EBM and Other alternative electronica

Glad I finally found a thread like this, big EBM, Industrial etc. fan myself.

Suicide Commando - Hate Me

^^ would be what I'm listening to atm, I'm enjoying there new album. But seriously anything by Suicide Commando is a good choice IMHO.

Also a few more ideas to check out that I didn't see mentioned or that I might have missed:

Tactical Sekt
Andy LaPlegua's projects (Combichrist, Icon of Coil, Panzer AG, etc.)
Velvet Acid Christ
Unter Null

I could name probably a hundred more, but I digress :)

Nice pics btw, I would love to meet/see Grendel, one of my personal favorites.
Just caught Psyclon Nine with Imperative Reaction on the :RUINA:tour had VIP for that, everyone was real cool, great show.
To give a better idea of my schtick, here are some that I'd consider 'landmark' industrial outfits/albums (okay...just personal faves):

Skinny Puppy: "vivisectvi", "too dark park", and "last rights".
Download: "Furnace" and "The Eyes of Stanley Pain"
Front Line Assembly: "Hard Wired" and particularly "Plasticity"
Coil: compiled work circa "Love's Secret Domain" and "Horse Rotorvator".
Haujobb: "Solutions for a Small Planet" and "Solid State Logic" off "Freeze Frame Reality", the latter especially.
Converter: "Blast Furnace"....just wow
Gridlock: Just love them in general, but "Further" occupies a special place.
Speedy J: "A shocking hobby" (k...'IDM' invades industrial, but whatever...)
Beefcake: most everything...k...this is breakcore invading industrial.
Xingu Hill: "Alterality"
Panacea: older work
Squaremeter: okay, industrial meets glitch.

As you can see, I'm into the genre fringes...just now checking out rec's. thanks all.

Hope you enjoy some of the recommendations. If you have a take on any of it, always up to hear it.
I agree with your list; SP, FLA, Haujubb, Coil etc all great stuff. I'm going to have to check out everything from Speedy J down, not to familiar with them.
I also enjoy fringe genre projects.
And for the hell of it, here's a few songs I'm listening to atm.

Animassacre - Apathy
Funeral In Reno - Farewell

If anyone has any more suggestions or anything else to add to the discussion, I'd love to keep this a active thread.
Doesn't seem to be a ton of discussion on EBM, Industrial, IDM, TBM, Aggrotech, etc.
Though personally I could care less about putting things in genres.
If it sounds good to me then who cares what you call it. ;)
So if anyone has any input throw it out there.
^^ Not really my cup of tea, perhaps on the right substances I would appreciate it more. To each there own though. What do you like in particular about it?
I'll definitely listen to it a few more times to see if it grows on me. :)
Do you have any more examples of what you would consider "hardcore techno"?
I'm not really into labeling of genres that much so not sure what other things would fall under your categorization.
Hopefully some others will chime in with some more input for you, always good to see diverse tastes. I'm looking forward to checking out some more recommendations.

As for my current listening track of the moment...

Noisuf-X - Cocaine

^^ I enjoy there work, all there albums are good IMHO. Wanted to link there song Nervouz Beatz [For Maniac Freakz] from The Beauty of Destruction but didn't see it on Youtube. Anyways that's my recommendation of the day. :)
Noisuf-X have really piqued my interest as of late, thanks for that :)

Also, loving the Trevor Brown avatar there. Used to have that one as my phone's wallpaper :)
Indeed, I'm a big TB fan. Been working on enlarging my collection of his work. I only have maybe half to 3/4 of his art book compilations, some postcards, t-shirt, etc.
One of the few artists whose work I make the effort to own.
Looking forward to his takes on Alice :)
So thanks for the props on the avatar. I hadn't met many people familiar with his work. Oddly enough I've met a few recently however.
Though I guess the whole CC merchandising theft thing ended up getting him more media exposure.
Or so it seems from having talked to people who's only exposure to his work was through that.

Glad your also enjoying the Noisuf-X. Do you also listen to his X-Fusion project?
Only recently have I finally got around to giving there respective somewhat new releases a listen. Ultima Ratio/Voodoo Ritual that is. Enjoying them both so far.

And for a bit of a change of pace, but I enjoy it none the less.

Chemlab - Suicide Jag
I heard X-Fusion a few years back, still got Dial D For Demons knocking around somewhere on my HD :) Been aware of TB's work for about 5-6 years now, fell in love with it when I saw his pony-girl rocking horse, hehe :)
Thanks for the post.
I see that I have Blood Meridian & Language of Silence in my collection but haven't really ever listened to it, I'm gonna have to check it out.

Been busy lately so haven't had a chance to post/check recommendations & once again am busy, but I'll leave you with this recommendation for the moment.

Punto Omega - Punto Omega
My computer speakers went out a week ago, havent been able to check out any of these. New ones coming in today. bump.
Glad to hear you got working speakers. Keep the music alive. :)

Let us know what you think after you give some of the stuff a listen.

I'll leave you with the song I'm listening to at this moment...

Northborne - The Pill