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Doubting Drunkenness? Experiments to Ensue

Finished the 1st lemon drop, just ordered a 2nd. Little bit of swimmy feeling just hit me. So won't push it too much farther rn I think. Almost done with lunch too. Next step is going to get my nails did with my lil buzz on and then top up for the night at Cheesecake Factory happy hour if I have any money left by then lol.

This is funny though. Take pics!!
2nd lemon drop is yasssss! I love the sugar rim, I love sugar! I'm such a child. *sigh* A little yummy lunch left on my plate but I'm getting full. I think this and maybe one more lemon drop and I'll be out of here.
I remembered to bring my earbuds so bopping my head to some good music. Not singing out loud because that is Socially Unacceptable and people would give me Funny Looks. I'm still very socially self-conscious. I don't think there's enough alcohol in the world to give me any chill. 😔
I remembered to bring my earbuds so bopping my head to some good music. Not singing out loud because that is Socially Unacceptable and people would give me Funny Looks. I'm still very socially self-conscious. I don't think there's enough alcohol in the world to give me any chill. 😔

I think it's funny you're out and about writing on here about your alcohol experiment 😃
I think it's funny you're out and about writing on here about your alcohol experiment 😃
Well, I am kind of a funny person I guess! It's fun! They brought me the check at the restaurant and I know how to take a hint so I paid and left after the 2nd lemon drop. That's the problem, just when I'm getting into it with drinking something always happens to cut it short.

It was raining a little when I left to walk over to the nail place, lightning was cracking through the sky so I put on Carrie Underwood "Blown Away", was kinda a awesome moment but I didn't manage to get a pic of the lightning in the sky like I wanted to.

I'm in the nail place waiting for my turn rn. The storm has picked up a little outside so I may get a lightning pic on the way out.
Well, I am kind of a funny person I guess! It's fun! They brought me the check at the restaurant and I know how to take a hint so I paid and left after the 2nd lemon drop. That's the problem, just when I'm getting into it with drinking something always happens to cut it short.

It was raining a little when I left to walk over to the nail place, lightning was cracking through the sky so I put on Carrie Underwood "Blown Away", was kinda a awesome moment but I didn't manage to get a pic of the lightning in the sky like I wanted to.

I'm in the nail place waiting for my turn rn. The storm has picked up a little outside so I may get a lightning pic on the way out.

I thought Carrie Underwood = Carrie Bradshaw because I'm thinking Sex & The City haha. I want to get my nails done.

Got my fingernails did, dipped out and decided to get my feets done another day though, cause I suddenly felt super tired. Trying to decide now if I should continue with popping into Cheesecake Factory for a top up or just hop on the bus and go home like a little pussy.
Unfortunately circumstances beyond my control ended up making the decision for me. I have a disability and use a power wheelchair and my chair battery was dying lol. So I had to get back home before it completely died and I had to try to get a stranger to push me home!

I gotta remember to pack my chair charger with me when I go out. I thought about it this morning but was in a rush, you know how that is.

I was curious if anyone could tell I had been drinking a bit but I don't think so. The lady who did my nails was really sweet, The Fatigue (it's more just a me thing than an alcohol thing) hit while she was polishing them and she asked me if I was sleepy once and I said No, just tired. She was actually the one to suggest I might want to stop at the hands and come back another day to do the feets. She might be coming to my college too, she's at the local community college rn but said she wants to transfer into my university to finish her nursing degree. Her name is Elena I need to remember to ask for her next time I go.
Do I sound like I have a crush on the nail lady? Cause I don't she was just really nice but even to me reading what I wrote kinda sounds like I do lol!
Unfortunately circumstances beyond my control ended up making the decision for me. I have a disability and use a power wheelchair and my chair battery was dying lol. So I had to get back home before it completely died and I had to try to get a stranger to push me home!

I gotta remember to pack my chair charger with me when I go out. I thought about it this morning but was in a rush, you know how that is.

I was curious if anyone could tell I had been drinking a bit but I don't think so. The lady who did my nails was really sweet, The Fatigue (it's more just a me thing than an alcohol thing) hit while she was polishing them and she asked me if I was sleepy once and I said No, just tired. She was actually the one to suggest I might want to stop at the hands and come back another day to do the feets. She might be coming to my college too, she's at the local community college rn but said she wants to transfer into my university to finish her nursing degree. Her name is Elena I need to remember to ask for her next time I go.

Do the cops class the wheelchair as a vehicle? I bet they do. I was gonna say you can get as drunk as you want but I don't know.
Anyway I'm back home (well, back in my dorm room lol) now. Disappointed my adventure didn't fully go as planned but I'm already planning the next one! Thinking it might be a good idea to wait till next month when I get more money though lol.
Do the cops class the wheelchair as a vehicle? I bet they do. I was gonna say you can get as drunk as you want but I don't know.
Wow, I should probably look that up actually! Cause I'm not sure, I didn't need to get a license or anything to be allowed to drive it but I for sure don't need a DUI on my record lol! It reminds me of a story about George Jones that I heard. One time he had lost his license from drinking (what else could it have been lol?), so when he ran out of booze he just rode the riding lawnmower to the liquor store! 😂 I remember thinking at the time "that either means he's really good at being an alcoholic or really bad at it!"
Wow, I should probably look that up actually! Cause I'm not sure, I didn't need to get a license or anything to be allowed to drive it but I for sure don't need a DUI on my record lol! It reminds me of a story about George Jones that I heard. One time he had lost his license from drinking (what else could it have been lol?), so when he ran out of booze he just rode the riding lawnmower to the liquor store! 😂 I remember thinking at the time "that either means he's really good at being an alcoholic or really bad at it!"

Yeah you never know!

Someone was driving a golf buggy along the highway here the other day haha. But this is the Aussie classic:
