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EADD Heroin thread v.XXV -- a quarter centuary of threads if not yet a full decade since the 'drought'...

These Buprenorphine patches are supposed to take up to three days to reach optimal levels in the body. Mine kicks in in six hours and I feel high as fuck for about twelve hours then it settles down and I barely feel much but the pain relief. I metabolise opiates fast. Does this mean if I abused them I'd overdose quickly?
These Buprenorphine patches are supposed to take up to three days to reach optimal levels in the body. Mine kicks in in six hours and I feel high as fuck for about twelve hours then it settles down and I barely feel much but the pain relief. I metabolise opiates fast. Does this mean if I abused them I'd overdose quickly?
its almost impossible to overdose on buprenorphine if you even got a hint of tolerance to opioids.After a certain dose you reach a threshold where your breath doesnt get suppressed further. This limit is reached at 16-24 mg. Its maybe possible to die from it when you have never taken an opioid and then take 16 mg. The strange thing with buprenorphine is that without tolerance even 1 mg is enough to make you high 2 days,but the high is not clean at all,almost like a combination of a full agonist and alcohol.
its almost impossible to overdose on buprenorphine if you even got a hint of tolerance to opioids.After a certain dose you reach a threshold where your breath doesnt get suppressed further. This limit is reached at 16-24 mg. Its maybe possible to die from it when you have never taken an opioid and then take 16 mg. The strange thing with buprenorphine is that without tolerance even 1 mg is enough to make you high 2 days,but the high is not clean at all,almost like a combination of a full agonist and alcohol.

I'm on just one 10mcg/hr patch each week. The max dose it says is four of them so I'm very safe. It's actually having the same pain relief as the 20mg 3x day Oramorph I was on before. And wake up with the effects with as a bonus due it to being constant. I think I went into withdrawal from the Morphine the first week, had the flu-like feeling, tiredness, etc.

After the first few hours I don't feel much of a high at all for the rest of the week. Slight mood lift I think, but that could just be cos of being in less pain.

You guys would not believe the job it was to get high level opiates prescribed regularly through my GP. I ran a telemarketing campaign for weeks to all sorts of people and eventually wore them down. They are proper paranoid cos of the US opiate crisis it seems.
They are proper paranoid cos of the US opiate crisis it seems.

I've seen this attitude in the media certainly.

It's pretty ridiculous. US has an "opioid crisis" because Purdue paid off GP's to script OxyContin to practically anyone who walked through the door with a headache and other pharma companies began to cash in on that trend too. The US alone uses 85% of the entire world's opioid supply.

We on the other hand do what? Script a bit of co-codamol and tramadol here and there? It's not even anywhere near the same level. We are not about to follow the US unless Purdue buys the NHS.

Now private clinics are another question, it's easy to get whatever you want from those if you got the money, but 95% of the population will never go to one of those. The NHS is not about to start slinging oxy at everyone.

Scaremongering bullshit the lot of it, not to mention that the latest data shows opioid prescriptions are actually down in the UK (same with benzos and z-drugs).
Couldn't agree more:
They gave my Granddad, Grandma and Mum 8/500mg Co-Codamol at the beginning of their cancer pain treatment.
I went into a fucking uproar until they got semi-adequate pain relief. But even then they didn't give them enough information as to what they were taking and the possible side effects.

You see all that bollocks "I got addicted to Co-Codamol and it's ruined my life!" shite, and just think to yerself "Oooooooh imagine being in the US and having a fucking Oxy problem, which would lead to a Heroin problem because you can't afford your medical bills".
People give the NHS too much shit, because imagine where we could be.....

On the Heroin front, bags are smaller and starting to get bashed up again. I see another period of terrible gear ahead myself :cautious:
8/500mg Co-Codamol at the beginning of their cancer pain treatment.

That's fucking insane mate. Good on you for making sure they got proper pain relief. I can't believe they get so worried about scripting opiates to cancer patients of all people. Surely the potential for opiate addiction is the least of the problems for someone who... ya know... has fucking cancer. Madness.
Had some of the most potent white yesterday, it wasn't the biggest rock I've seen for the cash & to look at it I wasn't blown away. Got back to the yard 7 set my pipe up & put a piece on & the moment I put a light to it & heard it make that crackle noise & it tasted sweet I knew. The first pipe was a bell ringer & I mean it was going like a mofo church bell inside my ears.

The gear was sure needed but the stone is sssooo nice each one lasted a good 10/15 mins from start to finish. A man could really run into a issue with the bank if you had access to a big line of credit with white like this around.
Oh man I miss speedballing oxy and coke

You done heroin before?
It is BAD HR I admit but yeah I know what you mean quite well, when you shoot crack the feeling off it is OMFG.

I only IV crack once in a session, it comes on so different to smoking it & is really nice, to be honest I do prefer to shoot it & I have to really promise myself only one crank or I'd be there all day just shooting it & not doing anything else.
You done heroin before?
It is BAD HR I admit but yeah I know what you mean quite well, when you shoot crack the feeling off it is OMFG.

I only IV crack once in a session, it comes on so different to smoking it & is really nice, to be honest I do prefer to shoot it & I have to really promise myself only one crank or I'd be there all day just shooting it & not doing anything else.

