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EU Referendum Discussion: Well That Worked Out Well Didn't It

Brexit, should we stay or should we go?

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Apr 28, 2006
There is a pending vote for a possible "brexit" of the EU looming.

How will all you people vote, will you vote, or what would you like to see as a result?

Another website I use has a 100% "out" vote, but it's demographic is mainly white, male Englishmen aged 45/60 ( mailmonkey types) and I Was curious to see what the more diverse group on here would come up with.

Can a mod add a poll, please?

I think I'm voting to stay in, mostly because of the protection afforded to my by European labour law. I also enjoyed the simplicity of moving to another EU country when I worked in Germany for a while a few years ago, which is something I'd consider doing again.

For a while I thought I might vote out, because I'm not big on the idea of TTIP, but I don't believe that leaving the EU is going to stop that happening unfortunately.
I'm in the in camp at the moment although I'm still open to changing my mind.

I think most people have made an emotional decision and have no real idea about what they are voting for.

I work for an international company and had a quite interesting meeting with 'group' this week and got an alternative opinion from the country my company is based in. They believe if the UK leave a few others are quite likely to leave.
Not at all interested in politics , but my Mrs is ( very much so ) and is 100% for getting out. She was up Westminster couple of Saturday's ago. , protesting about Cameron's lies and off shore bank accounts ?
While I got to sit in the pub................PUB/ politics I know what wins for me.
Nothing we do or say will make a blind bit of difference anyway. FACT !
I just read the first few posts in that thread by SHM. Some of the bests posts i have seen on Bluelight. I will read more in the morning. Its nearly 2am here and i probably should get some sleep. I have not even had any drugs tonight..sometimes bluelight just sucks you in....like a toothless bum with FUBAR :)

Despite some of the scaremongering we would be in an even worse state economically if we left.....IMHO etc.etc.
Theres no point in this poll at all, I mean obviously they are doing it so it seems they are bowing to our requests but the world already knows whats going to happen, we will remain in the EU 100%, its not even going to be close. People prefer safety, not enough gamblers in this country, saying that, im wagering large on us staying in. The government has scared enough people for a majority to remain in their safety zones, fucking Cameron drafting in Mr USA for help, "but, but TERRORISTS". That old one. His scaremongering pamphlet to every household in the UK will be enough to convince most, never mind the rest.

P.S im in the out camp.
Pretty good thread here with SHM destroying - I only voted in here for Spade's mum.

Blush etc.

I just read the first few posts in that thread by SHM. Some of the bests posts i have seen on Bluelight. I will read more in the morning. Its nearly 2am here and i probably should get some sleep. I have not even had any drugs tonight..sometimes bluelight just sucks you in....like a toothless bum with FUBAR :)

Blush blush etc.

Theres no point in this poll at all, I mean obviously they are doing it so it seems they are bowing to our requests but the world already knows whats going to happen, we will remain in the EU 100%, its not even going to be close. People prefer safety, not enough gamblers in this country, saying that, im wagering large on us staying in. The government has scared enough people for a majority to remain in their safety zones, fucking Cameron drafting in Mr USA for help, "but, but TERRORISTS". That old one. His scaremongering pamphlet to every household in the UK will be enough to convince most, never mind the rest.

P.S im in the out camp.


Look, I only came in this thread to say every time I see your posts ABPI, I think "A British Police Inspector".

But you linked me to that drug price website for pharmacists so I forgive thee. Well, not forgive so much as won't kill....

Best link ever. Possibly.
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry actually but hey ho %)

I am glad I could be of some assistance, its good this is not a public forum eh someone might see their mistake, or maybe they don't care.

I am willing to be convinced though, so I will have a read about what you have to say for yourself.
My worry is that Europe would seek to punish us over a Brexit. The Continentals really do hate us that much. Remember the TV series League of Gentlemen? A recurrent theme there was characters who were not as well liked as they believed themselves to be. That is Britain in the EU.

Right now, the only thing that guarantees that other EU countries will play nicely with us is the very treaty that's about to be ripped up. If they wanted to, our European neighbours could make things very difficult for us. If they suddenly decide to start paying us half as much for stuff that we can't sell to anyone else, and charging us double for stuff that we can't buy from anyone else, we're in trouble.

Not far from me is a car factory that was built specifically to coincide with the opening of the Single European Market, in order to sell cars in Europe. What happens to the people who work there, if Europe stops buying those cars?
I'm for staying in but if they leave they are still planning to be part of a free trade area....
I started a thread about this in ce&p.
I'd love to hear your opinions regarding the discussions going on there too.
Ah, i see Mr Fug has already linked it.

See, i'm not a brit, but i'm a bit of a political animal (emphasis on the "animal" bit!) - and the arguments in favour of Britain leaving the UK just don't convince me at all.

Also...i suspect that if the UK left the EU, parcels from Europe containing...er, all kinds of analytical samples, magic beans, holy sacraments and such would be far more scruitinised at customs than they currently, when entering the UK.
My understanding is that moving post between countries within the EU is a fairly streamlined affair with minimal scruitiny.
Is that accurate, anyone know? Maybe best not to discuss this in too much detail, or Shambles might gimme a clip 'round the ear with that trusty modstick of his...

