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Misc Doctors being watched?

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Aug 11, 2019
I have posts up here about my experiences with issues I am having including being humiliated at pharmacies and being followed out of shopping centres by security guards. I also have frequent police vehicle sightings as I return home from longer outings and this happens mainly when I am on a prescribed long-term pain killer patch called norspan. I have been on and off this for years and fighting addiction. When I wasn't on it for a time I was resorting to poppy seed tea which was not ideal.

I now think the police and security guard thing is a real thing and I stand by it. I just had a weird phone call with the original large medical practice I met this doctor at when I had a bad injury a few years ago which led me down this path.

I just phoned the large medical practice where I originally saw my regular doctor (he left there some time back) to ask if they bulk bill still and was told only a locum who is there for a few weeks does and the rest bill. I asked if I could see this locum to get a pain review as I needed one done and she became curt and said no and that a doctor who left there a while back has a lot of patients on pain medication and none of the doctors there will help with this pain review thing that is now needed and all that will be done is a referral to the public pain clinic. I have been to this public pain clinic years ago when I did the injury and I know they are against opioid pain killers and try to get patients off them and offer courses and appointments.

So now I am freaking out as I don't know what to do. I know I won't cope without the norspan as I was using poppy seed tea before when I went without. I am wondering if I should find an addiction treatment centre and look into treatment that way.

I also do wonder if either patients of this doctor are being watched and kind of scared or something is going on. I KNOW I'm not delusional and it's really happening especially given the phone call I just had with the woman at the medical practice I just had.
People usually dismiss these kinds of posts as crazy talk. I know for a fact that certain people get targeted. I've had my phone hacked more than once, my mail tampered with and my properties broken into with theft.
I took a harassment case against a major corporation years ago and my life got turned upside down. I'm trying to recover psychologically from the entire ordeal.
People usually dismiss these kinds of posts as crazy talk. I know for a fact that certain people get targeted. I've had my phone hacked more than once, my mail tampered with and my properties broken into with theft.
I took a harassment case against a major corporation years ago and my life got turned upside down. I'm trying to recover psychologically from the entire ordeal.
Sorry that happened to you. I had a personal injury compensation claim a few years ago and noticed it then. I was seeing doctors and solicitors and I knew someone had been in my home. It cycles on and off like I say and I get things like performance cars/motorbikes revving up *right* outside my home, etc.

Also just happened again with neighbours swapping my bin that goes out on the street with a different filthy one that had a rod/handle thing stuck diagonally in the bottom which wasn't there before. I'm OCD af with my garbage and wrap everything, etc, and my bins never get that filthy. BUT because I didn't mark the one I had I can't really prove anything. As far as why - I don't know if it's different things or the same causing it but for this latest stunt I believe it's just to get a reaction from me to try to provoke me into being confrontational or whatever so they can run to the real estate and dob me in. These people are that bored and it's not the first time they've gaslighted me over different things. I let it go because it's a nothing thing at the end of the day but I would never think to do that to someone and it always seems to be the quiet people that won't speak up for themselves that get harassed.
I got my pain review today by a different GP connected to my regular GP clinic for a pain review to keep on the Norspan today. As per usual I had the regular things happen that usually do to mess with me. I do think it's a thing they do to try to get a response by the patient to see if they are stable and with it. I honestly do believe that.

So when I went to pay as I was checking out she took *AGES* to serve the people in front of me and myself. She took forever to print the receipt and do my bank card swipe to pay and took my medicare card TWICE and the second time she took it she kept it on her desk as she handed me the invoice and I had to ask for the card back. She just acted absent minded but the way she was going extra slow and just expressionless I could tell they were up to their old tricks. AND on the way home I passed a police vehicle TWICE - once early on when I got on the freeway and another further down! I just want others to be aware that there is this program of authorities watching and "testing" patients that they deem are addicted or unstable or whatever.

