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Do you Think there is Intelligent Alien Life?


Aug 21, 2009
How far do you think they have advanced?
If/When do you think we will encounter them?
Any other thoughts?

I don't think it's possible that there isn't intelligent life on other planets considering how damn big the universe is.
The sheer size of the universe almost guarantees the existence of sentient life outside of our solar system.
As for how far they've advanced, it's anyone's guess. Well, not exactly anyone's. I do believe extra terrestrial life has visited our planet on many occasions and presently resides someone on or in earth...and have been for many hundreds if not thousands of years. There are undoubtedly people who are aware of this and have communicated with ETs and exprienced their technology firsthand.
Just my $0.02 :)
I think its impossible to tell how advanced an alien civilisation is; I'd wager there are extra-terrestrial societies of bacterium, maybe beings in stone-age settings, maybe other that are simply data....But, yes, I am quite certain that they are out there :) As to whether they have visited earth, I don't know- I've seen UFO's, but only when tripping or meditating, and I'd say these are manifested archetypes.

That said, the reality could be that they are all around us, in some odd quantum state that we will never be able to perceive...
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The Drake equation attempts to address this question... that article provides interesting estimates of the equation:

Some computations of the Drake equation, given different assumptions:
R* = 10/year, fp = 0.5, ne = 2, fl = 1, fi = 0.01, fc = 0.01, and L = 50,000 years
N = 10 × 0.5 × 2 × 1 × 0.01 × 0.01 × 50,000 = 50 (so 50 civilizations exist in our galaxy at any given time, on average).
But a pessimist might equally well believe that life seldom becomes intelligent, and intelligent civilizations do not last very long:
R* = 10/year, fp = 0.5, ne = 2, fl = 1, fi = 0.001, fc = 0.01, and L = 500 years
N = 10 × 0.5 × 2 × 1 × 0.001 × 0.01 × 500 = 0.05 (we are probably alone).
Alternatively, making some more optimistic assumptions, and assuming that 10% of civilizations become willing and able to communicate, and then spread through their local star systems for 100,000 years (a very short period in geologic time):
R* = 20/year, fp = 0.1, ne = 0.5, fl = 1, fi = 0.5, fc = 0.1, and L = 100,000 years
N = 20 × 0.1 × 0.5 × 1 × 0.5 × 0.1 × 100,000 = 5,000.
Yes. I'd venture a guess we're not nearly the only self-aware entities presently in existence. Nor are we anywhere near the first or the last. But I think we might have to really revamp our ideas of what constitutes 'life', if we ever come face to face with them.
If this one human race is the best that mother nature can do...fuck her.

That is all I will say.
To think that we are the only intelligent life in the universe is a bit arrogant and a little nieve. Considering that the universe has been expanding for 13.5 billion years and that it has take the entirety of that time for us to evolve to the point that we are. Theres no reason to believe that at least one other civilization couldn't have evolved to at least the same point we are. The biggest problem with encountering extraterrestrial life is that the distances in space are so vast that another civilization would have to (1) either be very close to us galactically speaking for us to make contact with each other. OR (2) have developed a faster than light speed method of propulsion for them to be able to make contact with us from farther away than the local galactic neighborhood. And according to Einstien light speed is the absolute speed limit of the universe.
most people think of aliens as superior and magical

I bet that that every species in the universe looks up to the sky and imagines that they surely must be the lowliest lifeform that exists..... because its all too big and complicated, so of course a highly intelligent someone or something out there has it figured out by now.

So everyone sits back on their home planet with their home planets one of many drugs-of-choice............ just waiting........... and........... and getting high......... and waiting

If aliens exist, they need to step to the plate and show us something even more amazing than LSD.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. While I wouldn't rule out the possibility of life, intelligent or otherwise, somewhere else in the universe, I can't allow myself to believe in it based purely on conjecture and speculation. And please don't cite the numerous reports from crackpots of lights in the sky or being kidnapped by aliens and taken aboard spacecraft for examinations. I've seen lights in the sky before. But concluding that they must be alien flying saucers instead of some natural phenomenon is not rational.
What do you consider "alien"? Many of these races are part of the Human Family, while others are not. Yes, of course there's life not from this planet, and some that is. Some have even been interfering in our world by working with various governments.

