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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

F&T's Top 100 Horror Movies

40. Martyrs
This movie is fucking awesome. Watch it.
39. Eyes Without a Face
Massive influence on horror films. Made in '59 so it's black and white and subtitle'd (French)
38. Martin
One of George A. Romero's lesser known films, a hidden gem.

That's enough for now, I'll let some of you other guys add a few more before I do
Favorite Horror Movie of all Time

To All the horror movie fanatics! What's your all time fave? Mine is:


Can't get enough of that pin head!
^ I had no idea there was a updated version. He never copped feels in the original, did he?
Hard to beat the Hellraiser's.
However, The Exorcist is the only film that had and has that feel to it.
It always felt like there was real evil in that film. Maybe it's mainly because I saw it at a young age. I still go back to it, though.

35. Scream - Great deconstructionist horror that presaged the greatness of Cabin in the Woods 15 years later.





^ absolutely awesome movie completely ruined by a silly ending.

^ Sooo...at what point did you feel The Cabin in the Woods became "too silly"? I know I completely checked out after it was established they were going for an Evil Dead parody - I could barely even see the ending because I almost went blind from the number of times I rolled my eyes.
spoiler: [spoil]at the point where it went from the tv show to the crazy monsters in the basement[/spoil]

What silly ending Al? "Giant evil gods.... woulda liked to see that."

Was a great ending, imho.
30. 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark' - (1973).

A young couple inherits an old mansion inhabited by small demon-like creatures who are determined to make the wife one of their own.


I remember seeing it as a kid and being scared shitless at those little creatures.
They lived under the stairs and I remember the scene where they were dragging someone down the hallway toward their lair.



I'll always remember when the first advertisement for this movie was shown. It was on the old ABC Wednesday Movie of the Week (1973) and came right after the flick for that week ended with the announcer saying "Next on the ABC Wednesday movie of the Week". A clip of William Demarest telling Kim Darby "Some things are better off left alone" then a few other quick clips concluding with the announcer saying "Don't be Afraid of the Dark" as a lit Flashlight in pitch blackness is snatched up by something which the viewer is given only an eyeblink glimpse of. WOW! It was definitely worth the week long wait. This was hands down the scariest Things that go bump in the night made for TV movie ever! Throughout the years it's amazing how many people I've met have seen and remember this movie. Sometimes all it takes is to say "Did you ever see the movie with the guy who played Uncle Charlie from My Three Sons" and they'll immediately say "DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK."!
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29. Cannibal Holocaust


This turtle scene is so repulsive I cannot watch it again.


This is the scene that earned the director a day in court. The actress needed to be accounted for as alive.
they dont come any more frightening than this remember reagan and thatcher were in power at this time