I know if you have made up your mind that this doesn't exist that nothing I say will change your mind and you will say they are all random coincidences. It's especially easy to mess with someone who is addicted or has anxiety and then when they react or say anything to gaslight them.
I got my pain review today by a different GP connected to my regular GP clinic for a pain review to keep on the Norspan today. As per usual I had the regular things happen that usually do to mess with me. I do think it's a thing they do to try to get a response by the patient to see if they are stable and with it. I honestly do believe that.

So when I went to pay as I was checking out she took *AGES* to serve the people in front of me and myself. She took forever to print the receipt and do my bank card swipe to pay and took my medicare card TWICE and the second time she took it she kept it on her desk as she handed me the invoice and I had to ask for the card back. She just acted absent minded but the way she was going extra slow and just expressionless I could tell they were up to their old tricks. AND on the way home I passed a police vehicle TWICE - once early on when I got on the freeway and another further down! I just want others to be aware that there is this program of authorities watching and "testing" patients that they deem are addicted or unstable or whatever.

I know if you have made up your mind that this doesn't exist that nothing I say will change your mind and you will say they are all random coincidences. It's especially easy to mess with someone who is addicted or has anxiety and then when they react or say anything to gaslight them.

Its possible that you may be on some kind of list. I saw something on Youtube recently, a report on a police dept in the US that was using students school records to create secret lists of people who they estimated would be prospective criminals. The students on the list where then monitored/spied up/surveilled by the police. The entire thing was blown open by journalists and it went to court where the dept where fined a huge sum and made pay reparations to people who had been harassed. There are various state and private institutions that carry out such programs, it is a matter of public record. That mods and admins on here dismiss your claims offhand as delusions is a hallmark of ignorance. You may have done something in the past to piss some group or another off, but its just as likely that it was nothing of your doing that saw you placed in this situation (maybe they see you as a ''prospective threat''). In any case take care of yourself. Also be aware that in the ongoing depopulation by stealth operation certain sections of society have been demarcated for more intensive targeting, namely the sick (physical and mental), the elderly - and i also believe criminal demographics, prob starting with sex offenders but working its way into other categories of both convicted and ex convicted populations, then eventually pre-convicted suspects. I have little doubt that unemployed addicts are being targeted heavily (esp those in receipt of any kind of gov assistance), and of course street dealers, pan handlers, derelicts and so on. Even tho the later do not directly cost much to the system, they do have an indirect cost and are considered undesirable.

I think allot of the decisions for who is placed on what list occur in these data fusion centers, where various risk assessment and expenditure type calculations are done - and from these the various Zersetzung type lists are drawn up which are then given out to any number of institutions or groups. Understand that they have a pretty airtight system in place, if your no longer estimated to be of any worth (or you cost too much or your a systemic risk factor) they can conjure up just about any set of lies or half truths to make you appear a certain way and then give it to whatever network will move on your specific case. So say for example they decide to shorten your life significantly rather than have you straight up murdered, and you where a farmer - they would send whatever bullshit profile about you to say, some radical vegan group. If you had any history or theft or robbery, that would be sent to the most hardline neighborhood watch groups in your area. If you where right wing and had certain unfavorable theories about the holocaust or other races (and im not justifying racism) they would notify the most militant left wing groups in your area. Like they use allot of fundamentalist christian sects aswel, they would use the fact someone dabbles in the occult and has allot of stupid satanic tattoos to implicate them in ritual child abuse - sketch up a profile and send it to the sect. They instrumentalize every ideological contingent you can think of, turning them into auxiliaries of the general machine.

