Does anybody have any longterm damages from abusing drugs?

Lars90 said ... You should go to a good pychytrist
You're jokin' right?
To be frank I don't believe there is such a thing as a good psychiatrist.
They're all quacks fumbling in the dark.
You're jokin' right?
To be frank I don't believe there is such a thing as a good psychiatrist.
They're all quacks fumbling in the dark.

Theirs a difrence betrween people who have studied a little part of mecin and claim theyx know everything to poeople who have studyed the human brain theri whole life long.
Their are so many new therapies and ifg I was older than 14 I would defantly go to a therapist ort a poychist!
May have lost fertility, liver damage, deviated septum, extreme depression, only care about one thing, etc., etc. And I'm so cold when I wake up.

opiate addict, btw.
May have lost fertility, liver damage, deviated septum, extreme depression, only care about one thing, etc., etc. And I'm so cold when I wake up.

opiate addict, btw.

I bet you'll be better withing the next 3 years :). These or long term damges not permanent damges. I did a lot of studing on opiates and all other drugs. Basicly the recovery from them after wards. What I have learned is that time can and will heal everything if you have enough of it :)
I have tweeker scars from 18 years ago; definite cognitive impairment from years of drinking - inability to concentrate like I used to; emotional trauma from everything I've done to myself and to so many other people; the first time I quit drinking I was constipated for 2 years - literally - my doc said my autonomic nervous system was having trouble equalizing itself after the booze withdrawals; emotional trauma and depression are the worst lingering effects
I over-amped on meth & datura. Almost had a heart attack both times and ended up in the hospital. That's the main problem, but I think it can be healed. Sometimes I feel dull, but I just got to sharpen up. I have damaged my body, but I can heal all that.
holy shit, at separate times or together? That just seems like a bad combo from the get go.
Well, because I shooting up I would say I have long term damages. If you saw my arms (shoulders) you would die. They look awful and I even had to have 2 surgeries on my left shoulder from an abscess. From partying this past weekend and trying to shoot up in my hand and missing I now have a hand that looks like a balloon, it's on fire and I'm not sure what the heck to do. I feel like an idiot going to the E.R. but it's getting bigger and hurting more and more;
Well, because I shooting up I would say I have long term damages. If you saw my arms (shoulders) you would die. They look awful and I even had to have 2 surgeries on my left shoulder from an abscess. From partying this past weekend and trying to shoot up in my hand and missing I now have a hand that looks like a balloon, it's on fire and I'm not sure what the heck to do. I feel like an idiot going to the E.R. but it's getting bigger and hurting more and more;
I think that classyfies as long term may be even short term I think if you stop know you might be able to get it healed in 2 years.

My hand is better today but I'm an idiot and tried to shoot in a vein on the top of my foot this morning. It's now numb. It was coke I was injecting and apparently missed. I got blood flow back and it didn't hurt going in so I thought I was fine but now it's a big bump and itches. Does that mean I missed?
tracy007, I assume you are using those spots die to a lack of more conventional options....? Have you tried the large ropey veins that run from your elbow down the back of your forearm to your wrist?

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but even when executed optimally IV cocaine is still hell on your veins. Heroin is certainly not a soothing agent itself, but coke relatively makes it look as such - personally, if I can't hit a larger vein I forgo shooting cocaine, and speedballs are my DOC. Luckily, it's rare I can't find something on my arm.

And to answer your question, yes, it sounds like it slipped out, which can happen unnoticed easily given cokes anesthetic attributes. I've had the exact thing happen to me numerous times.Please try to stay w/ the larger veins, and we both need to keep in mind what I said: even optimal injection of cocaine is radically detrimental to your veins. Expect this to happen often when using smaller veins, particularly on the hands and feet

Best of luck ;)
motherofearth, you have been a huge huge help. Thank you for your input. The front of my arm down to my wrist is mostly scar tissue but I have not yet tried the back of my arm from my elbow down so I will try that. My DOC is speedballs as well and I'm hoping to achieve this in about 2 hours when my boyfriend gets home from picking up.

Thank you =D
motherofearth, you have been a huge huge help. Thank you for your input. The front of my arm down to my wrist is mostly scar tissue but I have not yet tried the back of my arm from my elbow down so I will try that. My DOC is speedballs as well and I'm hoping to achieve this in about 2 hours when my boyfriend gets home from picking up.

Thank you =D

You should really go to rehab you know 8(

Okay heres something you should try. It will keep your vains from colapsing. I dont exsacly know what its called but inseed of injecting the coke into a vain just take the neadle out of the seringe and stick the seringe ub your butt/anus then slwoly injekt it. And I sware to god this is NOT a troll or a joke! I sware to god that I mean it this way! The coke will get to you almost as fast as if you injeckt it its jsut better for your vains. I wish you luck with getting though this :\
I had a bad acid trip in 1967.
For years after I would get flashes and have panic attacks.
One of the effects was to make me cling to things that I knew were real.
I could no longer enjoy weed.
For the first two years I lived on the edge of paranoia.
I had a nervous crisis and seizure after about a year.
I isolated myself from people because they were too unpredictable.
Often I was too frightened to go to sleep and could only sleep in the day.
After about 6 years I was normal enough to hold down a job (night shift)
After 8 years I managed to start studying again.
I would still get an occasional panic attack even 10 years ago.
Fortunately somebody introduced me to mdma and I've been able to overcome some of things that triggered the initial bad experience.
Even so I still only go to bed at 4 in the morning and sleep to noon.
I am now 65.

