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Drugs in the workplace (Merged)

I delievered pizza for a while as a second job. I think everyone there was into something. Closed down the store to blow lines with a manager in the cooler before, used to place dice (4-5-6) with the other drivers outside, and was buying OC 10s for $1/pill (and $2 MS Contin 60s) off of another driver consistantly =p

holy shit @ this
the Onion ran the best article ever, titled:

"Everyone Involved in Pizza’s Preparation, Delivery, Purchase Extremely High"


I remember seeing that ages ago. Thanks for the memory =) Article is offline I think, though =p
Everywhere I've worked at seems to have drug users. Maybe that's my problem :\ First job was at a pizza place, and yes, almost everyone there smokes, and 60-70% were into psychedelics, rc's, and others. Second job was at Sam's Club, where I also met many kids into dope, ice, coke, oxys, and benzos. Worked a short time as a customer service rep, and everyone there seemed to be pretty shady. Got shorted a few times at work and then brought my own shit. Now I park cars and valet for a couple nightclubs and fancy stripclubs, and this, above all, has to be the most dug-infested workplace.
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I worked as a leasing agent at an apartment complex a few years ago. My Mom worked in apartment management for 20 years. The painters, leasing agents, maitenance guys, cleaning crew...etc. were ALWAYS on some sort of mind altering substance.
Apartment maintenance/construction. I worked at one of these places last school year and drugs were everywhere. Every day I would get high right when I got there and again when I got off, then there were all the deals I made on the job. The drug usage increased as the weather changed also, and it didn't matter if it was hotter or colder. Colder wether ushered in the age of ice (yes, both kinds) while the summer saw an increase in weed/xanax usage.

Oh and Lacey K you're post is very hard too read.
Hmm well ive worked at the aussie burger king...meang hungry jacks, teens with weed mostly though we did have a trippa or two well 3 to be exact, same with telemarketing... but then my current job, exotic dancer and the shit goes down 9.5 girls are on speed so guys dont realise we dont give two shits again most do weed, lots on benzo's basically anything they can get thier hands on, all the security are on coke and or speed, the bar staff are on speed or alcoholics, and who knows with the customers lol. My mate works at a night club where the owner shouts the staff speed so they work better longer, saves money. And no shit drugs are everywhere, the only difference is that rich people can afford more and higher quality. And god bless us chicks scamming free drugs off ugly guys who think it'll get them laid LOL (sorry 2 any ugly guys) :D
sorry forgot to mention, the guy im seeing at the moment is into it, and he's in the navy...turns out if you make sure there's a few days off for it to leave your system, the random testing won't get you... however he's shitting himself currently because while under the influence he had a few bongs which as we know last longer than certain other drugs when it comes to the piss test. poor guy.
advertising/graphic arts - Almost every person I know in this field is doing something on a regular basis. For a while I was just smoking pot cause I thought it gave me better ideas. Then I was doing a shit-load of benzo's cause of the deadlines and stress. Then I shifted to doing ampetamines to try and catch up with all the work I didn't get done when I was on the downers. I know from experience the more drugs I do the harder it is to be creative.

Drugs are common in the art related fields and employers almost expect the designers to be doing something.
I work in construction in West Virginia. With a crew of 32 people every single person does drugs, even the forman.
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the governments meating.
the parlement

how can they even have a meeting that lasts 28 hours, with no brakes.
and how come if you look at some they scratch there nose often , and how comes they have al this water in bottles , water and scratching at the nose and smart thinking for u --> coke

those bastards thinking we know nothing....
Jaw Clenching said:
Bouncers / security]/b] / promoters / or pretty much anyone involved with night clubs.

That is so true, I see it every evening/night @ work, not everybody's a user, but there are lots of ppl who are :eek:
seems to me the MOST infested places are either nice restaurants, or pizza hut....... Interesting...

Anyone in or knowing someone within the medical profession is aware, ...access is the key to excess! Hypocrites mostly ...

Docs, pharmacists, nurses, aids, staff, techs, visitors, security.. you name it....anyone in a hospital ... different levels of usage of course, but ...definitely a huge population of drug users and or suppliers. Would make for an interesting study. Broad, but true in a sense. 8)
^^^ You'd think that, but I haven't found this to be true. I work at a nursing home, and I think it's pretty much the least drug infested job I've ever done. Everyone gets a piss test before being hired. I squeezed through that filter by the skin of my teeth, and have been getting stoned daily since my urine tested negative.
But it's not us potheads they're worried about. It's pill poppers. Narcotics are under double lock, and only one set of keys exist. These are always carried by the nurse's aide who's passing pills. Narcotics are counted at every change of shift with 3 witnesses, and checked against dispensation records from that shift. It'd be a pretty hard system to fool.

I never talk about drugs at work, and never go to work high. I haven't observed anyone else do either of these things either.

On the other end of the scale, I heard a statistic that 1 in 3 doctors will abuse some sort or psychoactive chemical at some point in their lives.
One other profession that has a high proportion of drug users is English teaching abroad. A lot of the ones I knew in China and Taiwan loved drugs, especially booze, hash, and e. I wonder if there are still a lot of users teaching English in countries with really stiff penalties for use and very vigilant cops?
^^^no piss tests in canada to work in healthcare.. go figure

as for keys, ...well someone has to hold them (that person has access) i guess it's all about opportunity in the end
i work in a steel fabrication shop and almost all the people that work there drink every night and I go to work high as shit every morning. we always talk about drugs in the open and often set up times to score some shit after work while on the clock. its a pretty cool place i guess, but id definatly say food service takes the cake on this one
construction.......my company announced 4 years ago that they would start drug testing.....they said if you thought you would test positive,you could tell them and they would give you counseling,and you could keep your job..........well we have 80 people working in the shop and 35 people out on the jobsites and 85% went in and told the bosses that they couldnt pass...........they dropped the whole idea of testing...........=D