''They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service'' - John 16.2.3

''And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me'' - Matthew 25:39-41
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also do wonder if either patients of this doctor are being watched and kind of scared or something is going on. I KNOW I'm not delusional and it's really happening especially given the phone call I just had with the woman at the medical practice I just had.
Here in the US, DEA is watching the Dr. and leaving the patients alone. I encourage you to go to The Doctor Patient Forum. (thedoctorpatientforum.com). Our group legislate, advocates and educates on behalf of people with chronic, painful disease/conditions and protection for their prescribers. The DEA and CDC are interfering with with the Dr./patient relationship and restricting and preventing safe, legal, and effective treatment.
Its possible that you may be on some kind of list. I saw something on Youtube recently, a report on a police dept in the US that was using students school records to create secret lists of people who they estimated would be prospective criminals. The students on the list where then monitored/spied up/surveilled by the police. The entire thing was blown open by journalists and it went to court where the dept where fined a huge sum and made pay reparations to people who had been harassed. There are various state and private institutions that carry out such programs, it is a matter of public record. That mods and admins on here dismiss your claims offhand as delusions is a hallmark of ignorance. You may have done something in the past to piss some group or another off, but its just as likely that it was nothing of your doing that saw you placed in this situation (maybe they see you as a ''prospective threat''). In any case take care of yourself. Also be aware that in the ongoing depopulation by stealth operation certain sections of society have been demarcated for more intensive targeting, namely the sick (physical and mental), the elderly - and i also believe criminal demographics, prob starting with sex offenders but working its way into other categories of both convicted and ex convicted populations, then eventually pre-convicted suspects. I have little doubt that unemployed addicts are being targeted heavily (esp those in receipt of any kind of gov assistance), and of course street dealers, pan handlers, derelicts and so on. Even tho the later do not directly cost much to the system, they do have an indirect cost and are considered undesirable.

I think allot of the decisions for who is placed on what list occur in these data fusion centers, where various risk assessment and expenditure type calculations are done - and from these the various Zersetzung type lists are drawn up which are then given out to any number of institutions or groups. Understand that they have a pretty airtight system in place, if your no longer estimated to be of any worth (or you cost too much or your a systemic risk factor) they can conjure up just about any set of lies or half truths to make you appear a certain way and then give it to whatever network will move on your specific case. So say for example they decide to shorten your life significantly rather than have you straight up murdered, and you where a farmer - they would send whatever bullshit profile about you to say, some radical vegan group. If you had any history or theft or robbery, that would be sent to the most hardline neighborhood watch groups in your area. If you where right wing and had certain unfavorable theories about the holocaust or other races (and im not justifying racism) they would notify the most militant left wing groups in your area. Like they use allot of fundamentalist christian sects aswel, they would use the fact someone dabbles in the occult and has allot of stupid satanic tattoos to implicate them in ritual child abuse - sketch up a profile and send it to the sect. They instrumentalize every ideological contingent you can think of, turning them into auxiliaries of the general machine.

''They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service'' - John 16.2.3

''And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me'' - Matthew 25:39-41
Thank you for your reply and believing me. I am in Australia so not sure how it works here. What can I do but set up my car dash cam again and record every time I pass a police vehicle? Take the footage and edit it into something and put it on youtube. That all takes time and effort and technical knowledge that I am not sure I have. I have a dash cam I was using but ended up taking it down as the harassment cycles on and off.

Tomorrow I am due to pick up my next month's worth of scripts so will see what happens there at the pharmacy. I'm sure it will be another shit-show production and something will happen. I could take my phone and declare I am record the interactions?

What they are doing is illegal. If any civilian watched and surveilled another person it's regarded as stalking. They can stalk someone and get away with it.
Thank you for your reply and believing me. I am in Australia so not sure how it works here. What can I do but set up my car dash cam again and record every time I pass a police vehicle? Take the footage and edit it into something and put it on youtube. That all takes time and effort and technical knowledge that I am not sure I have. I have a dash cam I was using but ended up taking it down as the harassment cycles on and off.

Tomorrow I am due to pick up my next month's worth of scripts so will see what happens there at the pharmacy. I'm sure it will be another shit-show production and something will happen. I could take my phone and declare I am record the interactions?

What they are doing is illegal. If any civilian watched and surveilled another person it's regarded as stalking. They can stalk someone and get away with it.

