• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Facebook: Hate it or Love it?

Eh this is the digital age, if anything social networking will only continue to be refined and reworked... We are becoming evermore united as a collective consciousness; the Internet merley layed the foundation for global connectivity.

I'm rather interested to see the direction it heads next.
it's not right to blame this garbage on the digital age because irc has been around for over two decades, doing absolutely everything facebook does to connect people only without the fancy graphical interface constantly insisting it knows what you like.

the problem with social media in its current form is that its all about commercialism. the foundation is supported by the revenue the corporation makes mining data and advertising, and people's accounts are more useful now as a medium for promoting services and events than they are for telling people what you're doing at the moment, hence the rising popularity of twitter for accomplishing that.

i doubt anything is going to change any time soon because the obsession with globalism is deepening our dependence on social media and the like. community? who gives a fuck about community anymore. it's more important to have fans and haters than friends and neighbours.
Facebook is the only way I keep in touch with some friends. So I like it.
i never had one never will, i am too private a person to freely be sharing information....certain people know things about me that i don't want others knowing, and don't tell me about the privacy settings, waste of time

i shy away from attention, unless i demand it in a one-on-one situation

i feel like if i knew how some of my friends acted on facebook i'm pretty sure i would think differently of them

i'm glad people enjoy it, i understand it's popularity, but overall i don't like the effect it's had on society
i signed up on fb just so i could look around.
I think it sucks compared to what myspace used to be. I never understood why they took their forums down. So here i am. :p
-does friend count matter?
not at all

-how tight are your privacy settings?
quite loose

-do you only friend ppl you know IRL or happily accept randoms?
only people i know from real life (incl online). i don't accept people i am not already familiar enough with.

-love it as a stalking tool?
not applicable

-use it for networking?

-why do you love it/hate it?
i harbour neither of these sentiments, although i do check it regularly.
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It's great for looking at cute girls.


-does friend count matter?
not at all

-how tight are your privacy settings?
my profile is public

-do you only friend ppl you know IRL or happily accept randoms?
I only add or accept friend requests from people I know in real life, for the most part. If a cute girl I don't know adds me but I notice she has multiple mutual friends, I'll accept =D

-love it as a stalking tool?
not at all

-use it for networking?
Sometimes, I have used it in the past to find old friends and whatnot.

-why do you love it/hate it?
I like it in the fact that it's probably the best social media website ever. It's easy to use, clean layout, extremely popular, and it's nice to stay in contact with people I haven't seen in years. I find everything else about it pretty annoying. Mostly all the pages who spam my news feed with junk. Which leads me to a question. Is there a way to change the settings so I only see actual friends status updates instead of EVERYTHING?
One of my favorite uses of facebook is seeing people that I went to highschool with preggers.

Irony is me quoting this post again in six months when you announce your pregnancy.

Social networking has been discovered and is in the process of being ass-raped by corporations for marketing purposes. "Like us on Facebook!" No. Fuck off.
i love the 'it's great to keep in touch with people i havn't seen in years'

why do you always have to be in contact with these people? what's so hard about letting someone go? there's a reason you havn't seen them in years....

there are lots of people from high school that i havn't seen in over 7 years that i would love to hang out with, or catch up with but i want it to happen unplanned and unforced
It's all right; I pretty much use it just for Words with Friends and for occasional links to interesting articles on Pajiba, NPR, and other sites. I'd probably like it more if I didn't get ten goddamn Bubble Safari requests a day from a friend I don't want to offend by telling her to to stop, for Christ's sake.
i like facebook because nowhere in my life am i going to walk into a random room full of that many people and see as many songs, photos, articles, etc they could share with me that i am actually interested in. i keep it because i have something in common with those people. i don't add everyone who wants me, and i delete anyone who is stupid. (unless i want to gawk at them). i don't add complete randoms but i'd rather add an acquaintance with decent posts than someone i know who uses it like the average person (stupid shit).

i do feel kind of queasy and delete when i post incoherent drunk shit, but then i realize that i have this idea that as a whole, i have to protect my image...from people who have probably seen me like that irl?