Drug_Wench in Detox Update.

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I don't really know her on a personal level, but she's always been here on TDS with awesome advice whenever I've posted and deserves some serious respect and well wishing for that. Glad to hear it's going well for her :)
I don't know her well either, but she's always given good advice, and has managed to keep a great outlook on life despite having to go through crap that would have probably destroyed me.

Good luck on your detox Ms. Wench, and I look forward to seeing you posting again!
Yay, have passed on love, hugs, etc. from ALL of you to Drug_Wench and she says thanks to you all!
She also said awesome, and to give you love back, so here
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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zephyr said:
PT: I saw the context that it was suggested you not post here. I suggest you read that thread again and adjust your own behaviour towards others in this forum and in normal life rather than trying to manipulate everyone else to suit you.

May as well address this. Pillthrill was never told not to post. Pillthrill, I need you to stop taking my words out of context. PM me if you have further questions about your infraction, though I cannot imagine you would as I explained it several times.

MUCH LOVE LYDIA! Keep up the good work - we know you can do it!
Must you be so harsh on PillThrill, isn't it obvious that she's sensitive? I don't think she's trying to manipulate, she takes things hard, I imagine that's why she felt like she wasn't wanted to post, because she takes things harder than you mean them, it's sensitive not manipulative.
She was very influential to me and I know she got the spirit and will to get through this once again. Let her know I got her back and wish her mad love.
If I had to tell her one thing it'd be to watch it with the suboxone, as a person is hardly 'clean' when taking it...... and the withdrawal is VERY real.
If I had to tell her one thing it'd be to watch it with the suboxone, as a person is hardly 'clean' when taking it...... and the withdrawal is VERY real.

It's a very good way to taper off though from what i have heard. Anything is better then doing a cold turkey kick.
Thanks for posting the update. Could you tell her Busty and C0TB think about her often and wish her the very best. We also think she's doing an amazing thing and will surely come out of this a stronger person. :)<3
Yeah definitely much love and support from someone who's been pulled through more than a few rough days by the wisdom and compassion of dw's posts. I'm really happy to hear that she's doing well.
sending some love and hugs from leftwing<3:) im wishing the best for you lydia
I have never talked to her, but I read The Dark Side sometimes and I see she is an amazing person. I wish her good luck and even I who don't know her believe she has the strength to go through this! =)
<3I forgot to say thank you Libby, its a great thing that you are doing this for DW and the community.:D
Oh man I missed out on the love train!!!

Tell DW that I love her and that I miss having her around TDS. She is a shining star here and I look up to her so much for her courage in fighting her demons.

I love you DW <3!!!

Edit: Yes, thank you so much Libby!
I'll post just to ask that we not muddy up DW's thread with this. She deserves better than that. If it must be addressed, address it somewhere else, PM preferably.

If you could address the mods in private about your posts first that would be in line with what you are asking. As a mod I am sure DW would be happy to discuss your issues with you and would do so if she were here. Please do not bring your problems into threads not concerning your drama. Its incredibly annoying.

She would want you to post your love here. You and her have an understanding. Dont worry about what anyone else thinks.
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