Does anybody have any longterm damages from abusing drugs?

I'm not what I used to be, but I'm far better in other areas compared to the past. Progress is inevitable. We all started from zero.


In spite of the fact, frequently I become frustrated with my lower cognitive function. My brain is slower than it needs to be.
I had perfect vision until Mephedrone 3 years ago. Now my vision has blind spots, burned in images that create shadows of what I was previously viewing, moving peripherals. Stare at a clear blue sky? Clear what? I think some may call this HPPD? Some say they like it (PFFT!) because they're seeing visuals all the time. When it's ALL the time it's not visuals anymore x.x. Luckily those were the only long term effects I developed from that drug.

^^Also, Lars, try Erowid: for more trip reports organized according to experience level, combinations, good trip, bad trip, retrospective, etc.

My grandmother has the same problems form age. Their is actually medicin to trat that sense it is just infront of your eyes. This is probalbly (only my guess) still the drug stopped up their maby you should tell a docter though sergery this could very easaly be removed sens eI ont think you have permanent burned in eye damges other wise youd have to ask for new eyes which you wont get because that was casued though drugs..
"My endocrinogist said that this androgen deficiency among opioid users is quite common, so if you are feeling tired, have lost interest in sex etc., ask for a referral to a hormone doc!"

After about 2 years of HEAVY pill abuse (barbiturates/opiates) I had no interest in sex whatsoever, so I'm thinking this causes lowered progesterone levels in women (one of the girl hormones that is responsible for sexual desire in chicks) Because of the fact I was GLAD it was gone, being single most of my life, it really wasn't much of an issue, in fact I'm grateful for it. Experiencing intense drive not being in a relationship, for me is just plain frustrating. The most damage had been the Tramadol which I quit 2 years ago, but no matter how much sleep, excercise I get or don't get-either way I'm tired all the time, and THAT sucks.

you mght or probaly have liver damgage because if ou ahve it you dong get pains in anyway you are jsut sleepy all the time. You should go see a docter for that and god no dont tell him you took drugs else he wont put you on the lsit for new livers.

In spite of the fact, frequently I become frustrated with my lower cognitive function. My brain is slower than it needs to be.

Look into cognitive inhancing nootropics. They are by and large completely non-addictive, and the right ones physically improve the brain and rest of the body, depending on your game plan. Piracetam is a good start..with a choline bond. They aren't a panacea for post drug use, and don't work on EVERYONE, but they certainly help a lot for a lot of people. Phenibut is like the ultimate nootropic relaxant, with effects similar to benzos or GHB, but it actually can greatly improve cognition as well. I should stress though that phenibut should only be used like once every 2 weeks if you're conservative with it. You can still get addicted to phenibut, because it works really well. It is 100% legal.

This shouldn't be trigger material. Nootropics are like super vitamins. Phenibut is a nootropic, but it's one of the very very few that are physically addictive. Thought I would mention it so people don't take it thinking it's not.
After much deliberation in the past, I have finally put in an order for Piracetam (100 g only).

Until Mid-December I was practicing meditation 30 min 2x/day on average. This was likely at least as beneficial as Piracetam; hence I did not buy it at that time...

Thanks for the recommendation :)
Heavy abuse of tramadol has made it difficult for me to hold in urine. When I get the urge to go, I have to go. Very hard to wait even a few minutes.
Certain beta-blockers lower your blood preassure and increase the easy of urination. They don't get you high either. It's a win win in my book. I don't take them anymore, but they really help with that.
I over-amped on meth & datura. Almost had a heart attack both times and ended up in the hospital. That's the main problem, but I think it can be healed. Sometimes I feel dull, but I just got to sharpen up. I have damaged my body, but I can heal all that.
I think too quickly and about too many things at the same time; it's so easy to just get side-tracked and find yourself stopping mid-sentence to stoop and begin intently studying something completely unrelated yet fascinating nonetheless.

I'll look at a person and diagnose their habits—are they a smoker, or perhaps they bite their nails? Then I'll look at their clothing and know where they shop, roughly what size they are; their weight, their height, their intentions, and what gives them away when they're lying. But then ask me to remember their name and I'll have forgotten it by the time I've next blinked.

Benzodiazepines and opiates and alcohol and weed and all sorts of things, including physical trauma to the head, have damaged my memory and cognitive abilities, yes-absolutely and without a doubt! But it's not so bad. I truly do hate my poor, poor memory.

I've been unsuccessful in getting nootropics prescribed to me—Piracetam, Modafinil, Gabapentin or Pregabalin.

