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DUSTER is destroying the scene!

Fox, Ruru.. Man, you guys make me grateful for our scene here. When you guys talk about the 'old days', this scene that is now long gone.. Well that's what I still see in the Ohio scene. You guys ought to come party with us here sometime I guess..
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Evil, Evil, Evil.....that's all I have to say about the topic.
Now as far as the "goo" effect that the after parties have on the florida peeps, you can bring any vibe you want and do whatever you want, just focus on the good time and feeings and not the "find the cracker or other inhalent" effect.
I still luv partying and think that I have a good time whenever I go out, just avoid over doing it and at all costs avoid the temperal damage caused by duster

Much luv to everyone, PLUR
Chalice™ (AKA "Star-face-a-chu")
"Reality is a delerium caused by conciousness"
"I'm a little bit of everything, and to much of all of it!"
I've been doing duster for about 10 years now... i love duster.. but guess what? MY HEAD HASNT EXPLODED!! I dont piss and shit all over myself!! There are all kinds of people here saying how bad duster is, etc, and many of the people saying it havent even done it before... they all say "OHHH... I Head about this guy once who 'blah, blah'.." this is the same thing as what happened to GHB... people went around saying how evil it is, and how everyone was going to die from it, etc.... duster is not evil... if you can let a can of compressed air control your life then you are an idiot anyway, and SURE as hell shouldnt be rollin, trippin, or ANYTHING... if you dont like to do it, then dont, but dont tell all of these other people that have never experienced it that it is just evil and that is it... they should have the confidence to try what they want and form their own conclusion. As far as supporting a bill to ban duster... EVERY LAW IS AN INFRINGMENT OF MY FREEDOM. dont support enforcement of any law... how the hell do you think that MDMA became illegal? people said "OH, MDMA or 'Extasy' is bad!!! oooohhhh... we should make sure noone will ever be lawfully under the influence of that again!" And that is how mdma go banned... some people (Me included) love duster, and it pisses me off when ignorant people want to ruin everyone elses fun. I dont roll (or at least not very often) but i dont go around telling eveyone how bad it is, and that they should never do it, because it MIGHT contain some sort of neurotoxins, etc... I think that i am going to go buy me a fuckin case of duster right now... maybe if it is that how right now, maybe i should invest stock?! PLUR? HA! i dont think so..
(number of people addicted to duster and has affected their lives negatively) compared to (number of people addicted to MDMA and has affected their lives negatively)
take a look at that, asid.
that's where "duster is evil" comes from.
Duster is becoming a real big problem around here, Southern Virginia. A rather large university near where I live, leaving names out here to not cause problems for those I might be including, has seen a lot of kids getting caught up in duster. The local Staples has started carding everyone who wants to buy duster; that is when they have it in stock. I was in this one chick's dorm room a few weeks ago and she was telling me about how this dude tried it for the first timeand how he was gasping for air and slapping his wrists together like he was suffocating. The worst part was that she was laughing the whole time she was telling me this. She's definitely not the kind of chick I want to be partying with.
The point is that duster is making a lot of people forget the difference between responsible drug use and utter abuse. That's actually kinda scary if you ask me.
[This message has been edited by Bab-E (edited 01 May 2000).]
WTF apparently a certain person that loves duster so much either needs to lay off of it for a while or they need to go back to school and learn how to spell and use correct English. lol. Duster kills brain cells and I guess now we have proof...If you are going to defend it and say that it is not evil why don't you proofread your post instead of making yourself look like a total duster whore?
Is this duster stuff also sometimes known as Medusa - or is that something different? Sounds similar-ish.
Mr S
Just wondering, why is N2O not as bad for you as duster? What is it about nitrous oxide that doesn't kill your brain cells like 1,1,1,2-tetraflouroethane does?
I don't think duster is very smart, but just making a law against it is adding to the bigger picture. If half the money spent of banning drugs would be spent to put out non-bias information for education, if only. The people who choose to ignore the information, don't want to listen to family and friends, have to face the consequences and everyone else will have their freedom.
IT'S TRUE! duster is some sad, nasty shit. i am deeply saddened to say that things got a litte out of hand with the duster at PITS and it was not pretty. if you have friends that 'dust' you should sit down and talk with them!! tell them how much you care! !--jinx
....as I stand, clear my throat and look around the room to announce, "ACCCCCCCHHHHHHEEEEMMMMMMMM....... would the REAL DUSTER HO please stand and take a bow??"
.Damn! I forgot, Raver_Chic_X isnt in the room!

Talk about giving the scene a bad name!! BWWWAAAAHHHHAAAAAAHHHHAAA
Well, sorry if i seem like a complete idiot, but as far as i can see, i put "head" instead of "heard" one time in my post... other than that, i dont think that my post was in all that bad of shape, considering my enraged state of mind that i had at the time of me writing that post... "Good Job Whoopy chick" or whatever the hell your name is.. heh...
Okay okay...I have an admission to make...this thread was originally intended to be a JOKE!
You know, like, parody?
I mean...c'mon...has ANYONE seen a bunch of kids at a rave doing duster? Of course not; there's NO way that anyone could actually manage to smuggle the WalMart Can o' Fucked-Upedness into a party! I just have become immensely amused at the "[INSERT DRUG HERE] is destroying the scene" mentality, and thought I would see where it would go.
Of course, as BL'ers we have managed to take the thread in every which possible direction, but for the confused, here's a caveat: Duster is NOT destroying the scene anywhere....60 Minutes will notbe doign a duster piece next....
And on a aserious note...no drug is ever responsible for damage to a scene or situation...only irresponsible use can accomplish that.
Love you guys!
If it's orange and fuzzy, it's FoXy....
Or if it has a purple head....
[This message has been edited by FoX (edited 29 April 2000).]
ok im here duster is not bad just dont do it alot and youll be fine. so keep those cans flowing yall you know you love being crack whores anyways....ravErdavE--im standing up now
I am with you 100% on this one Chris, there is nothing wrong with this thread. This just goes to show that SOME moderators let power go to the head, and then they feel as though they are some sort of fuking Bluelight god. When I was a moderator, the only threads I closed and transfered were the ones that were in the wrong forum, and at that I would move them to the correct forum (ie. pill reports, meet ups, etc). If a thread is showing that it is becoming an interest to others and is showing positive response, then it should be left ope.
Personal threads that prey on one or more particular person (like the bullshit fron that asshole that was posting the threads giving Junglist914's phone number), those are the ones that need to be deleted. Other than that, chill out with the moderation bullshit!
Parties never end, they just take a break and relocate.
well, i decided to hit the duster on sat. while waiting at motbas to go to CaGirls surprise party for her BF... and i must say that those four hours were really fun.. tho that shit is dirty!! i vowed to never do it again. then on sunday night, while still half trippin from the night before off of DXM, and having that tripped kicked back full force due to weed and G... i hit the duster again, and saw some unbelieveable shit!!! you have not lived till you have tried the DXM/Weed/G/Duster combo!!!