Yeah I tried gear a few times and a few different batches but I think my opioid receptors have been spoiled by my easy access to pure pharma OC80's so the gear didn't do much for me truth be told. I did get high off it, but it paled in comparison to the oxy. However knowing myself, I'm pretty sure if I had access to pure pharma diamorphine I'd enjoy it more than oxy. The problem is the low purity of street shit most likely.

But I have smoked an oxy off foil while doing lines of coke and oh my fucking god mate it was luuuush.

Also I've done MDMA mixed with various opiates. Started off just codeine, then DHC, then oxy. The MDMA + oxy combo was done when my tolerance was lower too so I was maaaaaashed. You know when you do enough MD you can't even type and just look like you got Down's. It was like that except I was also nodding hard at the same time. Just pure amazing.

Again all of this is terrible HR. Not advocating anyone copy me at all. In fact if anyone is reading this and has a low opiate tolerance don't even think about it. Even with a tolerance it is risky.
I stuck another Butrans patch on when I was in a lot of pain, because I read NHS guidelines which said 20mcg/hr was equivalent to 40mg daily Oramorph. I was on 60mg/day Oramorph for months before transitioning onto Butrans. Therefore I figured it would be safe.

Told my GP and she proper had a go at me saying I could die in my sleep and that I shouldn't be controlling my own doses. Was she right to be worried or am I right with the above? ?

Edit: just seen the post above by Neithman. GP is talking shit then, as per usual.
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Couldn't agree more:
They gave my Granddad, Grandma and Mum 8/500mg Co-Codamol at the beginning of their cancer pain treatment.
I went into a fucking uproar until they got semi-adequate pain relief. But even then they didn't give them enough information as to what they were taking and the possible side effects.

You see all that bollocks "I got addicted to Co-Codamol and it's ruined my life!" shite, and just think to yerself "Oooooooh imagine being in the US and having a fucking Oxy problem, which would lead to a Heroin problem because you can't afford your medical bills".
People give the NHS too much shit, because imagine where we could be.....

On the Heroin front, bags are smaller and starting to get bashed up again. I see another period of terrible gear ahead myself :cautious:

As I say above it was rather difficult getting my GP to prescribe Oramorph to me. I wore them down over a period of weeks and they finally relented after letters from my neurosurgeon. One told me should could 'lose her license' if something happened to me. So yes, paranoid as fuck. That's awful about your nan. Being in very severe pain which laughs at codeine here, I can imagine cancer pain would be very tough without proper painkillers.?
Some really potent / weird gear round here atm.
Split a bag in half as the first time I shoot any new gear I always take care as I've seen people before just hit the deck after a crank & I'm not excited to have any of that happen to me. Anyway I shot this gear & it cooked up really light in colour & it melted right away, hardly any Vit C or flame was needed which I took to mean it was gonna be shit.

Shot it & before I could even get the works out my hand I could feel the rush, took my breath away for a moment & had to sit the fuck down really quickly, I could tell this was gonna be strong. Anyway I have no memory from wiping up a small bit of blood & licking it off, the next thing I know I'm in the bathroom only in my boxers on my knees as if I was praying & my mate is banging the door really worried about me thinking I was dead, he left my flat right after I had the crank as he said he was sure I was going to go over & didn't want any questions from the cops if I was dead (we have a mutual understanding that if anyone goes over you get the fuck outta there as nobody wants to be linked to a dead body & I've got no naloxe left after I had to use it a few months back in an emergency but that is another issue)

Anyway this stuff on the foil isn't great, it holds you but that is about it, yet you go crank this stuff & it kicks like a fucking raging bull on meth.

Anyone else round the West Mids watch out, this stuff isn't a fucking joke & it will kick your ass, maybe even take your life.
I stuck another Butrans patch on when I was in a lot of pain, because I read NHS guidelines which said 20mcg/hr was equivalent to 40mg daily Oramorph. I was on 60mg/day Oramorph for months before transitioning onto Butrans. Therefore I figured it would be safe.

Told my GP and she proper had a go at me saying I could die in my sleep and that I shouldn't be controlling my own doses. Was she right to be worried or am I right with the above? ?

Edit: just seen the post above by Neithman. GP is talking shit then, as per usual.

Your GP is just being overly paranoid, especially since this is buprenorphine we're talking about. As it's only a partial agonist it does not cause nearly as much respiratory depression as a traditional opiate.

But yes GP's in general also do not like it when you "control your own dose." I would in the future not admit such things to a GP unless you know them and trust them to be chill. Most will react poorly even if it's an uncontrolled drug that's basically impossible to OD on. For example I had a GP have a go at me for increasing my antidepressant dose. I was told this was... oh what was the term? Unauthorised dose tampering or something like that. I was even told if I did it again they'd be unable to continue prescribing me any medication in the future. This I believe was a load of hot air as I'm currently prescribed multiple controlled drugs but point is GP's tend to hate patients who do research and adjust their meds accordingly.

