• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Facebook: Hate it or Love it?

I have a facebook account as Squashy Moss as I am known in work. Out of the 200 friends probably only and 20 or so are really loved. The rest I dont really hear from much or they send me lots of game requests which do my head in. I have some horrible mood swings sometimes which go from euphoria to deepest darkest depression in two easy steps. I tend not to go to Facebook when I am depressed or in pain otherwise I end up posting lots of depressing music videos or making despairing statements. It makes people hate me for complaining about my miserable life. Probably not as much as I hate myself sometimes. I also have Twitter as well but don't use it anymore. I got targetted by trolls on there. I don't reply and I post every now and then to show I am still alive. They must be really pissed off about that.
I quit Facebook in 2010-2011, and came back- reopened my old account a few months ago. I did it probably because I started drinking caffeinated tea and felt like I needed to have a social connection that way again. I think I quit because I quit caffeine actually.

Now, I don't know. I've had moments where I wanted to get off. I wasn't even going to do anything but like others posts on my friends list and lurk, but then I started sharing.