Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out

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Just finished my workout. Did some squats, tricep dips and ab workoutsn cardio was only 15 min. I want to be able to power it through my cardio workout tomorrow so i took it easy on my cardio today. After a full cardio workout tomorrow and possibly some ab exercises I will go to hot yoga after.

I wouldn't bet any of my own money on it happening though that's for sure.
Owen you can and will do it. Learning to not trust ourselves is essential. Like Ice-T says, "never trust a junkie"...especially if we are that junky.
I hit it pretty hard today, but light on cardio as my legs were a bit tired from running 3 miles every day this past week, so I ran 1.5 miles instead. Then I hit pretty much all the muscle groups as much as I could. My arms are literally twice as big as they were a week ago when I flex, it's crazy (though they were really small before). I feel so good, I love this. :) <3

And also my minor tail-end withdrawals are finally gone, I slept like a baby last night and woke up already feeling good (rather than having to work out and get going before I feel good). Best of all, I do not appear to be experiencing PAWS, which is a first, then again, I've never done ibogaine before.
Going to get on le velo today and go for a good ride to nowhere. Been sleeping really badly so going to try and knacker myself with some exercise.
My guest pass was over today so I joined the Y, kinda expensive but it's doing me so much good, I do way better with working out when it's at a separate place, and they have so much equipment, and pools. And free classes, and also 3 free personal trainer sessions. Looking and feeling better every day. :)
^^ that sounds awesome!

this past weekend was absolutely gorgeous. I went for a nice hike through the woods at a state forest. I got lost and started to mildly panic, but I ended up finding my way out. there were lots of hills and some of the terrain was quite rugged. some spots were also pretty narrow and a lot of brush was covering it, perhaps because everything is overgrown from the winter and not many have started hiking yet. it was very peaceful and quiet. I only saw 2 girls riding their horses and 1 man riding his bicycle. i'm hoping to go back again this weekend. it's about an hour away, but it is totally worth it! i'm sore today but it "hurts so good" ;) I love outdoor exercise.
Hiking is so awesome. :) Me and my friend, another Bluelighter, are going to do a 2 night/3 day hiking trip in June, backpacking I should say. I love backpacking so much, it gets me back to real survival mode, and I come back feeling so much calmer and with perspective on this society life we live, which IMO goes against a lot of how we evolved to live.
Ya, we live in a culture where rigorous exercise and healthy eating often get grouped together with accusations of vanity, narcissism, self-righteousness, etc. Again, though, because we've gotten so far off of the path that humans walked along for thousands of years that when one lives a very "human" (in the primal sense) life, I guess it seems bizarre/intimidating to the masses. But it feels amazing to be in good shape - muscles, endurance, good hormone levels, etc. I don't think that people who don't exercise/diet well know how good of a feeling it is (conversely, how bad it feels to eat an entire pizza or fast food meal after one has been eating healthy). It's similar to how the drugs only feel so good because you're otherwise feeling so bad. Well I suppose that certain food only shows itself to be so gross and toxic when you're stabilized on a healthy program.

I've never been into sports. Don't like to play them. Don't like to watch them. But I take all of this gym stuff to be artwork. We're all born with a blank canvas and it is up to us what we do with it. Some people tattoo it, others put metal into it. But, and when you think about it, it's a rather trippy thought, that the body actually changes when we do things like lift weight. A lot of people I think get depressed because they don't think they are pretty enough, tall enough, etc. "I am always gonna look like this and it gives me anxiety to think about that." But we really do have a lot of control over it. It just takes a lot of work. And that journey of slow change is an amazing one. So if I have nice muscles and whatever body art, it's not because I (only) want someone to drool over it. I don't have time for that. It's because I'd want someone to be attracted to the discipline and self-understanding that it took to set goals and meet them in the gym and in the kitchen. The best people you want attracted to you are those who are attracted to your desire to improve yourself and be a person you'd want to be. The self-artwork is merely a relay to that person of your determination. The attraction is to a healthy form of personal-cultivation.