My current GP though tends to be more of the attitude "if you feel you need a higher dose of X for the medication to work properly, you should be scripted a higher dose." So if I go in and say I use 6 pills instead of the scripted 4, I will get my script upped. I've had my benzo script increased from a low dose of diazepam to 2mg clonazepam and the pill count increased, and my dex script doubled twice, just by telling the doc "I've been needing more pills recently." Even when I got an opiate script I was given one box of IR pills and told to use that as the basis for working out what XR dose I needed. I went back asking for the max dose and got it. As far as I can tell this is the norm for many CCG's in fact, or at least it's recommended by multiple CCG's guidelines for GP's with regard to opiate prescribing.

Also had psychiatrists act the same way. They'd give me a large quantity of low dose pills and tell me to work out how many I needed then they would give me that dose after.

So a GP can if they want, if they're not paranoid and have some trust in their patients, they can say "oh so you need more than you're currently prescribed, here you go" but finding a good GP who isn't ultra paranoid like that and mainly one who trusts their patients is down to pure luck really. GP's who actually care about developing trusting doctor/patient relationships are rare in my experience which is why I don't mess my doctor around. For example after a couple months I felt I didn't need the opiate script anymore so I asked for a taper. Now in the future if I feel I need one again I can ask and probably get it back. But point is I don't just keep trying to get more and more drugs I don't really need. On my end I'm honest about the drugs I actually use and require, on the GP's end they trust me on that basis and give me the shit I ask for knowing I'm the type of patient who will ask to be taken off something if I don't need it.

This is the difficult yet simple reason I have some rare scripts many people envy. No blagging or trickery just finding a doc you can build trust with.
Some really potent / weird gear round here atm.
Split a bag in half as the first time I shoot any new gear I always take care as I've seen people before just hit the deck after a crank & I'm not excited to have any of that happen to me. Anyway I shot this gear & it cooked up really light in colour & it melted right away, hardly any Vit C or flame was needed which I took to mean it was gonna be shit.

Shot it & before I could even get the works out my hand I could feel the rush, took my breath away for a moment & had to sit the fuck down really quickly, I could tell this was gonna be strong. Anyway I have no memory from wiping up a small bit of blood & licking it off, the next thing I know I'm in the bathroom only in my boxers on my knees as if I was praying & my mate is banging the door really worried about me thinking I was dead, he left my flat right after I had the crank as he said he was sure I was going to go over & didn't want any questions from the cops if I was dead (we have a mutual understanding that if anyone goes over you get the fuck outta there as nobody wants to be linked to a dead body & I've got no naloxe left after I had to use it a few months back in an emergency but that is another issue)

Anyway this stuff on the foil isn't great, it holds you but that is about it, yet you go crank this stuff & it kicks like a fucking raging bull on meth.

Anyone else round the West Mids watch out, this stuff isn't a fucking joke & it will kick your ass, maybe even take your life.
sounds like fent
Some really potent / weird gear round here atm.
Split a bag in half as the first time I shoot any new gear I always take care as I've seen people before just hit the deck after a crank & I'm not excited to have any of that happen to me. Anyway I shot this gear & it cooked up really light in colour & it melted right away, hardly any Vit C or flame was needed which I took to mean it was gonna be shit.

Shot it & before I could even get the works out my hand I could feel the rush, took my breath away for a moment & had to sit the fuck down really quickly, I could tell this was gonna be strong. Anyway I have no memory from wiping up a small bit of blood & licking it off, the next thing I know I'm in the bathroom only in my boxers on my knees as if I was praying & my mate is banging the door really worried about me thinking I was dead, he left my flat right after I had the crank as he said he was sure I was going to go over & didn't want any questions from the cops if I was dead (we have a mutual understanding that if anyone goes over you get the fuck outta there as nobody wants to be linked to a dead body & I've got no naloxe left after I had to use it a few months back in an emergency but that is another issue)

Anyway this stuff on the foil isn't great, it holds you but that is about it, yet you go crank this stuff & it kicks like a fucking raging bull on meth.

Anyone else round the West Mids watch out, this stuff isn't a fucking joke & it will kick your ass, maybe even take your life.

Seconding @Neithman. Definitely sounds like fent. Thanks for posting this warning it's excellent HR to tell people areas where fent is currently being sold. You might even wanna make a new thread here for fent warnings if one doesn't exist already so it's more visible.
It cooks up so easy & is so light in the pin you can nearly see right through it, when you smoke it I really wasn't happy as it holds you but that is about it.
I've done a lot of heroin before in my time & shot strong gear but this crank just kept building & building, I was starting to think "WTF? How much more can this go up?" You know when you shoot gear you get that "rush" & you feel it coming on strong well this comes on STRONG to the point you think how much more can this go up?

I know in the gear world you have people think they have huge balls etc but I am telling you in all my years with heroin this stuff is something else. People can say what they want & call me a pussy etc I really don't care. This really fucked me up.
Does Fent run on foil?
not really,but commonly you get a heroin+fentanyl mixture and the little heroin thats in it does run on foil. You can clearly vape fent on foil,it hits very fast but it is very wasteful.
Fent hits much faster iv than heroin because its much nore fat soluble thab heroin and is much more sedating. Often people start nodding before they even can get the needle out.