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Do You Think Ecstasy Should Be Legalised???

Do you think ecstasy should be legalised?

  • Yes. I believe Ecstasy should be legalised for all purposes, including recreational ones.

    Votes: 169 50.8%
  • I think that ecstasy should only be legalised for perscription or theraputic reasons.

    Votes: 76 22.8%
  • No, I don't believe ecstasy should be legalised at all.

    Votes: 88 26.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I kind of like things the way they are.

You can get anything you want if you're in the know, and delivered to your door by dealers.

Leagalising opens the doors to people who previously wouldn't (shouldn't) have been able to get them.
I think E should be de-criminalized rather than legal, thus it would be still illegal to produce it in mass quantity but not illegal to buy or have possesion for personal consumption.

And to those who claim that it should remain illegal because all the J6P's will be running around acting stupid, why don't you get off your high horse and realize that this is exactly what the government is doing to us right now and yet you consider your selves somehow smart and above the "rest of stupid masses" c'mon guys you can't have your cake and eat it too....Let people make a decision for themselves, do not try to decide for them That's how we got into trouble in the first place.

There was a quote in a trance track long time ago and went something like this:

"All illegal drugs should be made legal and sold for 0.25 cents in single doses to anyone who wants them, that's how you seperate weak-links from men with self control " lol
I believe that all drugs should be legal.

Now the exception of course would be poisons. Chemicals which are highly toxic and have no recreational value should not be legal.

Where to draw the line is the problem.

What I find slightly amusing about the US, is that you are allowed to posses firearms over there. Tools designed for the sole purpose of killing other people. And yet your drug laws are even stricter than ours in the UK. You can posses a deadly weapon, but not a handfull of little pills. LOL. Anyway that was just an aside really.

As for MDMA, yes I believe it should be legal, liscensced and taxed just like alcohol. Same for most of the drugs discussed on this forum.
I dont believe E should be legalized, but i agree in it being decriminalized.
Are you all mad?

OF COURSE IT SHOULDN'T BE LEGALISED. Not only would it ruin the country but would kill the excitement of the rave culture and the drug itself.
cookie-monsta said:
Are you all mad?

OF COURSE IT SHOULDN'T BE LEGALISED. Not only would it ruin the country but would kill the excitement of the rave culture and the drug itself.

Hmmm I don't really get this "I get excited over the drug being illegal" thing. Whatever floats people's boats I guess.

As for 'ruining the country', I don't think so. There's already so many ways nations around the world are f-ed up, I don't think the decriminalisation or the legalisation of E would make much difference.

I would like some sort of decriminalisation or legalisation to occur because it would make things in general a lot easier (to acquire, to seek help if you need it etc).
no it shouldn't be legalized and it won't be. you know why? umm cause it's a drug and not like weed either but its one of those special class drugs grouped with cocaine and shit like that.. and legalizing it would mean a lot more people would have access.. it would also go mainstream meaning a lot more people would sell it to make profit and cut it with stuff like caffeine even moreso than people are doing now. my 2 cents.........%)
cookie-monsta said:
Are you all mad?

OF COURSE IT SHOULDN'T BE LEGALISED. Not only would it ruin the country but would kill the excitement of the rave culture and the drug itself.

the rave culture killed itself. and ruining the fun of the drug? well hell, thats one reason i want it legalized! mdma and other psychedelics shouldnt be for 'having fun' or 'getting fux0red up yo,' thats what alcohol is for.

Can you please explain yourself? I'm a little confused.

If you don't use ecstacy and psychedelics to have fun, then what the fuck do you use them for?
I agree very much with tathra, I also don't think psychedelics should be used for having fun. Psychedelics are very serious tools for self-exploration, and should be used as such.

Btw, what makes the rave-culture so valuable, compared to a whole world who uses psychedelics responsibly to raise the spiritual level of it's people? When I think of it like that, I couldn't care less about people who feels special, just because they take an illegal drug. And, btw, what's so special about that? Millions of people does it every week!

OK child_inside, picture this:

Every second twit at a bar, pokies venue, festival, parade - any sort of event, on pills. Imagine everyone, all the idiots out there using ecstacy on a regular basis for social occasions that don't warrant it. I don't know about you, but this would pretty much ruin the fun of the drug. And, as much as you want to dispute it, there is a certain exclusivity associated with taking drugs and going to raves etc. That's why it is so easy to make friends at raves, because you all belong to a certain strata of society and share common interests and ideals. Legalising ecstacy would increase the market to everyone, thus removing the similarities between ecstacy users and dulling the drug.