Anyway, one of my best friends (a fellow BLer), a friend who is really into bodybuilding, is coming to visit tomorrow. So it will be one-rep max testing day in the gym, as I will finally have a spotter I trust. This kind of thing is always very intimidating mentally. But it's also an amazing feeling when you set new records! :)
Great post man, cheers. :) I just took a flood dose of ibogaine to get past opiates and it worked, and I also spontaneously changed many areas of my life fundamentally. The biggest things are that I am eating only healthy now, always cooking my own food. And the other is that I work out every morning. I was really emaciated and weak, but in one week I have gained 10 pounds and my arms are twice as big. It feels so good to be getting into shape. I'm also running miles every day for cardio. In my past, I have had periods of working out, not that hard, and I always didn't like it and quit after a while. This time, I love it, it's one of my favorite parts of the day. I don't want to get huge, I just want to be in great shape and have nice muscles. Man I feel so great. I can't believe it's only been a week since I started working out, the difference is so huge. I am pretty much always happy now.
Did a Nike training sesh 15 min abs workout. It's called "The Hollywood Ab Blast Workout" and wow it was tough lol. Did a little bit of cardio cause I had to go to school after.
I am taking my first day off, would have been my 8th day working out. My calves are so sore I'm hobbling, I hit the legs pretty hard yesterday. I can't really do much if my legs won't take it. That's cool, gotta take days off sometimes. :)
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I am taking my first day off, would have been my 8th day working. My calves are so sore I'm hobbling, I hit the legs pretty hard yesterday. I can't really do much if my legs won't take it. That's cool, gotta take days off sometimes. :)

same, I wanted to go to hot yoga tonight but my body needs rest. Going back to workin out on Wednesday night.
I just downloaded "Nike Run" on my iPhone- I love it! If anyone has a smart phone, consider takin a look at it. It tracks your distance, time and "calories". It's pretty neat
I am taking my first day off, would have been my 8th day working out. My calves are so sore I'm hobbling, I hit the legs pretty hard yesterday. I can't really do much if my legs won't take it. That's cool, gotta take days off sometimes. :)

Seriously man, 2 days off a week otherwise you're going to be slowing down your progress. You need to have your diet absolutely spot on and be loading on loads of suppplements to be working even 6 days a week. Look at the British Royal Marines training program advice to get in shape to join them (in the UK a Royal Marine is an elite unit, it's where the majority of the SAS candidates come from):


I know you're not interested in listening to me but I'm going to keep saying it anyway.=D

Either way it's nice to have someone's progress to follow so I can try to replicate the things they are doing right that are helping with their recovery.

No exercise today other than lots of walking, got a one hour full moon bike ride tomorrow then a 26 mile ride the day after (on a singlespeed!).
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Maybe I'll just take Sundays and Wednesdays off or something. My back does hurt, I'm sure it's because of that. You;re right, gotta slow down a bit.
been busy and chose not to make the time for the workouts... definitely lost a little progress. Back in for sure on thursday.. running tomorrow.
Maybe I'll just take Sundays and Wednesdays off or something. My back does hurt, I'm sure it's because of that. You;re right, gotta slow down a bit.

You should take the two days off irrespective of whether you're feeling injured, your body needs the timme to recover otherwise you're just breaking the muscle fibres down over and over without giving them the time to repair and grow. It also means you're more hungry when you next get back in the gym and you can work harder than you can if you're going everyday, ergo you break muscles down even more, ergo they grow back even bigger (and that includes your cardio muscle).

You can go to six days but you need to have your diet absolutely dialled in and be loading on protein and supplements (I'm not going to pretend I know anything about them). Maybe use the days off to start working on diet plan or something like that, learning how to cook nice stuff that will fit with the plan etc? That way you're still working towards that goal even on days your not in the gym.

The last restaurant I was a chef in was voted 13th best in the world so if you want any recipe info or ideas anytime I can help with that!
Used to do a lot of cross country when I was at school, not a big fan of running now though. I find it boring and it's bad for your knees.

Prefer something that involves either speed or violence=D

Looks like an interesting article though.
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