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Drugs in the workplace (Merged)

my coworkers all drink recreationally :) Some of them didn't use to, but we corrupted them =D

as for other drugs, I think there's kind of an unspoken don't ask, don't tell policy in my workplace

certainly nobody's ever spoken of it, even at lab outings where most of us get drunk
xcidium said:
A couple of weeks ago my boss organised a hiking sort of expedition for the three employees and himself to go on to build something he called 'team spirit'. We get there around dinner time, have a few drinks a BBQ and everyone starts to get pretty rowdy, so I mention I'd bought some weed with me (already knowing that my boss and the other guy smoke very occasionally). We decide to smoke some in the adjacent paddock and look up at the stars and talk shit, so I go buy a can and make a ghetto rig. Now is probably a good time to mention the other employee (the newset) is a 21yo chick who we've all tried to suss out and determine whether she indulges or not but she's quite cagey with the issue so we all just assume she doesn't.... also she was recently in a car accident and sprained her ankle so she's on crutches.

We wander over to the paddock and I crack out the can and weed. We all have a toke and I hand it over to my boss to give to the n00b (because fuck knows if I'm going to take responsibility for that). She's already quite drunk by this stage so only a crazy man couldn't see what would happen next. She has a toke, then another, and another, then starts rambling on about crap. She's fucked up.

We decide to wander back to our huts to get some sleep, considering how drunk/stoned the n00b is, I'm suprised she hasn't fallen over yet. I think too soon. She declares its a race to the fence, and begins to crutch herself double-time towards the finish line. Within her first few lunges, she over compensates for balance and is at a 45º angle to the ground when she tries to regain her support but its all too late and she ends up face planting on the gravel path - her chin breaking the fall - her arms holding the cruthes are the last thing to hit the ground.

I can still hear the thud. I can still see my bosses face. I can still feel the rising laughter I had to supress so her dignity doesn't hit the ground as hard as she did. My god, it was one of the funniest stacks I'd ever seen. We all attempt to help her up without bursting into laughter, but I fail miserably and back off into the darkness to let out a massive ROFL.

The next day she was very quiet, and to this day whenever we mention it she says she can't remember.

So drugs at my workplace aren't talked about, it's just one of those things that we all kind of assume each other do. As long as we don't turn up to work spun, fucked or munted - my boss is happy - which makes me happy.

Sorry for the long winded story, my fingers were on a mission.


Your boss is cool with it, that's something to cherish. I mean, that's gotta ease a lot of stress in that department at least.
its threads like these that let us know that all the mods are sleeping or away lol :D
In my last place of work it was my boss that chucked me the occasional eighth of weed.
Here, a few do and a few have, but it looks like I'm the biggest druggie in this office.
Keep your private business to yourself

That's my advice. Don't admit to squat. It's very easy to let your mouth run when you're drinking with co workers, best to keep that to a minimum.
yeah, I've worked with people who smoked with me on the job. bosses and non-bosses.
ire I wouldn't even consider weed to anyone.

right now I'm at a happy median, me and my underling (I'm somebodys boss, hilarious ain't it?) talk about shit sometimes, but I've never openly admitted to him that I smoke still and we haven't even talked about anything harder than that really.
guineaPig said:
its threads like these that let us know that all the mods are sleeping or away lol :D
We are ALWAYS watching.... ALWAYS...
guineaPig said:
its threads like these that let us know that all the mods are sleeping or away lol :D

Just like EN said. We are always watching. Sometimes we watch without logging in just to see what the fuck people are up to. This thread would have been closed not minute after it was created if we thought it was fail.
Iunno but on my new job the boss asked my friend if i do dope n then the next day i noticed mad lil bruises all over her left arm and elbow. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm boss lookin for a hookup?

I guess she was said when she found out I aint on it no more but thats the weirdest part is that they always seem to know. how do they know!? It aint like i mention that shit but i guess that she got eagle eyes. most ppl dont notice my arms cuz its real faint now but i guess if you were lookin you would notice my shits a lil fucked up from IV'in
Once you've used the needle it's much easier to spot trackmarks on people. Even if they're faded. Looking at people's inner elbows and veins is like second nature to me now. I check everyone's veins out, and trust me, I'll notice even the most faded tracks.

I always wonder if other people check out veins and inner elbows?
Yup, I sure do check them out, and I agree that "once you've used the needle" looking for and spotting tracks on people is easy...
It's best to keep it private unless you trust the people you work with. I work fast food as well and would never consider going to work faded in a "real" job but I make an exception for this piece of shit job since they pay me almost nothing to work like a slave. I come in high as a kite on pot, alcohol, and opiates and while i've gotten some puzzled stares no one has ever said anything to me about it no matter how fucked up I look. Probably because i'm so paranoid about the smell and I make sure to look as presentable as possible--I can always just say I didn't sleep the night before and they won't say anything because they don't really care as long as you do your job properly.

One of our managers recently got fired because a customer said they smelled like weed... I knew he was a stoner just because he was the night-shift manager. He even offered me a job working with him at night but I declined, I could sense he was looking for another person that was tolerant of drugs.

Nor would I ever say anything to my other co-workers, even if they where visibly high. Fuck that my paycheck means to much to me, even more than a drug friendship, it all goes towards precious dope afterall.
Well I havent done anything with my co workers yet, I kinda wanted to feel around and see what people had to say about it. I really like my job now and wouldnt want to lose it.
Working construction it's hard to find somebody who hasn't been heavily into drugs at one point or another... I always hear stories like high-quality crack getting important buildings up in record time :)

So true, I work in construction and just about everyone in this industry uses. From bosses down to brick cleaners, it's kinda funny actually, we build shit that people place their lives in all whilst bung eyed on drugs...

Gnosisseur said:
Working construction it's hard to find somebody who hasn't been heavily into drugs at one point or another... I always hear stories like high-quality crack getting important buildings up in record time :)

I once did work for a plating shop, it was owned by a nice husband and wife...used to test their plating baths.

A few years later, I heard it got sold to some shady characters...they start cooking up crank in the back, as well as doing plating. They're making tons of money cause they're paying off the plating guys partly in cheap ass crank, and because these guys get so wired they're racking parts for 30 hours straight. I guess it seems like fun.

Some inspector or another got wind of what was going on, or maybe all the weird goings on attracted attention, and they went down.
Drug use in the workplace

Where I work, there is probably a staff of around 60 employees. But the weird thing is that in every other job that I have had, it seemed like I was surrounded with drug users ranging from marijuana to heroin. But in my current place of employment, drugs (even marijuana) are just hated by pretty much the whole staff, not just the bosses. It's difficult to discuss drug use with the people who actually do use because if another employee hears us, we might as well just quit and walk out.

Does anyone work in a "we-hate-drugs" atmosphere that has no tolerance to any drugs at all. Or does your workplace have a staff full of drug users? I was just curious because I've had a lot of jobs in my life and this is the first one that I've been in that the average employee doesn't at least smoke marijuana or do anything else.
Who's high while at work.....

Who's using drugs while at work, and what kind of job do you have?

I'm in Electronic component sales here in Florida, I'm on the phone all day and can't be here unless I'm on something. I take 8mg of Suboxone daily, with 30mg's of Adderall & about 500-600mg's of Lyrica, it just makes the day enjoyable. ;) When I'm not on the Adderall & Lyrica, work just sux!!
Yeah I feel ya. It takes a good dose of opiates and weed to get my creativity flowing when I am starting a new webdesign or graphic design project..... it just doesn't work the other way