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Do you Think there is Intelligent Alien Life?


for a start, apparently already have gotten several countries to release sensitive documents relating to ufos etc. and wanting to fully disclose it to the world.. (I believe there waiting on the US - as there still in denial.. there millatary is corrupt imo)... and have actually 'contacted' succcessfully alien entities. theres vids to watch that show them "signaling' ufo's and receiving signals in return.. the steven greer fellow is pretty full on... and i'd use the word weird.. heh. but... its hard to discredit him with all the work he's done, and 'proof' he's aquired.. definatley have a look for yourself, dont take my word for it. =)
There is a difference with a theory that is a good inference to the best explanation for the phenomena we perceive, and a theory that is based on pure imagination.

Sure, point about the alien conspiracy is painfully clear. It unfortunately pollutes an otherwise decent discussion with mind numbing idiocy.

My point, if you like, is to imagine human knowledge as a slowly enlarging sphere.
Everything on the cutting edge of science and thought are pushing out the boundaries beyond the sphere.
It's only logical to assume an extension of this other a period of time. Based on our knowledge of 'observable evidence' you must extend this over billions of years. Then what are you left with?
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I would like to believe there is another intelligent life form out there, but I just don't think there is. My gut feeling says there isn't, so there's not much I can do about it. =/

If there was another intelligent life form out there, I would assume only assume they are 10 times more intelligent or 10 times less intelligent, than us. Just my assumption.
Phil Schneider

This is a man who worked on deep underground military bases for the government, who actually had elements in his possession that weren't supposed to exist, and had the balls to talk about, only to be subsequently taken out by being strangled with his own catheter, when in his hospital bed being treated for the cancer he received from such black projects. And, he is just one of many other whistleblowers who have come out from the secret government projects to tell what they know.

Bob Dean is another good one, as is Arthur Newman and Pete Peterson. Want to know what's really going on? Take a minute, and look up Pete Peterson. Hell, this guy is so up in the secret programs, he physically was allowed to sit in on the Third Closed Session of Congress, when the congressmen were talking about what they're going to do when the American People find out how much they fucked them.

Now, as for Mr. Steven Greer, have to say I agree with him on a lot of points, other than the fact that he says ALL ET's are good and beneficial. As well as the statement he makes that no government is working with EBE's. This is just pure naive, or disinformation.
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What do you mean, had elements that weren't supposed to exist? Who verified this? Can you give me a link to the paper that describes the discovery of these new elements? Where are these items now? From what I can gather, this man was totally unable to substantiate his claims with any kind of evidence. I'm sure you will respond with the claims that there was a vast conspiracy at work, which vanished away all the evidence supporting the claims of a man they denied worked for them, and then murdered. This is exactly why conspiracy theories are such popular memes, because they have a built in defense against any kind of objection. It is, though, epistemically irresponsible, and maybe a little crazy, to hold beliefs for which one has no evidence whatsoever, but which seem to cohere with one another. It's plausible that I am living in a "The Truman Show" scenario, and that all of the people, places and things I perceive as real are in fact fictitious creations, put in place solely to deceive me. I would be able to explain away the lack of evidence as being the work of the conspiracy. I would be considered mental.
Thing is, Phil Schneider checks out, no hoax or falsification, he was straight up legit. He worked for black projects, so he was certainly in a place to know. But, these are things on which you have to make your own mind up on, suffice to say, I personally think there is a hell of a lot more going on with the alien phenomena than the government tells us, for sure.

Have much peace.
He claimed to have worked for black projects, but could not prove it. In what sense does he check out? I don't know how you can say that someone who can provide no evidence for their claims is legitimate. And the lack of falsification is exactly what's wrong with his ideas, there is no evidence one could offer to counter it that could not be explained away in the context of the theory. The fact that he was unwilling to submit his ideas or evidence to peer-reviewed academia stinks of charlatanry. Of course you have to make your own mind up, that's true of anything. I just don't understand why one would make up one's mind to accept, in the absence of any supporting evidence, outrageous claims that are almost certainly the ramblings of a lunatic or the sophistry of a fraud.
One really just needs to look at the guy's life to figure out where he came from, and what happened after he started talking. Yes, there is a very good reason why he wasn't able to get public mainstream scrutiny of what he was talking about, but, like I said, make your own mind up. The military-industrial complex has a lot of power. Just be careful what you're dismissing when it comes to the concept of a secret government, and their operations. There is so much more going on in the inside that the public is just not informed of.

And there is also a reason why scientists take government work, because in classified programs, it is the only place in society where real groundbreaking work happens.