I dont know your exact situation, but i do know that this stuff happens. Like if it was me id be trying to capture it on camera and making documentation. This way you could look at it - examine it more in depth, and pass it by other people to see if they observe the same patterns. You would need to be recording at every time that this stuff happens tho. Honestly, i think it would be worth it if you can validate that there is stalking or harassment taking place (if even just for your own piece of mind). But also so you could make a formal complaint or even possibly take legal action - this is why license plates, names of staff and so on should be documented. I mean its possible that you are extrapolating the wrong conclusions from random bad behavior, but if you say you are sure there is a systemic element to this then i for one believe you. People generally know if they are being harassed or stalked, esp over long periods - its possible that maybe you misread a situation here or there, but if its persistent then im guessing there is a clear thing going on. Wether this is just a bunch of people bullying you to make themselves feel big, or your under some kind of actual gang-stalking program i do not know. However it is unacceptable in either case. Take care of yourself and may God be with you.
I dont know your exact situation, but i do know that this stuff happens. Like if it was me id be trying to capture it on camera and making documentation. This way you could look at it - examine it more in depth, and pass it by other people to see if they observe the same patterns. You would need to be recording at every time that this stuff happens tho. Honestly, i think it would be worth it if you can validate that there is stalking or harassment taking place (if even just for your own piece of mind). But also so you could make a formal complaint or even possibly take legal action - this is why license plates, names of staff and so on should be documented. I mean its possible that you are extrapolating the wrong conclusions from random bad behavior, but if you say you are sure there is a systemic element to this then i for one believe you. People generally know if they are being harassed or stalked, esp over long periods - its possible that maybe you misread a situation here or there, but if its persistent then im guessing there is a clear thing going on. Wether this is just a bunch of people bullying you to make themselves feel big, or your under some kind of actual gang-stalking program i do not know. However it is unacceptable in either case. Take care of yourself and may God be with you.
Thank you so much. I just got back from local shops and it's still happening. I can describe the things that happen here but if no one will consider it then what's the point? I know not everything is part of it and things just go wrong but for one person to have so much go wrong and dodgy characters going past in their cars yelling, revving up, etc, what can it be?
Yesterday I went to a local small shopping centre with a grocery store that I go to quite often and I wanted to buy my nicotine lozenges which I am addicted to. I couldn’t see the regular pack which retails at $20 BUT I was pleased to find a larger pack of double the amount on special (with a ticket underneath it) saying it was $27! Normally retails at around $37.

SO when I go to checkout I go to the self-service and scan the lozenges first and they scan at the regular price of about $10 more… I called the girl over who was there and told her and she made an attempt to call someone to check the price and one woman came and instead of looking into it she opened up a checkout facing us. I waited until a guy came with a look on his face like I had killed his dog and he checked and came back and mumbled something.

I couldn’t understand but while that was happening they were smirking between this girl and the other lady who opened the checkout. I checked out the rest of my groceries and while I waited I tried to pull up the coles website on my phone to check the price.

So he gets back before I can find the item online and mumbles something and just had a thunderous look on his face towards me and I asked him directly what I was going to be charged and it was revealed I think by the girl supervising that it would be the ticket price which I believe is the policy.

I was polite and calm the whole time and said to the girl something like oh maybe it’s an old ticket and she then said about how she was the one responsible for changing the tickets on Tuesday night but she had been off for a while because her pop died. All while smirking with this other woman.

The whole vibe was off and very unfriendly. I can’t describe it but it’s another example of what happens when you’re targeted.
I have posts up here about my experiences with issues I am having including being humiliated at pharmacies and being followed out of shopping centres by security guards. I also have frequent police vehicle sightings as I return home from longer outings and this happens mainly when I am on a prescribed long-term pain killer patch called norspan. I have been on and off this for years and fighting addiction. When I wasn't on it for a time I was resorting to poppy seed tea which was not ideal.

I now think the police and security guard thing is a real thing and I stand by it. I just had a weird phone call with the original large medical practice I met this doctor at when I had a bad injury a few years ago which led me down this path.

