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EU Referendum Discussion: Well That Worked Out Well Didn't It

Brexit, should we stay or should we go?

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Neo-liberalism is literally written into the EU 'constitution' (the TFEU). That cannot be changed without ripping it up and starting over.


Remain will make certain of winning with propaganda over the next three weeks anyway. You don't have to feel guilty of possibly letting the nutters (Farage etc) win because it ain't gonna happen. But I can't vote with these people. And I can't vote for the protection of capitalism, which is what Remain is.

Fuck 'em. If you're a revolutionary socialist, don't vote.

I'm not sure about that - i think the reverse project fear effect might kick in if they go over the top and they don't seem to be able to do subtle (eg Corbyn) - they probably wouldn't allow it to happen even with a brexit vote, which would make the little englanders even more wound up.

I'm not sure i'm really a revolutionary socialist, more like slowly rotating these days
I'm not sure i'm really a revolutionary socialist, more like slowly rotating these days

That's the saddest line I've ever seen come from your great mind. You sound like a kebab. :)

Anyway, trust me. I'm a psephologist (part-time, zero hours contract).
Your 'wife' must really be enjoying these first few weeks of your marriage.

Send her out to meet some scousers. They'll probably pay her more attention than you are capable of.
Any wife, any scousers will do. Gotta be better than being with you spending your life on BL while lying constantly about your past and present.
That's the saddest line I've ever seen come from your great mind. You sound like a kebab. :)

Anyway, trust me. I'm a psephologist (part-time, zero hours contract).

Just realistic, and not sad at all to be old(er) - plus i've never really believed you can plan a genuine revolution anyway (why i'm wary of leninist marxists and other vanguardy types), just plan for one happening maybe - it's just one of those rare singularities/paradigm shifts that will happen in its own sweet time, and probably in the last way you'd expect it ("bliss was it in that dawn to be alive" and all that) - it does smell like there might be one brewing in the near future though (or that might be WW3 im smelling)
I'd rather a group of highly regarded economists and officials decide this for me based on what is best for the country as a whole using their decades of experience analyzing these things. It's crazy to ask the general public to decide such a thing as this.

Anyway I'm in simply because it's too risky to leave. May work out well, may have little effect, may destroy everything. Too many unknowns. Is the status quo really that bad?

edit: the current events thread is very informative, nice words StoneHappyMonday

If the UK votes 'oot', do we get our own UKDD?

The real questions!

I'd rather a group of highly regarded economists and officials decide this for me based on what is best for the country as a whole using their decades of experience analyzing these things. It's crazy to ask the general public to decide such a thing as this.

Anyway I'm in simply because it's too risky to leave. May work out well, may have little effect, may destroy everything. Too many unknowns. Is the status quo really that bad?

edit: the current events thread is very informative, nice words StoneHappyMonday

What about the risks of staying in? The EU has made no secret of wishing to create a "closer union" where they will have even more control over member states. I think it is very risky to hand more power over our country to Brussels. And if you believe Cameron really has secured us a "special status" where we're exempt from this I have a bridge to sell you. That agreement is not in any way legally binding and the EU would have zero accountability if they ignored it in the case of a vote to remain.

Plus, I'm surprised this isn't brought up more, but the fact that Cameron is trying to sell us on staying in the EU by ensuring us we will be further separated from it than other member states should tell you all you need to know. If the best thing the remain side can tell us is "well, you won't be fully in like everyone else", surely that means being in is a bad thing by their own admission?

On the bright side, if we do stay in the EU I can easily move abroad when the country goes to shit.
I think DC means that we will continue to keep the pound and that immigrants will have to work 4 years before they can claim benefits.

As well as much enhanced workers rights (particularly for contractors), environmental enhancement and protection targets (sea water pollution levels, beaches, air quality etc), these have all improved immensly over the last 10-15 years, there is also free trade with the EU, the importance of which can not be underestimated, also all the grants and subsidies that the EU give to struggling farmers (they'd nearly all be out of work by now if it wasnt for EU subsidies) and EU membership also helps with our scientific research, though im not sure if that's 'cos of closer collaboration or grants.

If we did leave, its not true that we would have more control over our own borders. That whole argument is just another lie by the Leave campaign. If we wanted to trade with Europe they would make us continue to accept the free movement of EU citizens just as before, and no negotiation. That point never gets made by UK politicians, its only ever mentioned by the politicians of other EU countries and the 'commentariat' to use a Corbynism.