Scoring RCs and shit in Australia is literally a gamble to see if you'll get what you paid for. Meaning, anything at all. The cunts at customs are the shittiest middle-men and women you could ever do business with.
You guys dont realise how good you got it in that sense; no domestic clear-net suppliers here either, do it's all a risk.

How's that for an argument against leaving the EU?
One of these rich-as-fuck-vendors should start a billboard and telly campaign explaining this to punters. Be a fuckin' landslide vote to stay...for those who remember to vote and aren't tripping so hard they get lost in the ballot box.
I started a thread about this in ce&p.
I'd love to hear your opinions regarding the discussions going on there too.
Ah, i see Mr Fug has already linked it.

See, i'm not a brit, but i'm a bit of a political animal (emphasis on the "animal" bit!) - and the arguments in favour of Britain leaving the UK just don't convince me at all.

Also...i suspect that if the UK left the EU, parcels from Europe containing...er, all kinds of analytical samples, magic beans, holy sacraments and such would be far more scruitinised at customs than they currently, when entering the UK.
My understanding is that moving post between countries within the EU is a fairly streamlined affair with minimal scruitiny.
Is that accurate, anyone know? Maybe best not to discuss this in too much detail, or Shambles might gimme a clip 'round the ear with that trusty modstick of his...

Scoring RCs and shit in Australia is literally a gamble to see if you'll get what you paid for. Meaning, anything at all. The cunts at customs are the shittiest middle-men and women you could ever do business with.
You guys dont realise how good you got it in that sense; no domestic clear-net suppliers here either, do it's all a risk.

How's that for an argument against leaving the EU?
One of these rich-as-fuck-vendors should start a billboard and telly campaign explaining this to punters. Be a fuckin' landslide vote to stay...for those who remember to vote and aren't tripping so hard they get lost in the ballot box.

Australian customs are more vigilant than most simply because their main role is as screws for HMP Straaylia ;)
That, and Johnny Depp's dogs.
A scourge to the nation. Fluffy, poncey little things.
That, and Johnny Depp's dogs.
A scourge to the nation. Fluffy, poncey little things.

I'm with you guys on that one mate. They should have been put down immediately.

I'd have sent the dogs back home though...
I'm for staying in but if they leave they are still planning to be part of a free trade area....
The Cloud Cuckooland Free Trade Area, where everyone else continues to trade with us on the same terms as they ever have?

I'm surprised we weren't booted out of the EU years ago. I think we're only allowed to stay in because if the UK adopted the Euro, either directly or by fixing the exchange rate with the pound, it would suddenly make sense for crude oil to be priced in Euros as opposed to US Dollars. It's not as though there is any shortage of cool stuff that can be bought with those snazzy two-tone coins, and big denomination notes that are actually bigger than small denomination notes are a novelty that won't wear off quickly. In fact, the only ones who would lose out on such a change in the arrangements are the USA; who presently get to rake off a little every time someone changes any other currency for US Dollars or back. Almost the only thing Britain has to offer Europe is the false hope of one day entering into an oil-buying consortium more powerful than the USA. The hope for that would be dashed to smithereens by a Brexit (or by Peak Oil; though life in a pariah state probably is preferrable to life without oil, so let's not even go there) and I can't see our European neighbours missing out on a chance to *ahem* negotiate themselves some more favourable terms with a desperate UK.
Wow, 42% v 42%, as per EADD poll, is pretty fucking close to the national poll. 3 v 3 is a tad out on the overall numbers mind, but we can't have everything.

Apologies for detracting from Julie's more sensible post. Read it MOFOs. It's only one above this one.
The exchange rate mechanism (ERM) was actually our introduction to joining the Euro. The pound was fixed against the German Mark within certain bands that were due to narrow with time as certain economic pre-conditions were met. The goal being to eventually pin all currencies to the Deuchmark and then aggregate monetary policy accross member nations and introduce a common currency (the Euro). Unfortunately this all went tits up in 1992 when curency speculation led to the pound being devalued against the Mark and the UK dropping out of the ERM and thus the Eurozone.. (And exhausting most of the bank of England's gold reserves In a single day). Other countries ignored this and went ahead with the Euro anyway but since this fiasco Britain has stayed well clear of a common currency and rightly so.

I was in the middle of my Economics degree when this was happening and it was a question on my final exam which is how I remembered it.

Interestingly the monetary pre conditions which needed to be met for the UK to consider entering the Eurozone are considered secret and have never been released to the public. Probably due to the damage currency speculators have done In the past when they know what the governments monetary policy ambitions are.

Going off on a tangent I Know...

Anyway I ment to say that trade agreements are law so I doubt they could be circumvented regardless of how much the Frenchies dislike us Rosbifs :)
Anyway I meant to say that trade agreements are law so I doubt they could be circumvented regardless of how much the Frenchies dislike us Rosbifs :)
Yes, but they are only law as long as we stay in the EU ..... Leaving will render them null and void. Once you're not a member of the gang anymore, you aren't protected by the "no hitting" rule.

Currency speculators are scum, pure and simple.