As well, look up Lt. Col. Phillip Corso, the guy who wrote "Day After Roswell." He explained very succinctly how the military science progresses vs. that of what we civilian plebs are told. And, why don't more people talk about these things? Two words: Confidentiality Agreements.
The military-industrial complex isn't powerful enough to invade a small, poor country without fucking it up horribly (or is that just what they want me to think?). How on earth would they cover up the fact that they signed secret treaties with aliens? Honestly, the President can't even keep a blowjob on the DL, why would I imagine that they are even close to capable of executing out the spectacularly intricate actions you believe them to have done?
Most definitely.

There are so many possibilities out there. Billions of stars, billions/trillions of planetary bodies. As far as I know the Universe is about 14 billion years old. And our own sun is only 4.5 billion years old.

Within a few billion years our planet has come to its current life supporting state. It was once too extreme to support life and one day it will be again. Considering the sheer number of stars and planets in our universe I wouldnt doubt that there has been intelligent life somewhere for several billion years.
My answer to this previously would have been no, just because it is just so unlikely that life could just arise by chance that even it happening once, in our case, was incredibly unlikely.

It's the tornado is the junkyard analogy - to begin life, the thousands of combinations of chemicals and enzymes would have to organise themselves correctly, just by pure chance. The chance of this happening is one in ten to the 40,000th power, or as the analogy goes, the same as a tornado sweeping through a junk yard, mixing up the junk within and just by chance, the junk landing in the correct assemblage of a fully working Boeing 747.

Since I've heard about the RNA world hypothesis, I can conceptualise life happening elsewhere in the universe. This theory helps to make the odds of life arising a bit better, as RNA can act as an enzyme and store infomation.

Another misconception I believe is that any other alien life would be intelligent. I think it's a misconception that life somehow tends to greater intelligence; that there is a constant 'pull' towards more intelligent life. At least on our planet, it just isn't so. Animals are only a tiny proportion of all life, and animals that we would consider of 'higher intelligence' an even more miniscule proportion than that. Out of the millions of lifeforms at the very top of the evolutionary tree so far, there are probably only a handful with anything like what we consider intelligence. This definitely suggests to me that intelligence isn't the normal outcome of the evolution of life.
considering how damn big the universe is.
and we only know about the visible universe
the real universe could be "infinitely" bigger

The Drake equation is all good but he Fermi Paradox
asks if they are so probable then why haven't we found them yet?
didn't read the link, but isn't a simple answer "because they may be very far"
we've only been able to travel in space for a few years, and not that fast
the closest star after the sun is 4 light years away

the first intelligent life could be more thousands of light years away
Who's to say highly advanced races aren't already here, dug deep into our crust? People haven't really been able to dig very deep, so imagine what another spacefaring race could do. This would actually be the way to colonize a planet, because you'd be far away from the human scrutiny on the surface.

Look at humanity, there's many papers written up by NASA saying the only way we could colonize the Moon and Mars would be to dig underground bases, because of the inhospitable surface. Although, with our publicly limited technology, we wouldn't be able to dig very deep.

What if another race had laser drilling equipment, though, where they could just burn tunnels, and turn the walls into a hard glassy like substance. Would be very effective, anyways...


Just a thought on this evolving thread.
an entire race of aliens all living underground.

i believe in ufo's not so much freaky e.t dudes (although i'm not saying that it's not possible either) but unidentified flying objects. aliens or foreign beings not native to earth couldbe a very real possibity especially talking to some of the gorls i've meet around the world who have had encounters with "aliens" these women from there teens through to there thirties have all told me of simular experiences and all seemed very embarrased about it many saying that they didn't want people to know for fear of social consequences. most people that say they have seen aliens are seen by us non believers as freaks. I mean if there were aliens and they were making contact with humans from time to time and the people were to freaed out or traumatised to speak about it publically, even if they did it would be seen as a bit of a laugh with fuk al proof the "aliens " hav got there shit susd out well.
I don't know if aliens exist but i think u'd be over arrogant to say they definatly don't exist.8o:D;)%)
Chances are, they're one and the same.
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If intelligent alien life exists, why cant a god exist?

I would never say god "cant" exist, but the two things are totally different. We are the intelligent alien life to organisms in their respective habitable zones.
They do exist, it's just really impractical to visit them at the moment. That's my belief anyway.
God is a whole other can o worms.
once again I thought this was about aliens.

I do believe aliens are real, not all UFO loving, but it would be wrong to think that in this big ass universe we are the only intelligent life forms out there, wrong and selfish to say that aliens, and/or God don't exist. Maybe sooner or later we'll find out about on or the other, but for sure, both are real.