My mind is now totally made up, im just waiting for my postal vote to arrive. Gonna chase it up if its not here by Mon or Tues.
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If we did leave, its not true that we would have more control over our own borders. That whole argument is just another lie by the Leave campaign. If we wanted to trade with Europe they would make us continue to accept the free movement of EU citizens just as before, and no negotiation. That point never gets made by UK politicians, its only ever mentioned by the politicians of other EU countries and the 'commentariat' to use a Corbynism.

Bollocks. Do the USA and Canada have free movement with the EU just so they can trade?

Corbyn spent his life campaigning against the EU, you know that yes? Labour may be taking the remain side but Corbyn is no friend of the EU.

As for all the laws you listed, we would still have them if we left. They are already on our books, they don't get repealed automatically because we're not in the EU. And this idea we cannot make our own laws on workers' rights and similar issues is just scaremongering. We don't need Brussels to tell us to treat our people properly.
Does Canada have free trade with the EU ?

Or is it 7 years into negotiations for 99% free ?

7 years. That's a long time. No reason at all to assume our negotiations would be any quicker.

If we leave the EU it will hurt them financially too. I see no logic in making one of our most important customers worse off.

If the economy does slow down and the price of beans goes up it will hurt the likes of us. Grove and Johnson won't even notice.

As for J.C and the labour party in general : I feel that they have been noticeably quiet of late.
Either the media are deliberately ignoring them or they are sitting back and enjoying the Tory in-fighting.

If it's the former then they should know how to play the media game by now. If it's the latter then they should be more focused on the result rather than any tiny potential gains in the ballot boxes. And any gains will be tiny, not as if the Tories squabbling about Europe is anything new.

Either way they have let their voters down. Imo.
I suspect corbyn is probably pro leaving the EU but is scared to back it because a. the leave campaign has been hijacked by a bunch of right wing nuts, and b. he doesnt want to be seen to be on the 'losing' side if we remain, which is the most probabal option.
I suspect corbyn is probably pro leaving the EU but is scared to back it because a. the leave campaign has been hijacked by a bunch of right wing nuts, and b. he doesnt want to be seen to be on the 'losing' side if we remain, which is the most probabal option.

What? Like Boris fucking Johnson? The stigma attached to "out" is criminal, its like being branded a UKIP supporter if you say it, or some horrific right wing nazi. Most of the remain supports I have spoken with have almost no valued argument, there is though on this forum at least people who understand what they are talking about. Neither side knows the financial implications of an in or out vote, its all guesswork at this moment. A manager who has worked within the NHS for over 35 years though has seen the crippling effects on our services who I often have deep conversations with (and he is not "british"), thats before taking into account schools and other services.

Its a big gamble to leave but its a risk worth taking, I fucking despise the media and BBC for the shit show they have given us, "lets put farage on TV, it will be great, like the last time we roasted Nick Griffin, our audience will have a field day". The tactics being employed by the Remain Campaing are deplorable. Yeah whatever, speak with dairy farmers, fisherman, working class ask them how the EU has helped them, how their businesses have been killed off by the EU. Valid points from both sides but also disgusting tactics. and the fact immigration has been used as the forefront of the Out campaign is horrible, it goes so much further than that.


If we did leave, its not true that we would have more control over our own borders. That whole argument is just another lie by the Leave campaign. If we wanted to trade with Europe they would make us continue to accept the free movement of EU citizens just as before, and no negotiation. That point never gets made by UK politicians, its only ever mentioned by the politicians of other EU countries and the 'commentariat' to use a Corbynism.

That is a false statement though, we would make our own negotiations and would not be under any restrictions, yes Norway has a fair few negotiating deals to allow them to trade whilst being outside of the EU but Britain is the second strongest economy after Germany within the EU we have much more negotiating power, not a single EU country want us to leave. Do you remember when Cameron first got elected, flying his big british flag logo everywhere he went, trying to win over voters "I will reduce immigration to the tens of thousands", whats that now David, we are at almost 400,00, oh, you are just only slightly wide of the mark, politicians eh? No one mentions that either. If we are not in the EU then we can control our borders because we are not under EU rules of free movement, using a points based system instead of hundreds of thousands of non-skilled workers who are lowering the wage limit we can recruit far more skilled workers from outside the EU. An unskilled worker can walk into the UK currently but a qualified doctor from say the Middle East has to go through far more stringent checks before they can even enter the country.

Un-elected politicians tel ling us what to do in a country most have never visited, thats the proper way to do it eh. I will be pushing flowers in 10 years anyway, like the majority of you so who even cares? %)

Also One Thousand Words don't bring football into this, do you not have your own thread for that? Does it even exist? How about you fuck off to drinking your bags of goon and 2% beers and let the big boys have a discussion?