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Drugs in the workplace (Merged)

SoupMane said:
Wow ive been to work on the tail end ofa coricidin overdose, shrooms, drinking on the job, ripping likes of speed and coke in the bathroom, high as shit, on oxy, on shitloads of speed, benzos, 2c-i, meth, no sleep,

The award goes to SoupMane.
I'm high right now at work on 4mg of kpin, and not working. I'm fucking around on the computer talking about getting high at work. And getting paid for it.
I am probably going to sound like a bitch over this one, but I don't care.

We don't tolerate anything less than 100% functionality at my office. Our office is a caffeine only workplace, and we have quite the amount of caff addicts. :D Other than that, though, it's important to stay sober because we deal with big issues. If I delivered pizza it would be one thing, but I took a different path, so I have to be sober.
I never do anything REALLY exciting at work, just stuff that helps me concentrate and perform better...ex. Ritalin.

Also, I work at a University.
^^I'm in advertising/graphic design and most of my best works have been done under the influence of smack I hate to say. It's the inspiration.
Most of the people I worked with at maccy d's took drugs, maybe a hand full or so didn't, but they just used to get wrecked on alcohol when we all went out. We normally had a few spliffs after we closed up and just had cleaning up to do.
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Just to contribute to the whole food industry idea, I used to work at a little texmex restaurant where every single cook at least smoked pot, one indulged in coke, and another enjoyed shrooms, mescaline, rc's, meth, the works. All the managers smoked pot except the GM.
Pizza Restaraunts!

I was a General Mgr for Papa Johns Pizza, and on a trip to the corporate headquarters to have a meeting with John Schnatter (Papa John) In front of a room of about 250 managers, he was asked about employee drug testing.

His Reply: "If we employed that policy, two thirds of you wouldnt be sitting in this room right now!"

Pizza Restaraunts are infested with drugs, and I would have to believe that most food service businesses are as well. I know I was higher than giraffe pussy when I was at work most of the time!
I also believe in a work free drug place

The official - DRUGS AT WORK - Thread

Im wondering how many of you smoke during breaks or take other drugs to get through the day. I know at my work alot of the people do and some of them deal. What are your thoughts?
i smoke when i work.

i work at a retail store, as a cashier. and the guy cashiers have to bring in shopping carts. so whenever I'm doing carts and i know they aint payin attention to me as long as there's carts in the store, i go around back by the dumpsters or to my car (if I parked it in the back) and smoke a bowl or two. i do this 30 - 60mins when I'm out pushing carts.

it just makes me not care about how much i hate that place, lol.
Co workers and drugs

Ok so I smoke weed and drink, sometimes I might also snort a little coke. No big deal, right?

Anyway I work fast food, two of my three managers smoke weed... how many of you guys also do a drug that your co workers do?
Well shit, didnt think about it needing to be moved... but, yeah.
A couple of weeks ago my boss organised a hiking sort of expedition for the three employees and himself to go on to build something he called 'team spirit'. We get there around dinner time, have a few drinks a BBQ and everyone starts to get pretty rowdy, so I mention I'd bought some weed with me (already knowing that my boss and the other guy smoke very occasionally). We decide to smoke some in the adjacent paddock and look up at the stars and talk shit, so I go buy a can and make a ghetto rig. Now is probably a good time to mention the other employee (the newset) is a 21yo chick who we've all tried to suss out and determine whether she indulges or not but she's quite cagey with the issue so we all just assume she doesn't.... also she was recently in a car accident and sprained her ankle so she's on crutches.

We wander over to the paddock and I crack out the can and weed. We all have a toke and I hand it over to my boss to give to the n00b (because fuck knows if I'm going to take responsibility for that). She's already quite drunk by this stage so only a crazy man couldn't see what would happen next. She has a toke, then another, and another, then starts rambling on about crap. She's fucked up.

We decide to wander back to our huts to get some sleep, considering how drunk/stoned the n00b is, I'm suprised she hasn't fallen over yet. I think too soon. She declares its a race to the fence, and begins to crutch herself double-time towards the finish line. Within her first few lunges, she over compensates for balance and is at a 45º angle to the ground when she tries to regain her support but its all too late and she ends up face planting on the gravel path - her chin breaking the fall - her arms holding the cruthes are the last thing to hit the ground.

I can still hear the thud. I can still see my bosses face. I can still feel the rising laughter I had to supress so her dignity doesn't hit the ground as hard as she did. My god, it was one of the funniest stacks I'd ever seen. We all attempt to help her up without bursting into laughter, but I fail miserably and back off into the darkness to let out a massive ROFL.

The next day she was very quiet, and to this day whenever we mention it she says she can't remember.

So drugs at my workplace aren't talked about, it's just one of those things that we all kind of assume each other do. As long as we don't turn up to work spun, fucked or munted - my boss is happy - which makes me happy.

Sorry for the long winded story, my fingers were on a mission.
people do drugs
people need money
people get jobs
some co-workers are bound to do drugs at some workplaces