And btw, after you have used psychedelics and ecstacy more than once, they are no longer tools for self-exploration, they are merely for having fun.
Joel_uk said:
To all those people who think it should stay illegal, yet they use it themselves, would you be pissed off if you were put in jail for possesion?

No one has answered this question!

I'd venture that every person who has responded to this thread has used (and thus posessed) MDMA at some point in their lives. We're guilty of something that is illegal in every nation in the world. Some places could lock us up for it, or at least send us to rehab that we don't need. We'd be saddled with legal fees and a stigma that could sidetrack our lives. We should think not only about who could get their hands on pills, but also the risks WE run. Voting for Illegal MDMA is saying that anyone who uses it is a criminal, a deviant in society. I know I'm not a criminal.
Yes I would be pissed off.....

I never said the punishment for MDMA possesion is fair. Still I would not be happy with a fine or any other punishment.

My view is that if you are smart enough to be using drugs like MDMA, at your own discretion(intellegence should not be a prerequistite for MDMA use in psycho therapy), then you should be smart enough to avoid the law in these situations.

And for situations such as narcs, and pure accidental coinicidence, well that is the unfortunate effect of its illegality. However, I would say that 95% of drug arrests are due to a stupid move by whoever was caught.
It sounds like you'd prefer a decriminalized model with very light penalties for posession. In a world like that, I doubt the cops would even bother busting people with MDMA at all. Since it's at their discretion, you'd have to probably be doing something else to piss them off. So it's de facto legal now...I don't see how you could have it illegal with minimal penalty and expect ecstasy to be reserved to the "MDMA Elite."

The CCLE defines cognitive liberty as the right of each individual to think independently and autonomously, to use the full spectrum of his or her mind, and to engage in multiple modes of thought.

who is the goverment to tell us how we are allowed to think?! this isnt the year 1984 anymore. is it? 8(
cookie-monsta said:
Every second twit at a bar, pokies venue, festival, parade - any sort of event, on pills. Imagine everyone, all the idiots out there using ecstacy on a regular basis for social occasions that don't warrant it. I don't know about you, but this would pretty much ruin the fun of the drug. And, as much as you want to dispute it, there is a certain exclusivity associated with taking drugs and going to raves etc. That's why it is so easy to make friends at raves, because you all belong to a certain strata of society and share common interests and ideals. Legalising ecstacy would increase the market to everyone, thus removing the similarities between ecstacy users and dulling the drug.

And? What's so good about exclusivity?

Do you think taking ecstasy is like being a part of a high school clique? What a strange way to think...

cookie-monsta said:

And btw, after you have used psychedelics and ecstacy more than once, they are no longer tools for self-exploration, they are merely for having fun.

Self-exploration is a life-long process.
LOL, I missed that one the first time, "more than once"?

This is off topic but if you think you've learned all there is to know about psychedelics or E from a single experience you are sadly mistaken! I get FAR more out of my trips these days than I ever did when I was a stupid 15 year old eating mushrooms for kicks.

--- G.
So would you say that the more you use e's, trips and psychedelics the more enlightened and self-explored you become.

In that case Ozzy Osbourne must have reached Nirvana.8)

Taking ecstacy isn't like being in a high school group, but there is something similar about todays ecstacy users (in Australia anyway). That's one of the things that makes going to raves so much fun, you can meet many people who share common interests to yourself. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard people complaining about the crowd at a 'Future Entertainment' rave then I'd be a very rich man. Crowd is obviously somewhat important to todays ravers/ ecstacy users or we wouldn't hear so much griping about it. If more people took pills then we would always get a 'bad crowd'.

Apart from increasing the popularity of trance music, legalising ecstacy would have very few advantages.
You think taking ecstasy is only about going to a rave? I've never been to a rave - I've always taken ecstasy in a home setting with friends.

As for self-enlightenment, well it all depends on how you use the drug - not necessarily how much you take but you don't usually discover the meaning of everything in one or two gos.
Ecstacy isn't only about going to raves. But having done ecstacy in a range of places and situations, I can certainly say that it is (on average) the best place for it.