I just phoned the large medical practice where I originally saw my regular doctor (he left there some time back) to ask if they bulk bill still and was told only a locum who is there for a few weeks does and the rest bill. I asked if I could see this locum to get a pain review as I needed one done and she became curt and said no and that a doctor who left there a while back has a lot of patients on pain medication and none of the doctors there will help with this pain review thing that is now needed and all that will be done is a referral to the public pain clinic. I have been to this public pain clinic years ago when I did the injury and I know they are against opioid pain killers and try to get patients off them and offer courses and appointments.

So now I am freaking out as I don't know what to do. I know I won't cope without the norspan as I was using poppy seed tea before when I went without. I am wondering if I should find an addiction treatment centre and look into treatment that way.

I also do wonder if either patients of this doctor are being watched and kind of scared or something is going on. I KNOW I'm not delusional and it's really happening especially given the phone call I just had with the woman at the medical practice I just had.

Have you ever considered methadone? I know it's a dirty word for many, but you seem to be struggling with pain control, searching for alternatives like kratom, poppy seeds, etc. With methadone you'd have access to sufficient medicine for your pain. Of course it is a pain to go frequently but eventually i believe they'll give you take home doses. I was once a patron of an Australian methadone clinic for a while (was there on an extended stay and had run out of my methadone script and they graciously accepted me). Even as a foreigner in Australia I was able to negotiate some take home doses after quite a short period of time there (though admittedly this may have been slightly easier for me as a silver-tongued young american). What I wasn't able to smooth talk them out of however was letting me get more than 180mg (their supposed "maximum dose"), which constituted a little less than half of my normal dose. Needless to say the remainder of my stay in Australia was a little rough.

On a side note, I know this might not be too helpful, but the more you perceive people as singling you out the more it starts to actually happen. I remember once being at the tail end of an MDPV bender walking through a supermarket. All of a sudden I got the sense that people were looking at me. The more I thought this, the more people actually started to look at me. The reason is, now you appear to be a person who thinks people are looking at them, which instinctively draws additional attention to you due to the associated micro-expressions and mannerisms you are giving off. Of course, telling someone this is rare helpful, but just beware of the phenomenon. I've been sucked into it before while in the periphery of stimulant psychosis.
Have you ever considered methadone? I know it's a dirty word for many, but you seem to be struggling with pain control, searching for alternatives like kratom, poppy seeds, etc. With methadone you'd have access to sufficient medicine for your pain. Of course it is a pain to go frequently but eventually i believe they'll give you take home doses. I was once a patron of an Australian methadone clinic for a while (was there on an extended stay and had run out of my methadone script and they graciously accepted me). Even as a foreigner in Australia I was able to negotiate some take home doses after quite a short period of time there (though admittedly this may have been slightly easier for me as a silver-tongued young american). What I wasn't able to smooth talk them out of however was letting me get more than 180mg (their supposed "maximum dose"), which constituted a little less than half of my normal dose. Needless to say the remainder of my stay in Australia was a little rough.

On a side note, I know this might not be too helpful, but the more you perceive people as singling you out the more it starts to actually happen. I remember once being at the tail end of an MDPV bender walking through a supermarket. All of a sudden I got the sense that people were looking at me. The more I thought this, the more people actually started to look at me. The reason is, now you appear to be a person who thinks people are looking at them, which instinctively draws additional attention to you due to the associated micro-expressions and mannerisms you are giving off. Of course, telling someone this is rare helpful, but just beware of the phenomenon. I've been sucked into it before while in the periphery of stimulant psychosis.
Thank you for your reply. I would consider methadone for sure or even suboxone (or subutex - I get them confused) or that monthly injection. I am glad you were able to access methadone in Australia and it was helpful. I think they are trying to scare me off opiates with these tactics.

I do consider that I am delusional but I know I'm not. I take seroquel if I feel to worked up or paranoid/anxious and can function and know what's real.