Because of years without inhibitions, I often act bizarrely in social settings: it is said that we subconsciously respond to body-language and subtle non-verbal cues, but as I've spent years high out of my mind, I miss those and so it never truly feels right when I'm sitting down with friends or strangers or loved ones. Y'see, when other people were going through puberty and learning the nuances of social scenarios and how to tell whether someone loves or loathes you by experiencing it, I was numb to such perceptions and high and as drunk as the drugs and corrupt bartenders looking for business from the student body (with their damned-awful watered-down beer! Eugh!) would allow and throwing myself at people, whether they liked it or not. Of course, over time the mind learns this stuff properly, so it's not that big of a deal, but I think that I'll always be the odd one out, and those who say so might not even be able to tell why, just my body-language gives off the wrong impression.

Whether you were an A-grade student or a moron before, I don't think it matters—it's age talking!

As children we're far more open to learning about the world around us; we take years to absorb and begin to use information we've been sucking in through our eyes, ears, mouth, nose, head-shoulders-knees-and-toes-knees-and-toes and, of course, tactile senses since the day we were born!

Throughout school we are conditioned to read and then be able to recite what we've read by rote, yet when we enter the world we're required to think more for ourselves and to make decisions and whatnot. It doesn't seem to really matter how well you did in school because it's got nothing to do with work, with the exception of jobs in the food-service industry where you'll have to know menus and whatnot inside out. You'll also learn to give such people compassion and a modicum of respect in the future when you've moved onto bigger and better things, heh!

But, back to the topic at hand, over time our minds and brains adapt to our routines, and if our routines involve being lazy and lying around, watching television and dipping a hand into an almost-bottomless bowl of some fatty snack or other, things are going to go downhill! So, I play chess and read, write and attempt to write logically-and-mathematically-accurate code for computer programs. I need to keep my brain active and learn more!

Sober life would be so boring if I didn't stuff it full of tasks and things to do—there's only so much you can get away with by relaxing at the University bar whilst writing another novel. Hell, I'd just dictate it straight out with no punctuation, paragraphs or line breaks and have it saved on a single splendid stretched-long piece of paper wrapped around a rolling pin! But no, that probably wouldn't work out all that well for my type-writer.

Basically, my mind is a jungle of trees knocking other trees and bizarre connections between memories; scents, sights, sounds, sensations and tastes, but not words. The methods of the human memory are so abstract and bizarre; the opposite of a typical Unix file-system! One might end up thinking about oranges and that'll reminds you of a beautiful church you visited in Florence. I can't explain it, but the acclaimed and adroit Douglas Hofstadter might have a clue; his books about human consciousness, particularly The Eternal Golden Braid, are all about the mind coming from nothing.

Oh yeah, like I said, easily distracted and, also, I'm prone to ranting, I suppose.

I bet a lot of you aren't as bad off as you claim to be and it's probably just your age or your routine that's preventing you from learning. Read more and try to exercise your brain, otherwise you'll forever be off. If you've given Piracetam a try, let me know! <3

Peace And Love!
i have surprisingly low damage, from the lot of drugs i abused. Sure there is trackmarks from injecting, and a major vein in my elbow collapsed from a missed shot of GHB. I had chronic Hep C for like 6 years but the liver got punctured and showed no sign of fibrosis or even cirrhosis. Now its healed with the help of 11 month interferon/ribavirin, besides the liver can repair itself to a great degree. Opiates and benzodiazepines are known to have a low toxicity, so i had no problems physically after quitting a 7 year methadone habbit. The years of chronic cocaine and amphetamine injections probably damaged my heart, but now i can drive bicycle 30 min with an average power of 200 watt or even longer if i drive little slower.
The most damage of all probably did my cannabis abuse. I never smoked tobacco on its own, but 1-2 cigs/day mixed with weed. I also smoked sometimes very low grade hash, which i dont recommend at all. So i say 15 years of smoking thc (sometimes crack and heroin for that matter) surely damaged my lungs.
Now i am clean for like 7 month and i feel better then ever, my body feels quite healthy compared to the average joe. After the fog of benzodiazepines had cleared, My brain works as it used to be. All i am left with is a low selfesteem and i get severly frustrated from small problems.
Heavy use of meth/amphetamines has made my attention span shorter, my nerves are shot from getting so paranoid,
and I retain a lot of peripheral hallucinations.
Heavy use of opiates has nulled the excitement of everything.
And i'm pretty sure Datura/Benadryl is what fucked up my eye sight.
Dunno ~10 years of heavy drug use, a bit from every group, mainly meth/amphetamine and coke. I've woken up in the hospital a few times, had a few seizures from some RC's and have spent unholy amounts of money.