RE: 1954 Greada Treaty
The Drake equation is a bunch of nonsense. There are just too many unknown variables.

Any formula is nonsense until realistic and accurate numbers are plugged in to it.The problem with the Drake equation is that until we find accurate numbers to plug in, we won't have any way to even speculate what the numbers should be. In other words, we need more data, but that doesn't make the formula shit. You have to know what you're trying to calculate before you can have an answer.

The Drake equation states that: N = R*x Fp x Ne x Fl x Fi x Fc x L


N is the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible;

R* is the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy
fp is the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne is the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fℓ is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
fi is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
fc is the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L is the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

All the right factors are there, its just no one knows what integer to plug in to the equation, that doesn't make the equation less valid.
Any formula is nonsense until realistic and accurate numbers are plugged in to it.The problem with the Drake equation is that until we find accurate numbers to plug in, we won't have any way to even speculate what the numbers should be. In other words, we need more data, but that doesn't make the formula shit. You have to know what you're trying to calculate before you can have an answer.

The Drake equation states that: N = R*x Fp x Ne x Fl x Fi x Fc x L


N is the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible;

R* is the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy
fp is the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne is the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fℓ is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
fi is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
fc is the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L is the length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

Yes I understood the equation just fine, if I hadn't I wouldn't have said anything. 8)
All the right factors are there, its just no one knows what integer to plug in to the equation, that doesn't make the equation less valid.
Exactly my point. We don't have anything even close to accurate numbers to plug into all those variables, therefore the equation pretty much means nothing.
I know what you mean, it's just one day we will have realistic numbers to use in the equation. but until that day it will be little more than a footnote in galatic history.
One day we might have realistic numbers, but I can't honestly say we absolutely will. It's still too early. Who knows, we may be extinct before we ever come close.
I think you're extremely closed minded if you don't believe in other intelligent life. The universe is continually expanding and massive. We have one star (the sun) close enough to heat our planet and we have 7 other planets in our galaxy. When you look at the stars each one of them has the potential to heat a planet or more in another galaxy and we can't even see all the stars. I believe 100% that there are other intelligent life-forms in our universe and considering the size of our universe I'm sure many are more intelligent than us and many are at our level or lower. I've been visited on 2 separate occasions that I can recall in detail and each time I felt great concern for my health from the beings. One time I was pinned down on a table of some sort and I felt like I had just come out of a surgery (from previous experience). I tried to speak but when I did I couldn't and I immediately received a thought (telepathically) that I need not speak just think and their energy felt extremely comforting and caring. I feel those of us who are ready to experience and accept other life will experience it and appreciate; for those who are not, will not or will and will be extremely terrified. The problem with today is that many religions, Christianity the biggest, say that god created us and only us. So if aliens came to earth in a very revealing way now, it would send all those whose previous beliefs didn't allow for their existence into a state of panic and fear. I think once the planet has evolved into a common state of acceptance, awareness, and love they will decide to accept us into the intergalactic community. Until then I just believe and they seem to help in times of trouble or confusion and even visit me in my dreams at night.
The problem with today is that many religions, Christianity the biggest, say that god created us and only us.
I don't claim to be an expert on Christian dogma or anything, but I dont see how you came to this conclusion. Where does it say in the Bible that humans are the one and only intelligent species in the universe?
The official position held by Vatican scientists is that belief in extra terrestrials is not opposed to belief in the Christian god in any way.
In fact, if you think about it, God himself is an alien as he dosen't specifically reside on Earth. He fits the textbook definition of "Extraterrestrial Life" ;)

If I recall, God promises to make Abraham's descendants "as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore"(Genesis 22:17). Since there are roughly 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, not even counting the billions of other galaxies in the whole of the universe, the measley number of humans on earth dose not even come close to accounting for the number he promised.

Dont get me wrong, I certainly dont blame humans for thinking they are the pinnacle of God's creation and love, but it seems rather egotistical if you ask me :\
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