Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out

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You have to just will it to be so, talk about it like you believe it, and it will make that your reality.

You back on the ibogaine again?=D

I get what you mean, self-fulfilling prophecy and all that. It's just difficult to have faith when I've fucked up so many times in the past.
Haha, no, I just talk like that sometimes. :D And also it's what I believe.

I woke up this morning SO sore from my past 3 days of working out. My entire upper body and abs, and some of my back, is so sore that it's hard to lift things... in the night, whenever I'd turn over it would wake me up from the pain. My legs are so sore (from running 3 miles a day suddenly) that walking down the stairs is awkward and painful. But I still went to the gym and ran for 2 miles non-stop. I decided to give the weight machines a rest today because the soreness is pretty severe.
Two days rest a week if you're working out hard, your body needs the time to repair. Muscles (including the heart), get bigger/stronger through the process of getting tiny little tears in them when you work them and then rebuilding those tears bigger/stronger than they were before. If you don't give yourself the rest time you're not giving your body the opportunity to repair itself and rebuild stronger.

That soreness is a sign that your body needs the time to rebuild, so you did the right thing by laying off the weights. If you try and push yourself too hard everyday then your body won't be able to rebuild and you won't be able to train as hard meaning you're slogging away in the gym everyday feeling like you're ttraining really hard but actually getting nowhere.

Try and get 50g of protein down you as soon as you finish training too, within 30 minutes if you can but within the hour if not.
^he's right xorkoth, you need to let your body rest up so it will repair the muscles. I do admit that I tend to overdo it at times but the power through workouts is what matters to me now (quality over quantity) so to speak.

If you really want to continue working out everyday, perhaps workout another part of your body so you get to rest the other part and work that out the next day. IME, the body needs at least 24 hours of rest to repair and build up muscles. so just rest today yeah?

Im going to hot yoga after work. It's really fun to go with a someone for more motivation because sometimes for me, I can get lazy after work and just go home but with a partner you can push each other's butts! :D
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Yeah it's tempting to really hammer at it everyday but it's actually counter productive. Train until exhaustion five days a week, rest the other two. Helps keep you hungry mentally for it as well.

Use the days off to do something else positive towards your recovery, I'm going to learn spanish when I've detoxed.
Soooo I joined a gym!!

It's open 24hrs and I plan on going tonight after work :)
Two days rest a week if you're working out hard, your body needs the time to repair. Muscles (including the heart), get bigger/stronger through the process of getting tiny little tears in them when you work them and then rebuilding those tears bigger/stronger than they were before. If you don't give yourself the rest time you're not giving your body the opportunity to repair itself and rebuild stronger.

That soreness is a sign that your body needs the time to rebuild, so you did the right thing by laying off the weights. If you try and push yourself too hard everyday then your body won't be able to rebuild and you won't be able to train as hard meaning you're slogging away in the gym everyday feeling like you're ttraining really hard but actually getting nowhere.

Try and get 50g of protein down you as soon as you finish training too, within 30 minutes if you can but within the hour if not.

I have been taking about 50 grams of protein powder in the morning when I get up, along with a pre-working supplement for energy and containing a bunch of amino acids and such. It's helping me have nutrition/energy for actually working out. Is there a downside to taking it right before instead of after (the protein)?

Also, yeah today I didn't do weights, just ran 2 miles. Seems like that went fine although my legs are also quite sore because of not using them to run or anything in some time, I haven't done any leg weight training yet, figured I'd get them strong from running first. If I am not so sore tomorrow I'll do the weights again, and I'm making sure to rest today, other than the running.
I want you to beat to my 10km 43 minute time! Defiitely possible once you've regained a decent level of fitness if you used to be a runner. It's not that fast but it's no slouch either.

I will donate £20 to a charity of your choice when you beat that time!=D
Soooo I joined a gym!!

It's open 24hrs and I plan on going tonight after work :)

That's good addy! Now work that hot body work it work it!

Just got home from another hot yoga session tonight. It's not my strongest performance but it is absolutely way much better than last Tuesday's. My composure was more stable and my movements flow like air and water. I think a few more sessions and I can perfectly execute the poses. One of my favorite poses is the dancer's pose where you hold either your left or your right foot and slowly bending yourself forward, and as you bend forward you are pulling your foot higher up. This engages your core and as you go deeper into the pose it tests your footwork and balance. I wasnt able to perfectly do the stance today but it was still good, my ass got kicked.
Have converted from my bodybuilding routine over to strictly powerlifting. Two weeks in, going well so far (though it's hell on the CNS). So lots of barbell bench, deadlift, squat, overhead press, heavy rows, etc. All in low rep ranges. Lots of volume. On a bulk, so eating upwards of 3500 calories a day now. Going to do this for seven months and then switch back over to cutting and bodybuilding-style workouts.
Ya, the fracture itself wasn't bad at all it turned out. I aggravated my old ulnar nerve damage at the same time, though, and that's what still really sucks. Ulnar nerve damage and bodybuilding do not mix well at all. I have had to cut some lifts out (like freeweight curls) to avoid prohibitive pain. I hit legs 3 times a week during the injury, and didn't really lose any upper-body strength during the couple weeks off. But all of the big compound movements are pain-free.

Hit chest/triceps today. Asked a random for a spot with horrible (just awful) results, which messed my head up for the rest of the session. But my endurance was really strong today.
Good news about the fracture.. sorry about the spot.

Hey I was going to ask you.. is a ac joint separation common when lifting. I lifted chest hard a few weeks ago.. everything was golden during and after.. Then I woke up in the morning with a major pain right where the colle blade meets the shoulder. I separated the other side playing hockey many years ago, but the pain and the way it has healed makes me think this was the same thing. Any thoughts on this?
I hit it hard today, as yesterday all I did was run a couple of miles, and my soreness subsided. I hit about every muscle group as hard as I could, I was there for an hour and left exhausted but glowing. I can already do 15-30 more pounds than I could at the beginning of the week. Feels like I've been doing this longer than 5 days. :)
I will indeed, I've done so many detoxes in the past I know I can do it and make some progress.

It's staying away from opiates/benzos/cocaine/crack/ketamine in the long term I don't have any faith in.:\
I have faith in you. With just a few simple posts you've inspired me to have faith in myself. Surely that would be impossible if the power you've contributed to my struggle did not originate from somewhere within yourself.
I really appreciate your kind words, it's easy to look in on someone else's problems and give perspective and mtoivation to other people though. I guess I do have the power within me somewhere to turn that spotlight on myself, I just don't trust myself at all.

If history is anything to go by I'll just go on being the same useless prick I always have been.
Well why not.. not usually to many people at the gym on sat evening.. I can run in get a quicky in.. walk, run, legs, arms... out.
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