No major physical harm really! I'm fit and strong and healthy. My sleep/wake is shit, but eh, I also work shifts.

Biggest thing, is damn, I've lost some good friends and hurt some good friends with stupid shit I've said. I guess I get off easy?
Excellent post Kerrigan! I was going to write my own but you described myself far for more eloquently than I could. We have eerily similar histories, and I could not agree with your post more.
I over-amped on meth & datura. Almost had a heart attack both times and ended up in the hospital. That's the main problem, but I think it can be healed. Sometimes I feel dull, but I just got to sharpen up. I have damaged my body, but I can heal all that.
Datura is absurdly bad for your body, mind aside (which is worse). Glad you can still somewhat function.
Heavy abuse of tramadol has made it difficult for me to hold in urine. When I get the urge to go, I have to go. Very hard to wait even a few minutes.
lol thats not bad though all you have to do it like my grandfather put a paltic back around your lage and atche a little pipe to it to your penis and let your urin flowinto the bag a docter could give you this it really helps my grand father
I over-amped on meth & datura. Almost had a heart attack both times and ended up in the hospital. That's the main problem, but I think it can be healed. Sometimes I feel dull, but I just got to sharpen up. I have damaged my body, but I can heal all that.

yeah all muscles can recover ostly just like your liver but a brain cant thats the bad part damage your brain and you will be damged for ever.... Jsut stop for atleast 10 years and its like smoking cigaretts you will only have a 5 to 10% bigger chance of getting lung diseases then normal poeple so your body almost regernetes .
I think too quickly and about too many things at the same time; it's so easy to just get side-tracked and find yourself stopping mid-sentence to stoop and begin intently studying something completely unrelated yet fascinating nonetheless.

I'll look at a person and diagnose their habits—are they a smoker, or perhaps they bite their nails? Then I'll look at their clothing and know where they shop, roughly what size they are; their weight, their height, their intentions, and what gives them away when they're lying. But then ask me to remember their name and I'll have forgotten it by the time I've next blinked.

Benzodiazepines and opiates and alcohol and weed and all sorts of things, including physical trauma to the head, have damaged my memory and cognitive abilities, yes-absolutely and without a doubt! But it's not so bad. I truly do hate my poor, poor memory.

I've been unsuccessful in getting nootropics prescribed to me—Piracetam, Modafinil, Gabapentin or Pregabalin.

Because of years without inhibitions, I often act bizarrely in social settings: it is said that we subconsciously respond to body-language and subtle non-verbal cues, but as I've spent years high out of my mind, I miss those and so it never truly feels right when I'm sitting down with friends or strangers or loved ones. Y'see, when other people were going through puberty and learning the nuances of social scenarios and how to tell whether someone loves or loathes you by experiencing it, I was numb to such perceptions and high and as drunk as the drugs and corrupt bartenders looking for business from the student body (with their damned-awful watered-down beer! Eugh!) would allow and throwing myself at people, whether they liked it or not. Of course, over time the mind learns this stuff properly, so it's not that big of a deal, but I think that I'll always be the odd one out, and those who say so might not even be able to tell why, just my body-language gives off the wrong impression.

Whether you were an A-grade student or a moron before, I don't think it matters—it's age talking!

As children we're far more open to learning about the world around us; we take years to absorb and begin to use information we've been sucking in through our eyes, ears, mouth, nose, head-shoulders-knees-and-toes-knees-and-toes and, of course, tactile senses since the day we were born!

Throughout school we are conditioned to read and then be able to recite what we've read by rote, yet when we enter the world we're required to think more for ourselves and to make decisions and whatnot. It doesn't seem to really matter how well you did in school because it's got nothing to do with work, with the exception of jobs in the food-service industry where you'll have to know menus and whatnot inside out. You'll also learn to give such people compassion and a modicum of respect in the future when you've moved onto bigger and better things, heh!

But, back to the topic at hand, over time our minds and brains adapt to our routines, and if our routines involve being lazy and lying around, watching television and dipping a hand into an almost-bottomless bowl of some fatty snack or other, things are going to go downhill! So, I play chess and read, write and attempt to write logically-and-mathematically-accurate code for computer programs. I need to keep my brain active and learn more!