It's worrying about the patches though as I put the active plastic part (I peel it off) of the old patch in my mouth for long periods and I did it last night and woke up to someone yelling something aggressively about how he was going to kill himself walking up the street and it freaked me out but I was so drowsy I couldn't have woken up if I needed to in an emergency. I hope the guy was okay. I remember it but couldn't wake up enough to do anything even. I think he was just walking past.

I do stand out in public a bit as I have an anxious demeaner and it's made me a target of bullies at school (and I was bullied in the family) my whole life. It does train your brain to see everything as a threat and part of it. I want to get off the opiates but I freak out when I do.
I'd be careful discussing things like this on a public forum if you are legitimately concerned about being watched. Despite common knowledge, it's actually not illegal.

As for the medical side of things; Australia is a nanny state. I struggle to even get some decent sleeping pills despite having chronic insomnia most of my life. You're asking doctors for scheduled substances, of course there is going to be difficulties and yes, in this instance, the doctors ARE being watched from higher up, as they can only legally prescribe certain things in certain amounts with a specific timeframe in between scripts.
I'd be careful discussing things like this on a public forum if you are legitimately concerned about being watched. Despite common knowledge, it's actually not illegal.

As for the medical side of things; Australia is a nanny state. I struggle to even get some decent sleeping pills despite having chronic insomnia most of my life. You're asking doctors for scheduled substances, of course there is going to be difficulties and yes, in this instance, the doctors ARE being watched from higher up, as they can only legally prescribe certain things in certain amounts with a specific timeframe in between scripts.
I'm pretty sure I am being watched but it's at that stage that I pretty much have nothing left to lose so I don't care any more. I rang someone like a private investigator about seeing police cars every time I go out once a while back as I knew that's a bad sign and he said something along the lines of unless you're involved in very illegal activities then not to worry about it. What are they going to do if I'm not breaking the law anyway?

Australia is definitely a nanny state and it has the mentality of "fit in or fuck off". Not sure if anyone has heard of that but I feel that's the premise of gang stalking and what's being done. Like a modern day witch hunt. Sorry to hear you struggle to get decent sleeping pills. I know they are very hard to get unless it's on a short-term basis of a week to 2. I saw a post on instagram recently which I assume was from someone in America who left a comment somewhere and then came back to say that they genuinely forgot they left the comment as they had taken their sleeping pills. I found that funny and asked what they took and they said stilnox and serepax. I have heard of stilnox but never even heard of someone been prescribing it in Australia and didn't realize it was still used. I remember it being a medication that made people binge-eat and forget they had done it after taking it.

So part of me just wants to go fuck it and make things as hard as I can for them and stick it to them. I see you watching me watching me watching you....
Oh stillnox is a good medication, my housemate has a script for it.

And yes if you're not breaking the law, you should be fine. If you are actually being gang stalked there may be other reasons behind it, though. Either way I'd just err on the side of caution because it's definitely not illegal.
Oh stillnox is a good medication, my housemate has a script for it.

And yes if you're not breaking the law, you should be fine. If you are actually being gang stalked there may be other reasons behind it, though. Either way I'd just err on the side of caution because it's definitely not illegal.
I would love to try stillnox. I wonder if it's any good for weaning off opiates and the insomnia and anxiety that it causes. I think doctors are strictly regulated in Australia in what they can prescribe.

I am not breaking the law besides being addicted to prescribed meds. If I have done anything slightly in a grey area of that it's to relieve my addiction and I am definitely not doing anything beyond that. So consider it's happening then it could be a program run by authorities and/or low-level thugs who know of my situation and are out to mess with me for whatever reason. There are multiple scenarios and it could be both.

Also when you say it's not illegal - what are you referring to? You mean stalking is not illegal?
I would love to try stillnox. I wonder if it's any good for weaning off opiates and the insomnia and anxiety that it causes. I think doctors are strictly regulated in Australia in what they can prescribe.

