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DUSTER is destroying the scene!

Duster? In areas that it shouldnt go? WTF I remember when I used to play around with that shit I never huffed it or anything like that I thought it was cool to turn the can upside down and spray because it came out in a liquid form VERY FRIGGEN COLD(like when I was 12). Doesn't the coldness of it really hurt when huffing or sticking in areas?
So how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?..... The world may never know!
Well, to those who wonder if Duster really exists...YES. I'd never heard of it until I went to FL. Thank God I got that hotel room or...yes...i too may have been a duster junky. I mean after just 1 week of use we now refer to one victim as "DUSTER DICK" it's true...scroll up and you'll see what I'm talking about. I actually feel as though I'm to blame b/c had I NOT gotten the hotel, I would certainly forked up the $ for true Hippie crack, just b/c I love the FL crew so much. But even nitrous can create a metamorphisis that is scarey. Again I'm to blame. Poor L is now a hippie crack whore named...that's right, Whippiechick. Please folks CHILL.
"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE FUCKING KIDDING!!! i have never heard of huffin the shit, and wouldnt it be so cold it would like freeze everything? :p
Not too many people on Detroit are into duster but I know that a lot of my friends from northern MI are. I heard it's way better than doing a balloon or whip-its but I've never done it.
FRUMP... not just a word but a way of life...
I totally agree... I have never heard of duster being inhaled until I went to party in Flordia last weekend.. I didn't try it but certain people that did it were twitching like a bug afterward.. That was enough to scare me from doing it... And talk about duster dick??? people wanting to put duster and whippits where it doesn't belong. But all in all it made for a fun and unusual night.
I haven't seen Duster yet, up here in Ohio. But I have a question:
This is a site dedicated to people who are willing to put a pill up their asshole to get high. What on Earth could anyone be doing with Duster that these people think is horrifying?
-Puzzling over "Duster Dick"
When will people stop running around their house looking for things that will get them high? It's kind of sad to see people doing stuff like Duster or smoking coffee, I mean WTF. If you can't afford drugs and you really need to get high then go collect some cans or something and buy some real drugs.
there's a difference in chemicals.
what may be uncomfortable for you may not be for others.
there are different methods of ingestion, plugging happens to be an efficient one.
This is an important topic and needs serious consideration

Where are they putting Duster again? I mean I understand that they inhale it...but they're putting it where? WTF wake up people! If you're gonna spend five bucks on Duster you can afford a hit of asid!!!!
no one's answered my question yet:
how do these people sneak in the bottles of duster to clubs and raves?
--> but i still agree that it is pretty fucked up stuff
Know your Body - Know your Mind - Know your Substance - Know your Source
Another sad story about Duster....
One week ago, this poor homeless kid came to Florida with only fifty dollars and an 8 up car. When he crossed the Georgia-Florida border, he crashed his car in midday traffic. He was only going 20 mph. The cops found an empty bottle of duster in the drivers seat.
Duster is not only killing the scene, but almost took the life of an innocent homeless victim. He was looking for a cheap high that would cost less than $4.99 or $4.67 at Wal mart. He was lured by the evils of the natural chemicals.
Since that day, he has not slept a wink. He is still homeless, and has not showered. He was last seen digging through the couches in hopes of finding three quarters so he can hitchike to Wal Mart to buy his Duster. Only you can help! Please pass the word that Duster is dangerous! Encourage your friends to stay away from Duster! Friends don't let friends do Duster!
It is because of people like him that I am proud that information boards like this exist. I hope he reads this and looks at himself in the mirror. I hope he realizes that there are better ways to get high. The first is to get high on life.....
Duster..it's just not for computers anymore!
Some friends introduced me to dusters a lil over a year ago when I mentioned I had never done whippits. We rented a hotel room, ate/snorted a couple beans each and a can of that shit each. All I remember was the night flashing by. What seemed like 5 mins was actually 4 hours. Everytime I came down I hit it again. That kept going till all the bottles were gone at like 8am. When I woke up I saw all tha bottles laying there and jus knew, that shit was NOT GOOD. At that moment I felt like a crackhead or something and decided to quit it all, including tha "E". Maybe its just me but it only took that one night to realize how bad that shit is. I jus started eating tha beans again a few months ago but will never, ever touch tha dusters again. Every now and then I'll do some whippits (which are similar but really to no comparison to dusters which are extremely "dirty") Who knows, maybe it was E-pression that made me see the bad so soon. I feel sorry for those who do this stuff regularly.
I've got one question though, how the fuck do people "insert cans of compressed air in places that were never meant to see a straw", and what does that do?
[This message has been edited by GëñërätïöñX (edited 28 April 2000).]
to clear up this Duster Dick thing... It has been reported that a certain individual has been inserting the straw of the duster can in to odd places...
Please people don't try this at home. You don't want to turn out like that guy....otherwise known as Duster Dick.
HAHAHA duster dick, a famaliar topic at the last meet up at flowers!!!! I used to be a duster whore... but I a good girl now

Lil One
"Work like you don't need the money, dance like no one is looking and love like you've never been hurt". Even in times of sadness try to keep a happy face, you never know who could be falling in love with your smile
This one is pretty much for Ashke but other Ohio kiddies who haven't heard of duster as well,
Yes, duster does exist in Ohio... it's just not as big as it is in other areas. I have a couple of friends that used to do the stuff. They make jokes about it all the time now, and stay away from the sheeit, but it's definitely around the scene. I think it's a little bigger in the hippie scene than it is in the rave scene, tho.
My 2cents.
""""""I remeber back int he old days when you could go to parties and see kids giving each other massages, making out, and smearing vicks all over themselves.""""
This quote by fox at the begining of this thread really hit home with me. What has happened to those days, of massages and vicks, and phat dancing and great music, and super light shows. Lately at our parties all we seem to do is become whippit whores, Myself included.
Now I proclaime myself the whippit wizard so I hope I will get a serious point across. Whippits are major fun and I think a great addition to a party, BUT when everyone at the party is whippiting the hell out of 6 crackers that are being passed around. Maybe we need to sit back and rethink our parties a bit. Whippits should not dominate a party but be a part of it.
Now please, dont think that I am preaching to any of you cause as far as whippits go I have done way more then most of you have or will do. but I really miss the closeness of a party where all are rollin and just getting the loved up feeling and an occasional wippit or trip to wippit wonderland is good, and fun, just not the whole nite.
i hope you all understand that i am just voicing my .02 cents worth from what I was involved in over the weekend, and that the quote from fox really hit me hard in what I have been missing in our scene lately.
PS......you can insert duster wherever whippits are its the same thing and has the same effect on the party just not as good LOL
What the HELL are you talking about.......Pissing on wippits is fun :):):)
I can't go to work STONED!
DUSTER? How in the HELL do these people find out about this shit, sniff everything in sight! Like a bunch of damn dogs in heat. That makes me angry... and sad. I've never heard of it, in fact I have a can of blaster in front of me now it says "Liquid contents may cause FROSTBITE on contact with skin" talk about frezzing your ass off, or balls off BRRRRR! I wonder why they do it? I had a young troop once, we called him "Huffer" this guy was soo far out there. We were out playing "war" and I give this guy an M-16 (Dumb right) we all had blanks. So, I ask him as I was handing him the weapon "When the last time you shot?" and he said to me "Shot what?" His mouth was always open, and had this empty look in his eye's all the time. Nice guy, but it was sad to see him like that. Why, why, why.
Roll, roll me away, I'm gonna roll me away tonight.