Sober life would be so boring if I didn't stuff it full of tasks and things to do—there's only so much you can get away with by relaxing at the University bar whilst writing another novel. Hell, I'd just dictate it straight out with no punctuation, paragraphs or line breaks and have it saved on a single splendid stretched-long piece of paper wrapped around a rolling pin! But no, that probably wouldn't work out all that well for my type-writer.

Basically, my mind is a jungle of trees knocking other trees and bizarre connections between memories; scents, sights, sounds, sensations and tastes, but not words. The methods of the human memory are so abstract and bizarre; the opposite of a typical Unix file-system! One might end up thinking about oranges and that'll reminds you of a beautiful church you visited in Florence. I can't explain it, but the acclaimed and adroit Douglas Hofstadter might have a clue; his books about human consciousness, particularly The Eternal Golden Braid, are all about the mind coming from nothing.

Oh yeah, like I said, easily distracted and, also, I'm prone to ranting, I suppose.

I bet a lot of you aren't as bad off as you claim to be and it's probably just your age or your routine that's preventing you from learning. Read more and try to exercise your brain, otherwise you'll forever be off. If you've given Piracetam a try, let me know! <3

Peace And Love!

Wow you might have a bad memory but your still smart as fuck. I can tell how your brain funcitions jsut by reading what you write. Many people belive they can tell by just hearg them but a person can hide behind many difrent voices and walls to make you think their diffrent the real way to find out is ether to get to know them and talk to them on an everyday basis or to see their thoughs though their writings like yours. A perosn might think I am very stupd and idiotic because I am aful in explainig things because I forget words becasue I am bilingiual and it is really hard to keep up with both english and german at the same time so I totally fail in speaking fluently in any of both. What you have is more like a phycological problem. I belive you got stuck on this one though that makes you not be able to move on your brain moter funkitions seem to be fine. I know what you meen with sudently noticing other things but this is not in any way negativ yours only scanning the person and learning about him. This is way better thenjust drifting of in to nothing because you jsut cant consetrate... You are very smart and witthy and you my ow this smartness to the drugs that made you feel stupid. So you have balnced the negatives with positives.
i have surprisingly low damage, from the lot of drugs i abused. Sure there is trackmarks from injecting, and a major vein in my elbow collapsed from a missed shot of GHB. I had chronic Hep C for like 6 years but the liver got punctured and showed no sign of fibrosis or even cirrhosis. Now its healed with the help of 11 month interferon/ribavirin, besides the liver can repair itself to a great degree. Opiates and benzodiazepines are known to have a low toxicity, so i had no problems physically after quitting a 7 year methadone habbit. The years of chronic cocaine and amphetamine injections probably damaged my heart, but now i can drive bicycle 30 min with an average power of 200 watt or even longer if i drive little slower.
The most damage of all probably did my cannabis abuse. I never smoked tobacco on its own, but 1-2 cigs/day mixed with weed. I also smoked sometimes very low grade hash, which i dont recommend at all. So i say 15 years of smoking thc (sometimes crack and heroin for that matter) surely damaged my lungs.
Now i am clean for like 7 month and i feel better then ever, my body feels quite healthy compared to the average joe. After the fog of benzodiazepines had cleared, My brain works as it used to be. All i am left with is a low selfesteem and i get severly frustrated from small problems.

Lucky you I meen you took drugs for so long but only the bodyly damging I dont get it why some people like my take drugs short and get the brain damaging its jsut not fair. YOu will soon have recoverd dont smke weed or tabac or drink alchol or take anything else and I promise you in 5 to 10 years you will feel like you use to before ever taking any drug.
Dunno ~10 years of heavy drug use, a bit from every group, mainly meth/amphetamine and coke. I've woken up in the hospital a few times, had a few seizures from some RC's and have spent unholy amounts of money.

No major physical harm really! I'm fit and strong and healthy. My sleep/wake is shit, but eh, I also work shifts.

Biggest thing, is damn, I've lost some good friends and hurt some good friends with stupid shit I've said. I guess I get off easy?

If you have no brain damae then defanatly I meen IO lost a few freinds from drugs but I think I can get them back.
Compare the damage caused by long term drug use to the damage caused by long term exposure to mainstream media and news. The body seems to be able to heal itself a lot better than the mind, the fear, division and mistrust laid on so called straight peoples psych when the walk between the so called safe walls of popular culture is long term and downright fucking scary.

Dont even get me started on religion, I'll take a drug user for a companion over some fundamentalist nutcase any day.