I am not breaking the law besides being addicted to prescribed meds. If I have done anything slightly in a grey area of that it's to relieve my addiction and I am definitely not doing anything beyond that. So consider it's happening then it could be a program run by authorities and/or low-level thugs who know of my situation and are out to mess with me for whatever reason. There are multiple scenarios and it could be both.

Also when you say it's not illegal - what are you referring to? You mean stalking is not illegal?
Stillnox is strong, but only knocks me out for 4hrs, whereas zopiclone, it's brother drug, will give me a solid 8hr sleep.

Gang stalking is not technically illegal. That's why so many people have issues surrounding it, because there's not a lot that can be done to stop or prevent it. It's a legal grey area with plenty of loopholes.
Stillnox is strong, but only knocks me out for 4hrs, whereas zopiclone, it's brother drug, will give me a solid 8hr sleep.

Gang stalking is not technically illegal. That's why so many people have issues surrounding it, because there's not a lot that can be done to stop or prevent it. It's a legal grey area with plenty of loopholes.
Why would someone want to stalk someone they don't know though? It's unethical and immoral. It should be wrong. Stalking is illegal if it's someone you know.
Hey man, I agree with your post on the chemist side of things where I've seen that sort of thing happen, but I'm having trouble believing this.

There's actually a pretty rational explanation for this type of thing happening. To be frank, you're not important enough to hang stalk, or follow around. Very few people are. It's time consuming, requires coordination of many participants, communication... That stuff costs money too, so you would need to be someone pretty important for this to be happening to.

I get what it's like to stick out in public. I'm trans, and I didn't pass as cis for two years before I started testosterone and I constantly got comments about being a he she, it, girl boy, or shemale. It was relentless. But it was just a bunch of random people doing this stuff.

I've actually been targeted on the forum by a couple of people since becoming active in December and it escalated to being an actual problem which needed to be officially addressed. That was just mainly people deciding they thought I was lying about everything I posted, and didn't like how I communicated which is largely due to my autism. Some managed to completely misinterpret my first two threads and misunderstand everyone I wrote to paint me as a selfish prick, and when I refuted their comments by quoting my statements which proved their remarks wrong, they just disengaged and didn't correct themselves. They still pop up from time to time and try the same thing, with some even dismissing everything I ever write as being a meth induced rant when my autism makes me write huge essays as well and the two are almost indistinguishable from eachother unless you know what I look for.

So I get it, like this ended up being a small group of people following me around, but they had a motive to reveal me as a fraud. If there's no motive to you being stalked, I can't really see why anyone would bother.

However I would suggest that your statement that you have experienced a lifetime of bullying that you have been conditioned to perceive any minor indication of a negative interaction as evidence that it's happening again, and your brain cherry picks the evidence. Same with seeing police cars and stuff. Sometimes I see none, sometimes I see several. They're out and about. No one is interested in you for taking legally prescribed opiates unless you're diverting them. I have dexamphetamine which is also a schedule 8 medication, AND I have a massive history of substance use and I'm flagged as a drug dependant person. If this were a widespread issue, I'd clearly have people trailing me because I'm a hot candidate for being busted for doing something wrong with my meds. But I'm not.

I think you have really, really extreme anxiety. Like, very severe. I think you see threats everywhere, when they aren't there, and because now you 'cant be that unlucky to experience that many problems' it has to be a conspiracy.

Dont take this the wrong way please as I do think you've been victimised especially in the chemist, but that is very common for pain clients and maintenance therapy customers so you're far from the first to report that, which makes it a reliable account to me.

I think what you experienced is very real to you, but your past experiences are really interfering with rationally looking at things. I don't mean you're psychotic either. I think you have extremely severe anxiety, and maybe even cPTSD from bullying throughout your life which results in many symptoms, including a tendency to view everything extremely negatively and see threats everywhere.

I actually suggest you talk to someone about the impact the bullying has had on you. I do not think you are imagining things. I think your life experiences are filtering events through a threat lense.
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