the 12th Day of Christmas my Facebook gave to me, 12 girls I'm blocking, 11 friends just watching, 10 tacky topics, 9 new porn websites, 8 fake friends bitching, 7 stalkers stalking, 6 shit-ville invites, Fiiiiiiiiiiiiive Drama Queeeensssss, 4 wack status updates, 3 bums a posting, 2 friends-a-pokin, & a psycho ex who won't stop in-boxing me."

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Well I deactivated my account a couple of months ago, and apart from occasionally missing it, It's been fairly liberating to be without. It just got to the point where I realised it was angering me more than anything. The assumption being that people actually care about your life enough to want to read all your statuses and view photos of your nights-out - fucking self-absorption to the max. I also despise how a lot of quality posts don't even get noticed, because it's posted by someone who isn't particularly popular. I preferred the days of myspace, but I presume that was simply because I was in my mid teens, when social networking was a lot more fun and engaging than now. I do feel out of the loop at times, as well as satisfyingly detached. Like a conjoined twin freed from being stuck to his twin's ass.
I enjoy facebook. I think it honestly comes down to how you use it and who you have on there. For someone who has 700 boring people as 'friends', I can see why it is pointless. Which is much different imo if you have a smaller amount of interesting people. I think facebook is interesting because it puts power into people's hands to spread ideas. Its honestly the first realistic way to express original ideas to hundreds of people without any sort of censorship. I'm surprised to see the BL demographic being anti-facebook. Since its an entity where you can take the voice away from big businesses and create your own reality. Eh.

My opinion is that facebook is more of an experiment. Just a phase in time. For how society will gravitate. Music. Art. Trends. You know? Meaning that the technology and social rules will continue but not the program itself. Which is why if you 'facebook' (as a verb), its mindless. But instead if you use the technology to throw out music, art, links, ideas, to others, it's worthwhile.

*edit. And how is smoking DMT in a forest and thinking humans are a collective consciousness any different than seeing eachother's thoughts? Seems like evolution to me.
Facebook is for rubes.

It promotes a fundamentally fucked up worldview that its okay to be up in other people's business.

People should be keeping their mind on their own shit, not worrying about "connecting" with a bunch of half-assed "friends". 8)
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-does friend count matter? Not to me
-how tight are your privacy settings? Tight
-do you only friend ppl you know IRL or happily accept randoms? Rarely accept randoms unless they are friends of friends who make me laugh
-love it as a stalking tool? Stalking...no but I like to see what people look like as the years have passed on our faded IRL friendships
-use it for networking? Yes. I have met people for trail running.
-why do you love it/hate it? I like it as a time waster and laughs. If you are a complainer, you are no friend of mine.
Are you addicted to facebook? Shun it because of the terms of service? Just think it's plain retarded? Only use occasionally to keep in touch with friends?
Definitely not addicted. I have an account and I'm on it regularly. I mostly use it for keeping in touch with a couple of my friends, posting pics of my pets (so I don't have to email everyone individually ... plus I like to brag about them), and keeping updated with parties and stuff (I "like" and am "friends" with all my favourite DJs and clubs so I get invites).

-does friend count matter?
matter about what? I don't care about the number of friends I have. It is not directly correlated to the number of friends someone has in real life :p.
-how tight are your privacy settings?
very tight. my friends can see everything but that's about it.
-do you only friend ppl you know IRL or happily accept randoms?
mostly only people I know in real life BUT I have some of my favourite DJs on there. technically I haven't met them but I wouldn't think they'd be stalking me out of their gazillions of "friends" :p. but I don't accept the creepy invites from people I don't know :p
-love it as a stalking tool?
I used to LOL, I'm a bit beyond that
-use it for networking?
not job-wise no. social networking, kinda. to find out about parties.
-why do you love it/hate it?
I don't love it or hate it. I've probably spent "too much" time on it though. not a big deal though. I'm not going to boycott it or anything though lol. beats twitter and myspace and other social networking sites!!
Lets say you have a band, or a lecture, or a poem. And you can only print 50 flyers for an event with 100 person capacity....And you have 700 facebook friends.

ParappaTheRapper likes this.
Does friend count matter? No.
How tight are your privacy settings? Fairly tight. All my friends can see almost everything but I have to accept being tagged.
Do you only friend ppl you know IRL or happily accept randoms? Only people I know IRL.
Love it as a stalking tool? I like keeping up with my friends as they're all over the country now.
Use it for networking? Not as much as I probably should.
Why do you love it/hate it? I like keeping up with friends, playing dumb games etc. I hate that I still read status updates of people I don't care about. I need to dwindle my friend list.
^^^^^ I'm with roger&me

it's all about keeping up with appearances...pretty fucking plastic and fake...vanity rules supreme on fb
I guess it depends who you know. Can't say facebook is any different from bluelight for me atleast...except not anonymous.