After experimenting with MAOI and tryptamine combinations, I now constantly experience visual noise, which is greatly intensified in darkness. My sensitivities to every controlled substance I have since tried have changed drastically, to include caffeine, theobromine, nicotine, THC (especially THC!), alcohol, etc. I have not bothered to revisit any "hard" drugs since; cannabis alone was so much more intense than before (sharing a joint with a couple of friends had me up tripping uncontrollably for 5 consecutive nights) that I do not imagine the experiences would be beneficial. It is less than convenient or enjoyable to spend months at a time wondering how much longer one can just barely hold themselves together. I have experienced a great deal of increased anxiety and difficulty concentrating in the years since my last period of heavy usage, although these have both begun to gradually abate with the introduction of other lifestyle changes. I still wake up tripping out from time to time, but such experiences are not nearly as overwhelming as they were initially. I now consider myself emotionally and physically healthy, but I am still very cautious around any drugs, including pharmaceuticals, due to the changes in my sensitivities.

It is worth noting that the "combinations" mentioned above included some sketchy ingredients (i.e. ayahuasca mixture of unspecified contents; freebased venom from a Sonoran Desert toad that lived around a gas station.) If you're using, please test your goods when possible.

I wrote a different version of this post that I decided wasn't necessarily acceptable for TDS given the amount of focus, though not glorifying, given to the experiences that marked the beginning of my HPPD. It does, however, more thoroughly describe what an indefinitely prolonged reintegration looks like. It might pop up somewhere more appropriate (like an experience thread,) should anyone else that has been Away only to never fully return Here be interested in discussing how such an experience has affected their life.

I think that, when one is at 14 years of age, there must surely be many experiences to be had in life that are accessible without the use of controlled substances. I do think that altered states have their place, but I would encourage you to spend all the time you can experiencing what is already available to you before taking that hop, skip, and a jump into Other Places.
You're the first person I know of that also experienced an increase in sensitivity to different substances. It seems like if I eat or drink anything with any mind altering properties it makes me feel different. A couple weeks ago I ate a whole bunch of ice cream and all the sugar made me feel like I was coming up on a roll or something. I also took like 3 benadryly earlier today and felt like I was on downers or something. It's really odd. It has gotten better over time though.
I mightve taken too much LSD in too short of a time. In 11th grade I would trip probably once a week and in 12th grade maybe once every two weeks. I dont have any physical problems from it but I guess I do have a weird thought process. Not that im stupid, Im just weird I guess. Sometimes I start talking to myself and dont even realize it for like a minute. I also have a pretty cynical outlook on things, though ive always been like that. Its pretty sad but one thing Im really good at is making people feel like shit. I try not to but sometimes I just get into the "I dont give a fuck about your feelings" mindset and say things I know will hirt that person. Probably why I never had a relationship last more than 3 months. I try to not say hurtful things anymore and at this point in time I really dont talk much at all.

So yeah, space out your LSD usage is the moral of this story.
Long Term Damage

I used H and other opiates for 30 years, still do once in a while. I'm over 60 now but still like to chip. I have been damaged only because of the prohibition and all the sometimes illegal and self-destructive things I had to do to maintain, but as far as damage to my body and mind, no, none.
I also took like 3 benadryly earlier today and felt like I was on downers or something. It's really odd. It has gotten better over time though.[/QUOTE]

GMO, Benadryl is diphenhydramine, a "downer" that is the active ingredient in nearly all OTC anti-histamines and sleeping pills, so no wonder U felt it.
My hand is better today but I'm an idiot and tried to shoot in a vein on the top of my foot this morning. It's now numb. It was coke I was injecting and apparently missed. I got blood flow back and it didn't hurt going in so I thought I was fine but now it's a big bump and itches. Does that mean I missed?

Yep, tracy 007, you missed. Didn't get much of a rush, I bet. Avoid veins that are really close to bones since you can get blood registered but actually shoot straight thru the vein.
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Long term psychical damage..aside from just the multitude of collapsed veins, dead nerves, and what not from fixing, I've been having to go to the doctor for the past couple years with some cardiovascular problems that he said were from all the years of IV coke..apparently it's not good for your heart?
Well I'm aware of that. Back in the day when I was still into substances I did the whole diphenhydramine/dramamine trip with benadryl a couple times.......but I took like 18 both times. I'm just saying that it was odd that only 3 had such an effect on how I felt is all. The same thing happens if I eat too much sugary stuff, or drink something that has a lot of caffeine in it.