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Do you Think there is Intelligent Alien Life?

even if, theres no possible way to comminucate with them.

if somehow life spawned on another planet they would have completely different senses.
therefore they would preceive everything differently.

it would be harder to communicate with an alien than it would be a plant.
"How far do you think they have advanced?"

My personal opinion is that the galaxy is probably teeming with diverse forms of life at every stage of evolution, and that all are advanced in some ways, deficient in others.

"If/When do you think we will encounter them?
Any other thoughts?"

I think we have encountered them, we do encounter them, and that we will continue to do so. Many reports in the "unexplained" category of the UFO phenomenon are clearly intelligently-controlled craft, and despite the current growing trend among those who recognize this that they must be inter- or ultra- or extra-dimensional creatures (without ever taking the time to describe precisely what they mean by the term and why they think this way), I think the extraterrestrial hypothesis has the most weight. And not merely in light of the fact that I agree with this comment

"I don't think it's possible that there isn't intelligent life on other planets considering how damn big the universe is."

and that the so-called "Fermi Paradox" implies that if they exist, as we both seem to agree they must, they should be here.