This song fits my current mood ;)...

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Dude im so stoned right now lol.
ParappaTheRapper likes this.

I need some advice..
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Check out this cool MEME.
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I deleted my Facebook months ago..haven't looked back since.
Mel22 I deactivated mine a month ago,so I could focus on getting shit done and not be distracted,but am constantly get texts and emails from friends asking when I'm coming back....peer pressure!

Oh well nice to be popular I guess! I can't say I've missed it much in the last month,but maybe that's cos I'm more active on BL now.I'm gonna reactivate,but not spend so much time on it.I've got something like 2500 friends (lots of networking contacts) so it does take up too much time :\
Mel22 I deactivated mine a month ago,so I could focus on getting shit done and not be distracted,but am constantly get texts and emails from friends asking when I'm coming back....peer pressure!

Oh well nice to be popular I guess! I can't say I've missed it much in the last month,but maybe that's cos I'm more active on BL now.I'm gonna reactivate,but not spend so much time on it.I've got something like 2500 friends (lots of networking contacts) so it does take up too much time :\

Ha, how annoying!

I only ever used mine so I could keep track of the photos that people were uploading of me. I never put a status up, never had a profile pic etc. I never used it to communicate with anyone, so I wasn't missed. I just found though that Facebook made me think so much less of the people around me, and all the attention-seeking and the need for validation just depressed me. So now that I've deleted it, I'm not so much of a hater. It makes it easier to tolerate people if I'm not constantly reminded of how needy and annoying they are.

People are retarded.
The most annoying thing about FB is that a lot people actually expect you to be on FB, no matter what... It's pretty much replaced email communication for a some of my friends, which is annoying as I would barely log on to FB otherwise.
I still don't understand how people can trust FB with their personal pictures and videos. And what about that Foursquare app?! I mean, are you seriously sharing your exact location in real time? WTF?

I'm definitely a Twitter/Tumblr convert. I just wish more of my friends would explore other social media than FB.

- By the way, has anyone here tried Diaspora?
Personally I love facebook, it's my way of making my friends being in tune on my mindset. I use the statuses regularely to share my state of mind, post some questions and generally ask some strange questions regarding life or doing some aquard observations. I know people enjoy it, so do I.

Love facebook - however it's a bad way of socializing as one needs to pull people out of the matrix and meet them in real life!
Ha, how annoying!

I only ever used mine so I could keep track of the photos that people were uploading of me. I never put a status up, never had a profile pic etc. I never used it to communicate with anyone, so I wasn't missed. I just found though that Facebook made me think so much less of the people around me, and all the attention-seeking and the need for validation just depressed me. So now that I've deleted it, I'm not so much of a hater. It makes it easier to tolerate people if I'm not constantly reminded of how needy and annoying they are.

People are retarded.

The attention seeking posts actually amuse me because...

The most annoying thing about FB is that a lot people actually expect you to be on FB, no matter what... It's pretty much replaced email communication for a some of my friends, which is annoying as I would barely log on to FB otherwise.
I still don't understand how people can trust FB with their personal pictures and videos. And what about that Foursquare app?! I mean, are you seriously sharing your exact location in real time? WTF?

I'm definitely a Twitter/Tumblr convert. I just wish more of my friends would explore other social media than FB.
- By the way, has anyone here tried Diaspora?

Never heard of Diaspora? Any good?

I pretty much have to be on facebook because it's the only way to keep in touch with everyone.Although I'm pretty open on fb,and some of my pics are set to public for networking (I'm a plus size model,and seem to get more work off fb than anywhere these days) foursquare and checking into places freak me out.I get too many horny dickheads messaging me as it is,I really don't need to make stalking me easier for them 8)
If people don't like the content of their facebook, then why don't they persuade their friends to use it in better ways?
Down with Facebook!

i had an account for a while, but ended up deactivating it a few months ago. mainly because it makes ppl vouyers and biggest of all, its like everything written or said on FB is gospel. like at the time i was dating a girl who i had been with for 3 years, and she would ask me all these questions about girls i was friends with on there, and god forbid id get a friend request from the girl i knew in 7th grade or something. better make sure that relationship status is correct!

i just got so fed up with it that i said fuck it, im deactivating this time waster. the ppl that i want to get a hold of me know how to do so. im not that interesting anyways lol not to mention if i am going to burn time online id rather do it on BL where i can actually learn a thing or two and share knowledge for the sake of harm reduction, better than liking status updates and pictures.